As The DayZ Go By (water flowing underground)



  • ackack Registered User regular
    the lack of people buying me this game is FUCKED

  • OrikaeshigitaeOrikaeshigitae Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Improved netcode and memory footprint. Direct voice also works well.

  • The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    ran the updater that i got through that zip file, didnt look like i needed to do anything fancy in steam

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly Eidolon Journal Updated
  • FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    So direct voice is okay on the server now?

  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    So, full story while I patch.

    The server has just restarted, and about six of us are on a hill over a military base. It's a dangerous location; lots of good military weapons can spawn there, so it's often camped. Chester and I have silenced weapons, so we decide to sneak into the base and check for good loot while the others get organized.

    Pretty much as soon as we reach the tents, those left on the hill start coming under sniper fire. Unfortunately, the sniper has the drop on them (and it later turns out a very rare military sniper rifle), and pretty soon only Icy is left, taking cover behind a tree. Me and Chester abort our loot run and return to the hill; Icy points us towards the last position of the sniper and I manage to spot him. I start veering left to circle around him. I'm about to tell Chester and Icy to go right and straight respectively when it occurs to me that straight at a sniper shooting at us is suicide, and right of us is a big empty field. I change my orders to "try and distract him".

    I'm coming around the side when I hear a shot and "Icy has been killed" pops up. I start the charge towards the bushes the sniper is in, but I can't really get a good visual on him till I'm close. Another shot, "Chester has been killed". But I come around the bush and see the sniper at close range just as he turns towards me. I mash down the fire button, forgetting that my AKM defaults to full auto, and bullets fly everywhere as my 30 round clip empties before I realize what's happening. I start retreating and hitting reload, but spot "Duncan has been killed" in the chat log; the sniper is dead.

    I grab his sniper rifle and then look back at everyone else's bodies. Victory feels hollow :shock:

  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    finally got to play, wherein i stumble on a barn just east of cherno and find a rifle, too frightened to leave

  • BionicPenguinBionicPenguin Registered User regular
    Man. Man. I just had a crazy shootout at the NW airfield. Myself and two others approached from the north and slowly made our way to the 6 southern hangars. I climbed the fire station to keep watch with my DMR while one of my group went behind the hangars. I spotted someone checking the hangars and the guy who went behind came out and shot him. He was immediately sniped by someone else. I climbed down to the main roof of the fire station where the 3rd member of our merry little band was waiting and then he got sniped as well. I went prone behind a vent or something, trying to locate the sniper. I eventually pinpointed him on one of those tall framework towers with the lights on top, so I rolled behind the fire station tower and slowly inched sideways until I could get him in my sights...Bam! Bambam! Got him.

    Well, I figured that was it, so I started looting my buddy. I grabbed what I wanted but zombies were at the nearby ladder, so I headed for the ladder closer to the hangars. I get down to the lower roof when a shot hits the ground at my feet. FUCK! I go prone and hide behind the lip of the roof. I try the same thing as before, but he's having none of that and hits me. I'm bleeding. Fuck fuck! I decide to make a break for it and just run off the roof. I lose a little blood from the fall and I'm getting swarmed by zombies, but I don't have any broken bones. I know I need to bandage myself and can't very well do it while being spanked by zombies, so I run for a hangar, thinking they'll walk inside. Nope. I run for the fire station, zigzagging to avoid shots. I make it without getting hit and quickly bandage myself (down to 3000 blood) before I start dispatching zombies. Then the server crashes.

    That was probably one of the most intense gaming experiences I've ever had. I still haven't logged back in.

  • WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    Do I need to be using the beta launcher?

    Edit: I cannot get this to run properly through the retail version's beta launcher. What should I be doing to make the shortcut recognize that I have DayZ files?

    WeedLordVegeta on
  • OrikaeshigitaeOrikaeshigitae Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Fugitive wrote: »
    So direct voice is okay on the server now?
    Shoudl be!

  • The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    doing this through steam is ass, agh

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly Eidolon Journal Updated
  • The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    scratch that I'M IN SCAVENGING TIME

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly Eidolon Journal Updated
  • WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    okay, I cannot get the proper target line for the non-steam beta launcher to work

    it's some combination of -mod=@dayz but for the life of me I cannot figure the proper combination

  • SquallSquall hap cloud Registered User regular
    im running from the Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch.exe and the target is "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -MOD=@DAYZ

    hasnt given me any trouble

  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    Well, no matter what I try the beta patch gives me an error, so I can't play on the SA server. Hopefully there'll either be a fix soon or the server will go back to the release patch.

  • WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    So I tried the launcher code @squall gave me and not only did I get the same error, it locked up my computer HARD.

    Had to restart, just decided to start from scratch, wiped the whole DayZ folder.

    Maybe one day I will get to play this bideo game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CheesecakeRecipeCheesecakeRecipe "Should not be allowed to post in the Steam Thread" - Isorn Squalor Victoria, Squalor Victoria!Registered User regular
    How are you supposed to run the beta? I tried using the shortcut and path listed above but I just get a profile error before the game loads, then when it does load anything it just shows up as this:

  • AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    There's a video at the bottom of, uh, page 3 I think? That talks about using the Spirited Machine launcher. I've been using it without issue, and it even has path options for beta versions of Arma.

