After being involved in the Pre-PAX Dinner for a few years, taking it on as my own, I think it's time to move on.
I have numerous things in front of me that will be preventing the Pre-PAX Dinner from being the priority it needs to be. In years past, we've come together and been able to pass the torch along to keep this great tradition going and it's my time to do that for Prime.
I'm looking for a person (or people) who are willing to put effort into this community driven event, to make it fantastic and make it their own. There will be time, work, MONEY and probably some tears (usually regarding the money) but dammit...this event should go on.
If you're interested, please PM me on the forums and let me know what you're thinking. While nobody 'owns' the Pre-PAX Dinner, I'd really like to try and keep the Official Un-Official Pre-PAX Dinner going. I don't want to hand it off to somebody who will just let it fall by the wayside and have everybody eating a bag of greasy Dicks ('s still funny.) I want somebody who will love this, who *wants* to put this on and be involved (or multiple people, make it a party!).
So, all that being me help you keep this alive.
Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
TF2 Hatpack
That said, there was a Pre-PAX Pig Roast at East this year that didn't conflict with the PPD. There was MUCH happiness at the whole roasted pig experience and the event easily could have attracted many, many more folks. I'd like to suggest to whoever does take this on that you consider the feasibility of a pig roast for the PPD this year (recognizing that non-pork eaters need options too).
I know that Chow Foods has done them before at the 5-Spot, and Fresh Bistro & Joule have as well. Some of the smaller Filipino or Vietnamese restaurants or even local breweries would probably love to make room for a crowd of 100 in their parking lots.
Anyway, I'm already booked with Cookie Brigade responsibilities the week of PAX, but I'm fairly down with the Seattle restaurant scene so the New Guard want any pre-work help (like the scheduley-stuff that happens a month out from PAX), I'd be happy to lend a hand.
Since I'm local, I volunteer to do restaurant scouting. If the team really really wants to, we could use Face Time to virtually tour the restaurants from afar.
I loved your idea for the pig roast. Would that help reduce the work for everyone if we went that route?
That's funny, you totally read my mind. I was just poking around my phonebook this morning, talking to a couple of my restauranteur friends to find out the answer to that very question. It would be super if it was!
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
I'd be super in for that plan, definitely ask around! If not pig roast, then something similarly feast-y would be cool.
What about reusing last year's location?
What about reusing last year's location to minimize potential clusterfucks?
That's awesome! And I think we can safely assume that reusing a previous location is definitely on the radar.
- Barca (the bar from last year) would gladly do it again. You'll need to find a caterer.
- The caterer from last year will not do it again. He is a friend of mine and was doing that as a favor to me. He really doesn't do that kind of eventing anymore (which sucks because he's great at it).
- You'll want to consider keeping the Dinner up on Cap Hill...the Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament takes place on the Hill and a LOT of Dinner attendees generally plan to do both. Saving them cab fare (i.e. money) was a paramount concern for me and I believe it should be for anybody who's willing to do this. Which leads me to...
- The Prime PPD generally has around 120ish people attending. This is a problem for many restaurants and can have impacts on dietary considerations. Using the bar last year was a limiting factor in that it was 21+ BUT there aren't a LOT of under-21's that attend (sorry guys, it's true. I'm not saying NONE, please note). I know East has successfully used restaurants but I believe the attendance is lower. While it's totally viable, I had the preference to not do that. A caterer, while they can be more expensive, can be a bit more flexible. HOWEVER, this is all up to you guys. These were my experiences.
There's more, I'm sure, but i'm tired and hungry.
Oh and there's one other big thing you need to remember:
Whoever takes this over, you need to *KNOW* that your credit card will be hammered. Probably pretty hard. There are down payments, up-front payments, afterwards payments....Ideally, you'll set the price to cover costs, but I've lost money every year I've done this (I expected to) BUT it was *ALWAYS* worth it.
Since we're gonna have new people managing this this year, I HIGHLY suggest we go with the KISS rule and minimize our headaches. First off, sticking with Barca is gonna be a really, really good idea since that will be one unknown taken care of. We know it's in a good spot and that the staff there are very accommodating to our shenanigans. Yes, it means no one under 21, but to echo Beta, the dinner really is just a giant "get food in stomach before we get sloshed" get together anyway. Barca was packed last year so potential attendance loss due to the age thing isn't gonna be a problem. Barca wants us back so we might as well let it rock.
That means with one phone call we can entirely skip that headache and cut straight to catering this shindig. As far as diet goes, the typical "red meat/white meat/vegetarian" setup should cover our bases.
I know that there is a temptation to try and do something wild and zany and different but it'll only lead to tears and new cases of alcoholism. Let's keep this year as easy as possible and once we figure out how all this will work and the costs and all that, we can shoot for next year to scout new locations, try different ideas, etc.
NOTE: I am a sailor, I work roughly two weeks on, two weeks off save for May where my schedule will be a little goofy since I did some week swapping so that a coworker could go to his daughter's HS graduation. During my two weeks on, I'm still available via email and phone so that's not a problem but phone calls will more than likely be a voice mail thing. The flip side here is that during my two weeks off I literally will have nothing better to do all day and can get a ton of work done on this in a short amount of time since I will be home all day every day.
@TOGSolid - we have to get together and swap sea stories over drinx.
@lexicongrrl Lol, sounds good.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
Yeah, finding somewhere all ages would be cool, but I think that will be something to do for next year since there are a bunch of FNGs running the show this year. Minimizing potential headaches will be paramount this year while we're getting the hang of this.
Having met and talked to TOG last year, I'm very confident in his abilities to work with LexiconGrrl and anybody else who is interested in making this a fantastic year for the PPD.
As I mentioned to TOG earlier today, I will absolutely be around for questions and I might even be able to help out a little bit, but I'm definitely leaving you guys in charge. Lemme know if you have questions...also, TOG, I'll get you the Barca contact information as I mostly spoke with him via email.
"Pictochat? No. Dicktochat!"
However, I leave this in your capable hands.
I want to be very clear about my involvement in this: I will be glad to answer questions, provide support and opinions...but I am, in NO WAY, making any decisions. It sounds to me like TOG and LexiconGrrl should be getting together and forming a Power Union of Dinner Decisions.
I also trust TOG's capabilities, man is a community team player.
And @Vespachica - I am totally on board with that. I also am a Vespa Chica. We should go to the hill on our Vespas and check out options. I think we need to try the drinks at all the locations in the area. You know, just to be sure.
If any of you awesome people organizing this on the local level need a donation, hit me up (I'm not -made- of money, but I can spare a good amount if I get some warning to adjust my budget XD).
(ignores the part of me not even living there)
Twitter: @MrArcys
Well, get your butt up here and we can all do QC!
I'm on a boat yo (cue song). It'll be nice to make an appearance in Seattle in the summer but no guarantees. I'm gonna be pretty busy packing up my stuff up in Ketchikan and moving to Juneau during my off weeks.
I volunteer to go in your place!
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
Edit: I'm in Seattle, in case you weren't sure!
So I'm going to the East Coast next week but will be back the week after that. @VespaChica and I were talking about "scouting" locations via scooter maybe the week after that. Anybody down for a "research" excursion on May 11 or 12? How about a "quotation mark" event?