Tastefully straddling the line between documentary and guilty-pleasure voyeurism, Penny Arcade: The Series collects the bizarre continuum of one of the world's strangest companies. In this episode we examine some of the tattoos of the PA crew and why they got them.
Mike's hilarious pain aside, this is a beautiful ep.
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...I do want to know exactly what that was. His voice sounded pretty normal to me (compared to the anti-smoking PSA that's been making the rounds lately), and I didn't even notice until I realized he was reaching for his throat a bunch. So, can any more-informed people shed some light on that?
I went to middle-school with a kid who had a condition similar to Tom's. It isn't necessarily a "smoker's hole", there are many reasons why one would have to have that device put in. My friend was paralyzed, rode in a wheelchair, and had several diagnoses regarding his trachea. I never learned all the details, but from what I gathered, it was some form of bacteria built up, not a result of smoking.
"I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
"No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
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This was a really nice episode. I didn't know, that most people have such strong connections to their tattoos...
Somehow, all those people in the series are SUCH strong characters.
And Mike, if you think the elbow hurt, then don't ever get a tattoo over your spine. That one hurts so much that not even the Yakuza like to get them there.
And like Mike, I still travel hours to get my tattoos from a Spokane artist.
Jerry definitely needs a tattoo.
Kristin Lindsay?
She's had appearances in quite a few episodes, but she's been mainly in the childs play related ones.
Afaik she's the main one responsible for running childs play, dunno if she does anything else as well (or if she even has time to).
I'm feeling guilty... while I AM the Foundation Coordinator for Child's Play, Jamie does most of the day-to-day management so it would be fairer to say she runs it. My role is more on the hospital liaison end.
The rest of my crazy days are taken up by PAR and PAX Enforcer stuffs.... I manage the latter. AND THEY ARE RAD. And I get a lot of tattoos, obviously.
In fairness to Gaslight, I think the glasses are new. Hair might be a different color than the last time she was on PATV, too, not sure.
I also give you credit for running it because for a long time it was pretty much just you with the help of the rest of the PA staff, from what I know.
We all still appreciate everything you and Jamie do!
I'll probably hurling the craziest insults when i get mine done.
What do you do with PAR? I thought that was pretty much just Ben's baby (and Dabe too).