This is amazing, but when I saw the first panel I was hoping the second panel would be Gabe & Tycho but drawn realistically. I think that would be even better.
They use to have a strict rule to never draw their real selves but they caved at PAX. Only a matter of time before they did this in the comic and the Retina Display (Which looks disturbed) is the perfect excuse.
I think this is the first time Mike and Jerry have actually been in the strip.
Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
My sister was in town last weekend, and since I am the only person in this family who is on speaking terms with technology, she wanted to know what kind of computer she should get. Her old one is old. It has become recalcitrant. It cannot or will not web as it once did. It was a very strange conversation, because it’s becoming very clear that for ninety-five percent of usage cases NOBODY needs a computer. She could just as easily have asked me what kind of Anvil she should get.
Invariably, the Blacksmiths in the audience are going to pipe up, their hammer levered over their shoulder, apron covered in the accumulated work of the forge, and say that anvils are the best. But I’m not saying that nobody needs one, I’m saying that almost nobody needs one. I am never bringing a computer anywhere, ever again: I have a wireless keyboard, and the case for this iPad lets it stand with the vigor of a Private at muster. It won’t pair with my “mighty mouse,” but that’s an artifact of the Jobsian era, and should be remedied forthwith.
However, whats with the eye color wheel?
Oh god, I can't breathe!
they are beautiful in their own way
Something about Mike's face reminds me of Butt-head (of Beavis and Butt-head).
That's the retina display icon, I believe.
I really hope this one has a video associated with it. You can just hear the two of them and their whole crew cracking up as Mike draws this.
Am I wrong?
Quite possibly Mike's magnum opus.
I came here just to say that. And someone else had already done it.
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Jerry looks like he has been drinking that crow tonic.
Extra presents for Mike and Jerry this Christmas.
edit: and gabe's teeth need to be less straight
My day is now over. I am going home. It is flawless.
... My, what a boring Signature.
Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
Steam profile.
Getting started with BATTLETECH: Part 1 / Part 2
So good
ZombiePimps XBL Community | Design Portfolio | GuildWars 2 Guild
Xbox LIVE Gamertag: ZP Xai Xo | Steam ID: Joshimodo
I may be missing something, but how does this show Mike and Jerry in a strip?
Really? You really don't know?
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Jerry is like a shark.
Are you really being aggressive about the words I chose to use in a sentence to compliment someone?
Are you really?
He is saying bald guy in panel one is clearly based on Jerry, and goatee guy in panel three is supposed to be Mike.