Okay Everybody! The passports are being printed, and the achievement prizes have been bought-en. When choosing your team, remember that the winning team with the most points will get SchlitzKrieg Tshirts, so if you're on a team with people leaving early you might have to work extra hard to get those winning points.
-SchlitzKrieg Bottle Openers and Keychains
-Baaaaar Towel from the Black Sheep Brewery in the UK
-Cobalt Blue Fliptop Liter Bottle Moleskin Beer Journal, complete with pages for recipes, tasting notes, and addresses
Team Pilsner is inadvisable, eh? Why is that? Are your taste buds unable to repel refreshment of that magnitude?
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer) PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Bump! We've had a cancellation and there is one ticket available. Please post here if you want it. First come, first served and be sure to read the info in the OP. It's not a cheap tour but it's going to be a lot of fun and you'll get to see a lot of the area outside of Seattle.
So the first SchlitzKrieg is over. Many, many thanks to everyone who came, everyone who donated their ticket money to Child's Play if they missed it, and to everyone who helped out. This was a big, ambitious undertaking that could not have worked without you.
Special shutouts to ...
@courtneyj for making all the prize swag AND the passports when she was sick and not sure she'd even be able to come, and Jason for being her wingman.
@JobiWanKenobi for bearing with me during the months of planning, contributing his own money when the budget ran out, helping with the food and lunch, and especially for being my wingman.
@VespaChica for generously giving up one of her weekend days for an all-day scouting mission while we located all the breweries and took vigorous notes on driving directions.
The tour was Amazing, Fun, and Exhausting, in that order. It was really long, and won't be that long again except by special request. You probably never thought you'd hear yourself say, " I'm sick of drinking beer," so all of you who stuck with it and survived the endurance round at the end will be getting a special something. I don't know what yet, but you earned it.
Please feel free to post photos (except of me), stories or suggestions for next year!
Glad to hear it was a success, and sorry again that I couldn't make it out for it! I'd be interested in hearing your lessons learned, and possibly doing something similar for East . . .
You do amazing things, LexiconGrrl!
Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling
@LexiconGrrl and @JobiWanKenobi rule at lots of things. This was no exception. Thank you so much for the organization and food! That blt salad ruled. Thank you, @courtneyj for making the stuff - it was so awesome!!!
I could not drink the last 3.5 beers. Just could not do it. Ugh. But it was so worth going to and SO MUCH fun - especially the Kitsap leg! Those guys are super awesome.
Awesome time, thanks so much again to everyone involved in putting it together and making it so amazing! Suggestions were asked for, but the only thing I've been able to think of so far is maybe to change the team names? That they were named after different kinds of beers lead a number of us to think that we were making a choice that would somehow be relevant to what we'd be drinking on the tour. Teams Lederhosen, Wienerschnitzel, and.. David Hasslehoff? I dunno.. But I thought the acheivements metagame was a stroke of brilliance and very fun, and totally would have hopped onto another team at the start if I had realized I wouldn't have to give up any delicious dark beer in doing so!
Damn right! Jeff giving Mark bunny ears makes that photo.
I'm still decompressing/unpacking from the awesome that was PAX and this tour. Must thank Lexi, Courtney, JobiWan, etc for putting this awesome thing together, and may next year's kick even more ass.
I think for next year, we must plan on abducting more brewers, as brinhing along Jeff and his dad to Sound (with an epic mini game of CAH), followed by adding Mark to the fray for lunch at the Pig was fantastic.
BlackDragon480 on
No matter where you go...there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai
Ummm...I can't remember but I think it might be Jeremy Renner's (not his real name) wife. THAT was effing priceless. I didn't see the resulting photo but I saw it happen! And it was all Jeff's idea, FWIW.
Shawna, if you're reading this, the ladies (and possibly Jeff, I'm not sure which way his pendulum swings; I didn't ask him) mean to compliment you in the most respectful way, because we're all sisters. Let's face it: your hubby is Hawt. Well Done!
