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[PATV] Friday, June 1, 2012 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 3, Ep. 29: Tattoos

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited June 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub
image[PATV] Friday, June 1, 2012 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 3, Ep. 29: Tattoos

Tastefully straddling the line between documentary and guilty-pleasure voyeurism, Penny Arcade: The Series collects the bizarre continuum of one of the world's strangest companies. In this episode we examine some of the tattoos of the PA crew and why they got them.

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • RogueSpectreRogueSpectre Registered User new member
    Again, another awesome episode! Seeing Mike in pain was hilariously, but I would scream like him if I was getting a tattoo.

  • llaunayllaunay Registered User new member
    Tattoo Artist with a Voice Box of Gold... hardcore. Another fantastic Ep.

  • 815165815165 Registered User regular
    that calf tattoo is hilarious

  • beaker4251beaker4251 Registered User regular
    Great episode! Is there nothing that won't make Mike cry?

  • KrubixCubeKrubixCube JapanRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Being in Japan (jesus I sound like a broken record...but stay with me), anyway, being in Japan I actually have to hide the tattoo on my arm quite a bit since I work in a school and it's still kind of a taboo. And it sucks, because this episode made me realize how much I WANT to talk about it, since that is definitely a part of me that I can't show at all. Very frustrating. This episode did make me want to get another one though.

    KrubixCube on
  • Venkman90Venkman90 Registered User regular
    You can really tell Mike is an amazing father. Also, I now want sleeves done.

  • ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall in an open manhole and die.

    Mike's hilarious pain aside, this is a beautiful ep.

  • JoshimodoJoshimodo Registered User regular
    Ahh, Erika has designer humour. Lorem Ipsum fo' lyfe.


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  • J. D. MilknutJ. D. Milknut Lord of Chipmunks Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    @KrubixCube Yeah, tattoos (especially on the arm) mean that you're part of the mafia. So unless you want to piss of some yakuza that's a smart choice.

  • ISeeJelloISeeJello Duder ScotlandRegistered User new member
    Always wanted a tattoo, never been able to decide what to get, for years now. Watching this just makes me want one even more.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Great episode, awesome sleeve. I got my first tattoo last Halloween of a Triforce, and as soon as it was healed I started scheming up what to get next. Loved Mike's cry out in pain on his elbow.

  • Tekk236Tekk236 Registered User regular
    Mike's noises while he's being tattooed are hilarious. Very good episode though! : )

  • mkreckel86mkreckel86 Registered User new member
    There should be a Facebook page or a gallery of all the people with the Pac-Man arm band. I'd love to know how many other PA fans, such as myself have it.

  • belligerentbelligerent Registered User regular
    I enjoyed the video, and Tom seemed like a cool guy, but that throat thing weird-ed me out.

  • theResetButtontheResetButton Registered User regular
    I enjoyed the video, and Tom seemed like a cool guy, but that throat thing weird-ed me out.
    I think saying it weirded you out is probably a bit insensitive, but...

    ...I do want to know exactly what that was. His voice sounded pretty normal to me (compared to the anti-smoking PSA that's been making the rounds lately), and I didn't even notice until I realized he was reaching for his throat a bunch. So, can any more-informed people shed some light on that?

    Keep honking: I'm also honking.
  • NecroSprinklesNecroSprinkles Registered User regular
    I enjoyed the video, and Tom seemed like a cool guy, but that throat thing weird-ed me out.
    I think saying it weirded you out is probably a bit insensitive, but...

    ...I do want to know exactly what that was. His voice sounded pretty normal to me (compared to the anti-smoking PSA that's been making the rounds lately), and I didn't even notice until I realized he was reaching for his throat a bunch. So, can any more-informed people shed some light on that?

    I went to middle-school with a kid who had a condition similar to Tom's. It isn't necessarily a "smoker's hole", there are many reasons why one would have to have that device put in. My friend was paralyzed, rode in a wheelchair, and had several diagnoses regarding his trachea. I never learned all the details, but from what I gathered, it was some form of bacteria built up, not a result of smoking.

  • MagicSwordKingMagicSwordKing | (• ◡•)|╯╰(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    Good tattoos, they cost money and you'll have them forever. Mike's squeals cost nothing, and we will all have them forever.

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    "I think he starts in reality and ends in fantasy."
    "No he starts in fantasy and ends in chaos."
  • Kathleen_LRRKathleen_LRR Registered User regular
    I totally sympathize with Mike's pain. When I was getting a fairly large tattoo done on my ribs the outlining hurt so badly my legs started to twitch uncontrollably. I am absolutely never getting another tattoo there.

  • DabeDabe Photographist Portland, ORRegistered User, Penny Arcade Staff regular
    The elbow, man. Not my favorite spot that's for sure.

  • ZobmieZobmie SeattleRegistered User regular
    Hrm. "Sorry, this episode is temporarily unavailable."

  • LesconradsLesconrads Registered User regular
    comments - at the videos! I'm in love with this feature that I now discovered.
    This was a really nice episode. I didn't know, that most people have such strong connections to their tattoos...
    Somehow, all those people in the series are SUCH strong characters.

  • RizzRustboltRizzRustbolt Registered User regular
    Mike's right, you do tend to forget the pain. Although just him talking about it made my spine start to burn a little. Even so, I think I'm going to go over to Whispering Danny's and get my other tattoo done now.