    The only downside is that I don't think you can use Steam overlay or whatever.

  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    I'm getting "Error creating Direct3D 9 graphical engine" when I try going through the Spirited Machine launcher with the beta option. When I try the shortcut itself I get kicked from the server because I supposedly don't have the Day Z files, but I'm looking right at them.


  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    Skeith wrote: »
    I'm getting "Error creating Direct3D 9 graphical engine" when I try going through the Spirited Machine launcher with the beta option. When I try the shortcut itself I get kicked from the server because I supposedly don't have the Day Z files, but I'm looking right at them.


    This is the problem I get.

  • FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    I got that, too. It's probably an error with the shortcut (??). For me, it was because I didn't have the -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion tag in the right place. It can also happen if you have the -mod initializing before the -beta tag, I believe.

    [edit] This is how I have mine set up:
    "...Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2OA.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -nointro

    Fugitive on
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    and I'd stick that line where? parameters?

  • FugitiveFugitive Registered User regular

    And your "Start in" should direct to "...\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ARMA 2", or whatever your default, non-beta launch folder is.

  • RuckusRuckus Registered User regular
    Skeith wrote: »
    and I'd stick that line where? parameters?

    No, you need to create a desktop shortcut. The beta won't launch properly from Steam.

  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    edited May 2012
    That gives me this =/

    edit- desktop shortcut tells me I'm missing the chenarus file.

    Skeith on
  • SatsumomoSatsumomo Rated PG! Registered User regular
    Bremen wrote: »
    Skeith wrote: »
    I'm getting "Error creating Direct3D 9 graphical engine" when I try going through the Spirited Machine launcher with the beta option. When I try the shortcut itself I get kicked from the server because I supposedly don't have the Day Z files, but I'm looking right at them.


    This is the problem I get.

    Restarting my PC fixed this for me.

  • WeedLordVegetaWeedLordVegeta Registered User regular
    Finally got it running

    survived all of five minutes

  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    Try and take a second look at the crossbow. It's gotten super good for a patient team that doesn't really want a firefight, but you kind of have to train yourself with it if you want to play on servers without crosshairs.

    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    Fugitive wrote: »
    I got that, too. It's probably an error with the shortcut (??). For me, it was because I didn't have the -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\expansion tag in the right place. It can also happen if you have the -mod initializing before the -beta tag, I believe.

    [edit] This is how I have mine set up:
    "...Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2OA.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -nointro

    This worked for me, thanks.

  • AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    Paladin wrote: »
    Try and take a second look at the crossbow. It's gotten super good for a patient team that doesn't really want a firefight, but you kind of have to train yourself with it if you want to play on servers without crosshairs.

    The crossbow would be nice if the bolts didn't glitch out of reality like half the time I shoot a zombie. It'd be a fantastic weapon if the bolts stacked a bit in the inventory.

  • PaladinPaladin Registered User regular
    Crossbows have also been secretly buffed so one shot kills now

    Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
    Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    So, after fixing the problem I decided to log into the server for a bit. I find a spot next to a low stone wall to conceal my profile, then start scanning the nearby area for targets through the scope. A few minutes turns up nothing, so I alt-tab to look at the map, thinking about checking the nearest deer hut.

    Open Arma up again, and suddenly *BANG*, a bullet pings into the wall above my head. Someone's shooting at me! I jump to my feet and start running, picking a weaving path through the trees. I go over the hill I was on and dive into cover on the other side, whirling around looking for pursuers. Nothing, so heart racing I disconnect.

    Then I realize that I probably just double clicked when selecting Arma on my taskbar and fired the sniper rifle I had out.

  • SonicSonic Absentee Landlord Registered User regular
    Where does one get version 1.60.92767 of Battleye?

  • OrikaeshigitaeOrikaeshigitae Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I'm also jumping on for a bit.

  • DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    hey guys I've got the Sadness

    so if I hotmic and all you hear is crying

    don't worry about it

  • DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    edited May 2012
    hmm why doesn't steam auto-update?

    ArmA I mean

    Depressperado on
  • facetiousfacetious a wit so dry it shits sandRegistered User regular
    Scavenged a town, found a bunch of food and ammo and a compass and managed to hole up inside out of the rain for a while. When it stopped I ventured outside and made my way along the road hoping to find another town.

    Then it started raining again. In hindsight, I should have just turned around back to the town. But I kept walking. Then I figured out how to use the compass and got the bright idea to cut through the forest.

    And got lost for about half an hour. I discovered what I think must be the out of bounds area - there was a clear line where the terrain went from forest to just grass hills stretching into the distance. I cut back inside the line and tried to find anything, to no avail. By the time I disconnected my body temperature was down to about 12, I was coughing and shaking, and I had no idea how to find anything resembling civilisation.

    "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde
    Real strong, facetious.

    Steam: Chagrin LoL: Bonhomie
  • AneurhythmiaAneurhythmia Registered User regular
    Log in during daylight hours and head southeast.

  • DepressperadoDepressperado I just wanted to see you laughing in the pizza rainRegistered User regular
    can't get this beta shiz to work :(

  • The BetgirlThe Betgirl I'm Molly! Registered User regular
    depress are you using the steam version/spirited machine?

    Steam PSN: YerFriendMolly Eidolon Journal Updated
This discussion has been closed.