Just realized that the route is a giant "a" is for alchoholism... (Once you see it, you can't un-see it... kinda like Dave's ass apparently.)
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer) PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
...the only thing I've been able to think of so far is maybe to change the team names? That they were named after different kinds of beers lead a number of us to think that we were making a choice that would somehow be relevant to what we'd be drinking on the tour. Teams Lederhosen, Wienerschnitzel, and.. David Hasslehoff?...
That's a really good suggestion. It didn't occur to me that the team names could be interpreted like that but yeah, I'd be up for Team Hoff next year.
Thought of another thing! I was at the back of the bus, and tried to be good about passing up water or snacks whenever someone asked, but maybe people would have been better about eating and drinking along the way if some of the snacks and a flat of water had been kept further front as well? And a list of what's available would be cool too, I don't even know what all we had for food! Mostly I think the water acheivements handled the hydration issue very well, but it's another thought :]
Toldja Amber was best.
-SchlitzKrieg Bottle Openers and Keychains
-Baaaaar Towel from the Black Sheep Brewery in the UK
-Cobalt Blue Fliptop Liter Bottle
Moleskin Beer Journal, complete with pages for recipes, tasting notes, and addresses
Reminder to the folks below to pick your team!
Oh No! There's only one spot left on Team Porter! What will you do?
You might have to Split the Party. Or go Pilsner. In my book they're equally inadvisable. :P
Pilsners are great for hot summer days which I'm hoping Monday will be (well, not TOO hot).
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
She prefers to go by "Sarah", but whatever ^_^
Special shutouts to ...
@courtneyj for making all the prize swag AND the passports when she was sick and not sure she'd even be able to come, and Jason for being her wingman.
@JobiWanKenobi for bearing with me during the months of planning, contributing his own money when the budget ran out, helping with the food and lunch, and especially for being my wingman.
@VespaChica for generously giving up one of her weekend days for an all-day scouting mission while we located all the breweries and took vigorous notes on driving directions.
The tour was Amazing, Fun, and Exhausting, in that order. It was really long, and won't be that long again except by special request. You probably never thought you'd hear yourself say, " I'm sick of drinking beer," so all of you who stuck with it and survived the endurance round at the end will be getting a special something. I don't know what yet, but you earned it.
Please feel free to post photos (except of me), stories or suggestions for next year!
You do amazing things, LexiconGrrl!
I could not drink the last 3.5 beers. Just could not do it. Ugh. But it was so worth going to and SO MUCH fun - especially the Kitsap leg! Those guys are super awesome.
The Most Excellent beer hat given to me by Gary at Silver City. I still need to figure out how to make it work without squealing.
Damn right! Jeff giving Mark bunny ears makes that photo.
I'm still decompressing/unpacking from the awesome that was PAX and this tour. Must thank Lexi, Courtney, JobiWan, etc for putting this awesome thing together, and may next year's kick even more ass.
I think for next year, we must plan on abducting more brewers, as brinhing along Jeff and his dad to Sound (with an epic mini game of CAH), followed by adding Mark to the fray for lunch at the Pig was fantastic.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Valholl laughing at the swath of destruction we left.
The SchlitzKrieg Bus, leaving Valholl with a Kidnapped Jeff "The Unofficial Mayor of Poulsbo" Holcomb inside, entertaining everyone.
It was a beautiful day on the ferry!
End of endurance round - food is gone but the beer remains. So much beer.
Here's our route:
Shawna, if you're reading this, the ladies (and possibly Jeff, I'm not sure which way his pendulum swings; I didn't ask him) mean to compliment you in the most respectful way, because we're all sisters. Let's face it: your hubby is Hawt. Well Done!
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
twitter: SwordMage86
XBL: SwordMagelet
That's a really good suggestion. It didn't occur to me that the team names could be interpreted like that but yeah, I'd be up for Team Hoff next year.
EDIT: How about Team Klaus?