    And Mike, if you think the elbow hurt, then don't ever get a tattoo over your spine. That one hurts so much that not even the Yakuza like to get them there.

  • strike_the_tripstrike_the_trip Registered User regular
    Good episode, I kept seeing the new ink on Mike's arm in the other episodes and was wondering what was up.

    And like Mike, I still travel hours to get my tattoos from a Spokane artist.

  • ThreeCubedThreeCubed Grandma Winky's fat ankles Registered User regular
    Oh man, I'm currently trying to resist spending more money than I have on my first tattoo. The desire has just been building and building.

    Jerry definitely needs a tattoo.

  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    well after watching this video, yup, tattoos are still dumb

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    I am drawing a blank. Who is the woman with glasses in the green top? I don't remember her in the slightest.

  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I am drawing a blank. Who is the woman with glasses in the green top? I don't remember her in the slightest.

    Kristin Lindsay?
    She's had appearances in quite a few episodes, but she's been mainly in the childs play related ones.
    Afaik she's the main one responsible for running childs play, dunno if she does anything else as well (or if she even has time to).

    Psykoma on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    OK. That would explain why I don't remember seeing her in many episodes.

  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    @Gaslight that's Kristin Lindsey, she runs Child's Play as the "Foundation Coordinator"

  • ArsnofArsnof Registered User new member
    Wow... I've been thinking about getting a tattoo recently. Really, really thinking. Could this be a sign?

  • PRDPRD Kristin Lindsay I am a meat popsicle.Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    @Gaslight that's Kristin Lindsey, she runs Child's Play as the "Foundation Coordinator"

    I'm feeling guilty... while I AM the Foundation Coordinator for Child's Play, Jamie does most of the day-to-day management so it would be fairer to say she runs it. My role is more on the hospital liaison end.

    The rest of my crazy days are taken up by PAR and PAX Enforcer stuffs.... I manage the latter. AND THEY ARE RAD. And I get a lot of tattoos, obviously.

    PRD on
  • Svenne345Svenne345 Treasure Hider Registered User regular
    I think I would get a tiny one and then see how much pain I could tolerate. I've been thinking about this more and more too.

  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    Psykoma wrote: »
    Gaslight wrote: »
    I am drawing a blank. Who is the woman with glasses in the green top? I don't remember her in the slightest.

    Kristin Lindsay?
    She's had appearances in quite a few episodes, but she's been mainly in the childs play related ones.
    Afaik she's the main one responsible for running childs play, dunno if she does anything else as well (or if she even has time to).

    In fairness to Gaslight, I think the glasses are new. Hair might be a different color than the last time she was on PATV, too, not sure.

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    OK, seriously did not remember her at all. If she's usually off doing CP stuff and wasn't in the series very often, that would explain why I didn't recall her, but if people say she's been in a lot, I just don't know. Maybe it is different glasses/hair? Well, mystery solved anyway. I kept expecting a caption to pop up below her on screen. :P

  • ElkaeElkae Registered User new member
    For those asking - Tom has a trach and he uses digital occlusion as opposed to a one-way speaking valve.

  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    PRD wrote: »
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    @Gaslight that's Kristin Lindsey, she runs Child's Play as the "Foundation Coordinator"

    I'm feeling guilty... while I AM the Foundation Coordinator for Child's Play, Jamie does most of the day-to-day management so it would be fairer to say she runs it. My role is more on the hospital liaison end.

    The rest of my crazy days are taken up by PAR and PAX Enforcer stuffs.... I manage the latter. AND THEY ARE RAD. And I get a lot of tattoos, obviously.
    Such is the role of a manager, and if you're assigning praise based on work levels, the sign of an excellent manager.
    I also give you credit for running it because for a long time it was pretty much just you with the help of the rest of the PA staff, from what I know.

    We all still appreciate everything you and Jamie do!

  • 8BitBrian8BitBrian Registered User new member
    Someone said "yep, tattoos are still dumb." I realize you're allowed your opinion but I's kinda disrespectful to the artist for having a "dumb" profession and to the cast who have these "dumb" pieces of art work that TRULY mean something to them on their bodies.

  • 8BitBrian8BitBrian Registered User new member
    On a much happier note..Alex have all of my love once again!!! <3

  • NergyNergy Registered User regular
    As mean as it sounds, i couldn't help but laugh at Mike's "HBARGHOW!" when the needle hit his elbow. And then even more at his volley off pain-induced threats at the crew made me laugh even more.

    I'll probably hurling the craziest insults when i get mine done.

  • agilemaniaagilemania Lyon EstatesRegistered User regular
    PRD wrote: »
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    @Gaslight that's Kristin Lindsey, she runs Child's Play as the "Foundation Coordinator"

    I'm feeling guilty... while I AM the Foundation Coordinator for Child's Play, Jamie does most of the day-to-day management so it would be fairer to say she runs it. My role is more on the hospital liaison end.

    The rest of my crazy days are taken up by PAR and PAX Enforcer stuffs.... I manage the latter. AND THEY ARE RAD. And I get a lot of tattoos, obviously.

    What do you do with PAR? I thought that was pretty much just Ben's baby (and Dabe too).

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