atleast according to chris hecker, one of the devs on spore.
a couple points of interest according to him:
-the Wii is nothing more than two GameCubes stuck together with duct tape.
-the console isn't powerful enough to provide the next-gen experience he has been waiting for.
-the system is "severely underpowered," Hecker noted that he wasn't simply referring to the Wii's graphical capabilities. He wants to spend a console's CPU making games more intelligent, and he has found the Wii doesn't have the power to process things like complicated AI.
-Hecker also took Nintendo to task for not taking games seriously enough. "It's not clear to me that Nintendo gives a shit about games as an art form," he said.
pretty spirited fellow, id say. i do agree with him on a couple of things, but not as vehemently. i hope we get to hear some of the other "rants" aswell. be pretty interesting to read what they have to say when the gloves come off.
There is always few delusional gamers / developers who think that games are something that could be compared to real art. Basically same idiots whose Matrix represents apex of writing and William Shatner apex of acting.
because if his co-workers feel the same way, that lovingly textured alien anus wont be wagglin on your wii any time soon.
wow. that practically wrote itself.
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
Bijaz - Ironbreaker
Right, that's what I was looking for.
He's not even making a game as much as he is a glorified... I don't even know what the hell spore would be.
Will Wright has confirmed that Spore is even coming to DS...
this seems kind of fake
No, it isn't fake. This is yearly GDC bashing feature, where collective nobody's complain about state of business.
Spore would be art. Pay attention man. It's fucking art.
uhh.. because art is only pretty pictures in the Louvre? Let's not do this, shall we?
Art is something that has *deep* meaning and raises strong feelings. And I don't really think that games really succeed in first category.
Video games are real art, I don't really think that's in question. Now saying that video games are the highest form of art would be another thing entirely
Faith in Spore--
More leik chris Heckler m i rite
That isn't what art is.
art, aswell as anything, is entirely subjective. any side could argue semantics until we reach the same conclusion: what does it matter what someone else defines it as, as long as you have your own definition?
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
Yeah thats not what I meant at all... I just think its funny that a game designer, who is working on a project that is lauded for its superb procedurally generated content, and is of a generally sandboxy nature, would be saying "THERES NOT ENOUGH ART!!!111"
Nintendo is doomed!!!!! . . . To be artistically irrelevant.
Well we can argue about definition of art, but the point is that games aren't art. IMO, of course.
Damn, this pretentious "games are art" shit needs to stop. I agree that some games are very artful, in the same sense that movies are, but give it a rest. Games are supposed to be fun, that's the entire point.
Not true. Art is anything which is judged on asthetic principals and usually something which shows us a window to another time, place or world. Books, Drawings, Paintings, Poetry, Theatre, Music, Dance, Television, Movies and yes, Video Games all qualify as art.
a true artist is never noticed until theyre dead.
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
a game can very much have deep meaning and raise strong feelings, but that's where the idea of a 'game' can start to break down. For some, it's a fun, entertaining test of reactions and skill, which is the kind of thing that's doing very well on the Wii at the moment (although there's a good chance the controller will be used to heighten immersion in a story-building sense, too). There are also a number of games out there that are striving to create something that i would call more 'interactive entertainment'. They want to be taken more seriously, because they're trying to present a more story-based and immersive world to the player. Just looking at peoples' emotional reactions to the latest BioShock footage (leering over a little girl who's terrified of the player, and her reaction to this). The point of the game being to encourage actual moral choices in the player, making it a more extrinsic experience.
That's not what art is, and you haven't played the right games.
The guy has a point in that Nintendo could be doing more to experiment with how immersion can affect player response, but he goes about it the wrong way, and ultimately the onus is on him and his kind to do it.
That, to me, is art.
For a game the greatest demonstration of artistry is in the gameplay, not the presentation. That is why you're playing a game and not watching a movie or reading a book. I don't see how procedurally generated content inhibits gameplay. It probably helps if done well.
"Art is that which is made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind and or spirit.
An artwork is normally assessed in quality by the amount of stimulation it brings about. The impact it has on people, the amount of people that can relate to it, the degree of their appreciation, and the effect or influence it has or has had in the past, all accumulate to the 'degree of art.' All "timeless masterpieces" in art possess these aspects to a great extent.
Something is not considered 'art' when it stimulates only the senses, or only the mind, or when it has a different primary purpose than doing so."
edit - also, I was just saying that spore was probably one of the least artistically motivated games around, not that it was somehow "entirely unartistic" in the same way that a dang patch of dirt is.