Too much gaming for one city to contain?
How will you split your time?
For 2010 attendees it will be at the main stage at Benaroya, so quite near the convention center.
I'm mainly concerned about hotels, as a million dollar tournament is definitely going to draw some attention.
Valve actually recently announced they won't be showing anything new at E3. Of course they could be just trying to throw people off, but they continue to prove that they cannot count to 3, so... we'll see. :P
It's not happening at PAX it's happening near PAX. You don't need to have PAX tickets to get in.
I plan on going as long as it's not too expensive for tickets and I can manage my PAX time in with it. I love DOTA 2.
I read that they tried to make it apart of PAX, but for some reason PAX didn't want it. Maybe something to do with the League of Legends tournament. But, from the Dota2 blog;
"We will be releasing information on how to acquire tickets in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for details."
That makes it seem like it's a separate event. Unless the reason why PAX sold out so quickly is because Valve bought up thousands of tickets . A lot of people are confused because different sources are reporting different things. For instance, GeeCee's links seem to think it's apart of PAX, and yet the dota2 blog states that ticket sales will become available at a later date which wouldn't make sense if it's apart of PAX.
Maybe they will sell tickets, but also allow people with PAX badges to watch. That'd be pretty cool.
It's all pretty confusing right now. And a lot of people are looking for answers since this is one of the biggest gaming tournaments in the world.
Does that mean I'm pretty much SOL for getting into PAX?
Time to start lobbying for a 4 day PAX where day 4 is nothing but tourneys and money matches.
.... well that would certainly make it easier to find badges, at least for the 4th day
I think pro gaming doesn't really fit in well with our culture.
In all fairness the Omegathon is about 5 grand + trip.
Not for everyone.
In all honestly it's a nightmarishly bad idea to have any sort of tournament integrated into PAX precisely because it's tying up space/tickets/etc. that would be better used to serve PAX as a whole.
I know you're referencing that the competition is the drive for people and I fully agree it is. But no one has ever refused the prize or donated it to CP after winning.
My point is the most exciting tournament at PAX has a payout associated with it. Its not a "cash game" per se, but the spirit of it definitely is.
Completely agree with you. I think quite a few of us have an idea of what PAX is (dating back to Meydenbauer). But I think everything evolves and as videogaming and esports are becoming more intertwined, it starts becoming harder to draw the line between gaming convention and esports tournament venue.
The Omegathon is way closer to being a game show than it is an e-sports event. I'm pretty sure any hardcore, e-sports enthusiasts would tell you that the Omegathon would never be considered as an e-sport given it's complete randomness in contestant selection, game selection and complete secrecy regarding the final round.
I'm fairly certain there were Zelda Fanatics crying at the fact that the last round took as long as it did. (FWIW, I'm clumsy at Zelda, so I couldn't have done much better.)
Perhaps, but it won't be the same by any stretch. Part of the Omagathon's fun/appeal is that there's only a limited connection between the different rounds. Over the long haul you begin to see an overarching theme obviously, the round during the concert (4th? 5th? I get my count confused) is a rhythm game, a driving game (e.g. Mario Cart) seems to pop up a lot and there seems to be at least one TT game each time. But if you asked for any sort of connection aside from that I'd be at a loss. (OK, well East has "pairs" but that's more of a rule than a "theme")
There is also an additional batch of tickets each day at the same time up until the 16th.
Also it looks like anyone with a PAX Prime Badge can get in. (First come. First Serve.)
That's really cool actually. Didn't expect them to do anything for PAX attendees. Nice option for people like me who may want to watch a bit of it, but don't really want to spend a lot of time, or $50 to watch.
It might be difficult for people without International Tickets to get into the bigger more important games though if they show up just wanting to watch that game. I'm getting a ticket just so I can alternate between PAX and the International because I play DOTA 2 constantly.