Hey guys, I got the go ahead from the original cult-master from East so I'd like to try and have a cigar smokers meeting at Prime. The reason I need help setting this up is because I have NEVER been to Prime, and thus I don't know the lay of the land too well.
I imagine we would meet up on Friday or Saturday after the concerts had let out, or try and weasel in an hour or so for the swilling of scotch whilst we puff on stogies.. Either way, this is just to see who'd be interested in attending.
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Closing time in Seattle is 2am. Smoking inside public places is banned.
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
Sounds like an outdoor location takeover is required.
If we smoke outside, I would like it to NOT interfere with people who are not interested in being destroyed by smoke though, so a few feet off should be good. At the BCEC we did it at the Welcome Sign, worked for finding people.
You could smoke out front on pike street underneath the WSCC canopy over the street.
Or over in freeway park. Although freeway park gets kind of sketchy at night.
So we WILL have an outdoor meeting then, I imagine the temperature won't be too much of a deterrent though I've heard Seattle likes to rain like a silly bitch.
An outdoor location or scotch? Not sure you can have both lol.
I haven't been to Kell's by Pikes Place Market, anyone know if there is a cigar bar down there? The Portland location has one ::swoon::
What about bars with patios? Are those able to be used for smoking & scotch consumption or is Seattle run by fun nazis?
I shall as ever, bow before your might in these matters.
Although I've perfected smuggling 750ml bottles in my luggage, because fuck paying Washington state prices for liquor.
I have access to a staggering array of scotch at a local specialty store, so if we get a group together for this (note: I'm totally down with both the cigars and scotch) I can do my damnedest to get something nice to Seattle w/ me.
~ Buckaroo Banzai
Please please do not tempt me any further into potentially going into a Nanny State Rant! .
(Also if you guys are willing to accept a tabacco pipe smoker, concob to be exacty I may be interested in joining.
Some allow it, some don't. The ones that allow it aren't very close to the WSCC.
Id probably stick as close to the convention center as possible for maximum exposure/awesomeness.
Yeah, I don't particularly want to go trekking into Hipster Mordor just to get a place.
We welcome ALL smokers. At East someone brought a hookah.
(Sorry, don't fully know how to do links yet in BBCode.)
You may have to go to the casino.
Can someone contact Tini Biggs? They used to allow it on their patio... I can't think of any place downtown. But it's been a few years since I lived there.
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
If you are interested in the cigar meeting you will more than likely also be interested in the pre-PAX hookah meeting!
Something as simple as, everyone meet up at 6pm on Saturday or something like that... who knows, maybe someone might have a flask with fresh cool mountain water or Tang in it as well.
How is this that for an idea/location/time?
Gib, Newsletter etc. So where is this happening then? Because me and the friend who introduced me to pipe smoking may arrive.
Oh that's good then I guess, except I get lost everywhere! But I'll make it work. Do we have a time yet? (Also must remember to pack the Corncobs.)
Edit: Whoops hit the quote button twice.
Anyways, if you're looking for a place to do cigar's, I sugges El Gaucho which is on 1st Ave about roughly 5 Seattle blocks from the convention Center.
They have food, scotch and a cigar room. The cigar room isn't large.
I'm suggesting that we meet up outside of the Paramount after the concerts let out, preferably in the park that is attached to the convention center. Just look for the man with a mohawk smoking a cigar.
Also just to warn you, I always go to El Gaucho in a tshirt and jeans (and lately, shorts), and it's fine, but that's the kind of people that usually dine there.