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Is anyone else worried...?

TeburninatorTeburninator Registered User regular
edited June 2012 in Penny Arcade Games
Is anyone else worried they won't like the gameplay switch from the first two episodes to the third and fourth episodes? I was a huge fan of the first two (I've bought both thrice) and I'm sure I'll like the third and fourth but I'm worried it won't have the same ambience that the first two had.

This isn't to say they shouldn't have made it, I'm eternally greatful for them continuing the series. I just want someone to assuage my fears over the switch :(. Also I hope they somehow managed to keep cutscenes but that is probably not going to happen!

Teburninator on


  • AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    Hearing from the guys who are making it (who are regulars on these forums), and from the PATV video, and owning their previous games?

    Nah. I have no worries whatsoever.

    He/Him | "We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Dr. Johnetta Cole, 7/22/2024
  • KrubixCubeKrubixCube JapanRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Nope, not at all. I thought the gameplay in parts 1 and 2 was OK, but being the JRPG fan I am I think it's going to be the opposite deal for me and I will enjoy it much more.

    KrubixCube on
  • Edith UpwardsEdith Upwards Registered User regular
    I don't like the old games, they were laggy/buggy as fuck.

    What I miss is the viewpoint character and his snippyness.

    Hopefully Tycho's dialogue will make up for it.

  • ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Have you bought and played Breath of Death VII and/or C'thulhu Saves the World?

    Both are excellent, and available on Steam for $3 (often less on sales, possibly during the looming Steam Summer Sale Where Everything Is Like Half Off, No Seriously.

    At the very least, it would give you insight into the standards they've set for themselves on their own, before the PA guys got involved (which I like to think will only heighten what they can pull off).

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
  • TeburninatorTeburninator Registered User regular
    Forar wrote: »
    Have you bought and played Breath of Death VII and/or C'thulhu Saves the World?

    Both are excellent, and available on Steam for $3 (often less on sales, possibly during the looming Steam Summer Sale Where Everything Is Like Half Off, No Seriously.

    At the very least, it would give you insight into the standards they've set for themselves on their own, before the PA guys got involved (which I like to think will only heighten what they can pull off).

    Yes I have. I've played C'thulhu Saves the World and got bored maybe 3 hours of the way was totally worth the money I spent plus the comedy was great but it became...boring. I didn't finish it. That's why I am worried!

  • RainbowDespairRainbowDespair Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Forar wrote: »
    Have you bought and played Breath of Death VII and/or C'thulhu Saves the World?

    Both are excellent, and available on Steam for $3 (often less on sales, possibly during the looming Steam Summer Sale Where Everything Is Like Half Off, No Seriously.

    At the very least, it would give you insight into the standards they've set for themselves on their own, before the PA guys got involved (which I like to think will only heighten what they can pull off).

    Yes I have. I've played C'thulhu Saves the World and got bored maybe 3 hours of the way was totally worth the money I spent plus the comedy was great but it became...boring. I didn't finish it. That's why I am worried!

    Well, it depends on why you didn't like our previous games. Rain-Slick 3 has deeper combat, a more interesting ability system, better graphics (with a lot more animation) and much tighter dungeon design. And in my opinion, it's a much funnier game than Cthulhu Saves the World or any of the previous Rain-Slick games. If any of those improvements fixes your complaint with our past games, great. If not, oh well, to each their own.

    To be honest, your opinion of Cthulhu Saves the World is very similar to my opinion of Rain-Slick 1 & 2 - funny games but the gameplay gets boring fast.

    RainbowDespair on
  • PappySmearPappySmear Registered User new member
    I too fear this will be a 16 bit abortion and be utterly disappointing on Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 proportions. The first two games set a mood and was telling a story that may not be properly finished. I mean no disrespect to the people involved in the new game or their hard work. I just know that many of us have been burnt way too often recently by unsatisfying sequels that have tarnished the legacy leading up to them.

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Two completly unrelated companies made botched sequels in the past so all future sequels made by anyone anywhere must also be bad? That's a pretty gigantic leap of logic you have there buddy.

    Play the game, then form an opinion on it, or at least give Zeboyd the benefit of judging them by their own work and not other peoples failures.

    Casual on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    My prediction is that the people who have already made up their minds not to enjoy the game will not enjoy it.

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    Having played the demo on the game back at East I am not worried at all. But that being said I like that style of combat and believe that the dialogue written by Jerry will keep me invested in the game even if the gameplay does not. I have had this happen in the past so maybe it's just how I judge games.

    I would say that anyone who is interested whether they are worried or not should give the game a try and then form your opinion.

  • crash1001crash1001 Registered User regular
    I have no worries because I know the games in safe hands.

  • PappySmearPappySmear Registered User new member
    Never said I would not give the game a fair chance when I get to play it. Just saying I am going in prepared for yet another disappointment.

  • CasualCasual Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Flap Flap Flap Registered User regular
    PappySmear wrote: »
    Never said I would not give the game a fair chance when I get to play it. Just saying I am going in prepared for yet another disappointment.

    It's a $5 game. If the game disappoints you all you've lost out on is a sum of money smaller than most people spend on lunch. Or better yet, since you're apprently so convinced you'll hate it, why not go buy lunch with it instead, if making a sensible $5 investment means that much to you that the thought of squandering it keeps you up at night.

  • IgortIgort Registered User regular
    PappySmear wrote: »
    Never said I would not give the game a fair chance when I get to play it. Just saying I am going in prepared for yet another disappointment.

    The first sentence is completely contradicted by the second. "I'm giving it a fair chance, but I expect to be dissapointed."

    That is the worst possible attitude to have going into anything, ever. Why even bother?

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