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[PRIME] Band Speculations!!!

LividhatterLividhatter Registered User regular
edited September 2012 in PAX West
This prime will be my first PAX and I find myself wondering who will be playing at the concerts.

What was your favorite performance at any PAX, and who do you think will be there this year?

zerzhul on


  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    I'm going to venture a guess and say Jonathon Coulton, MC Frontalot, and Paul & Storm..

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • LividhatterLividhatter Registered User regular
    Time to google paul and storm. =)

    Do we think MC Chris or the video game orchestra are possibilities?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    VGO yes, MC Chris, no

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Protomen for sure. Their concerts have pretty much stopped being concerts and are more like Proto-religion revivals, with the crowd worshiping PantherJesus and his apostles of rock. I can see them being a concert fixture for a long time.

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Gonna be honest, I thought the Protomen dragged on a bit at East. But I did see a few people having what looked like the religious experiences that TOG was mentioning.

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  • ChorazinChorazin Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    mc chris is kinda boring in concert anyways, he just has a laptop with his beats and backing track for choruses and he stands in one place and raps. I mean, I love the guy, but I wouldn't go out of my way to ever see him again.

    3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
    Wii U NNID Chorazin
  • spydeyspydey Registered User regular
    It will be the usual suspects for sure. I'd like to see Palette-swap Ninja.

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    There was an issue with MC Chris back in '05 I think, so I'm not sure he'll ever be invited back, at least for main stage. It's possible he could get a spot in Jamspace but I wouldn't expect it.
    I know of at least one band that's been playing PAX for a while now that won't be returning but... I'm not supposed to talk about it and that's hard!

    So I think they are switching things up at least a little bit, but we'll have to wait and see. The Official_PAX twitter a day or two ago hinted at JoCo being at PAX, but that wouldn't surprise me. I think it's pretty safe to say that at least him, Paul & Storm, and Frontalot will be back.

  • CreamsteakCreamsteak Thrall Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    I asked some of the Protomen if they were playing at PAX when they were in St. Louis a couple weeks ago. They sort-of confirmed it. But that's not really 100% confirmation.

    Creamsteak on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were planning to at least be in the area during PAX to play some other shows, but I'll bet they will be performing at PAX too.

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    I know Powerglove does JamSpace at East but have they ever done it at Prime?

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  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Coldbrew wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were planning to at least be in the area during PAX to play some other shows, but I'll bet they will be performing at PAX too.

    And even if they aren't playing the main stage, you can bet they'll be playing somewhere that weekend.
    Coldbrew wrote: »
    There was an issue with MC Chris back in '05 I think, so I'm not sure he'll ever be invited back, at least for main stage. It's possible he could get a spot in Jamspace but I wouldn't expect it.
    I know of at least one band that's been playing PAX for a while now that won't be returning but... I'm not supposed to talk about it and that's hard!
    5 bucks says it's Metroid Metal.

    TOGSolid on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    I know Powerglove does JamSpace at East but have they ever done it at Prime?

    I don't think they have yet, but if they wanted to come out to Seattle (they are based out of Boston after all) you can bet they'll get a spot in the Jamspace. It looks like their upcoming tour ends in August, so who knows, maybe they will come out here. I certainly hope so!
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    And even if they aren't playing the main stage, you can bet they'll be playing somewhere that weekend.

    Yeah that's pretty much what I was getting at. :P
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    5 bucks says it's Metroid Metal.

    That would really bum me out if it was. But I get to see and hang out with them at MAGFest so it wouldn't be a huge loss I guess.

    It kinda sucks, I always want to see new and/or returning bands play main stage at PAX, but I enjoy most of the returning acts so much that I don't want them to leave. We need another day of concerts or something.

    Coldbrew on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Coldbrew wrote: »
    I know Powerglove does JamSpace at East but have they ever done it at Prime?

    I don't think they have yet, but if they wanted to come out to Seattle (they are based out of Boston after all) you can bet they'll get a spot in the Jamspace. It looks like their upcoming tour ends in August, so who knows, maybe they will come out here. I certainly hope so!
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    And even if they aren't playing the main stage, you can bet they'll be playing somewhere that weekend.

    Yeah that's pretty much what I was getting at. :P
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    5 bucks says it's Metroid Metal.

    That would really bum me out if it was. But I get to see and hang out with them at MAGFest so it wouldn't be a huge loss I guess.

    It kinda sucks, I always want to see new and/or returning bands play main stage at PAX, but I enjoy most of the returning acts so much that I don't want them to leave. We need another day of concerts or something.

    Yea, we really only have one night where you can squeeze in new guys since three slots are already taken up by Mc Frontalot, Jonathon Coulton, and Paul and Storm. You can't really get rid of those guys. The Protomen are quickly becoming one of the biggest (for lack of a better word) nerd acts and have a constantly growing, rabid fanbase so bumping them isn't a great idea either. Sooo two slots left.

  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Just wanted to clear up a little bit of miscommunication. Although the Protomen were there to hang out/rock out in JamSpace/be at PAX, they were not part of the PAX concerts last year. They were conveniently doing a concert at another location during PAX concert time and it was free if you had your PAX pass with you and/or purchased a ticket.

    I would not be surprised (but super happy) if they were asked to be an official group for this year's Concerts, but I just wanted to state that.

    CaptainTapole on
    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Just wanted to clear up a little bit of miscommunication. Although the Protomen were there to hang out/rock out in JamSpace/be at PAX, they were not part of the PAX concerts last year. They were conveniently doing a concert at another location during PAX concert time and it was free if you had your PAX pass with you and/or purchased a ticket.

    I would not be surprised (but super happy) if they were asked to be an official group for this year's Concerts, but I just wanted to state that.

    They were, however, an official concert at PAX East 2012.

  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Just wanted to clear up a little bit of miscommunication. Although the Protomen were there to hang out/rock out in JamSpace/be at PAX, they were not part of the PAX concerts last year. They were conveniently doing a concert at another location during PAX concert time and it was free if you had your PAX pass with you and/or purchased a ticket.

    I would not be surprised (but super happy) if they were asked to be an official group for this year's Concerts, but I just wanted to state that.

    They were, however, an official concert at PAX East 2012.
    ...I did state "last year" in there...But I get ya.

    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    I suspect the lack of an official Prime Protoconcert last year had more to do with PAX Prime 2011's dates getting all wacky more than anything.

    TOGSolid on
  • tsrblketsrblke Registered User regular
    Coldbrew wrote: »
    So I think they are switching things up at least a little bit, but we'll have to wait and see. The Official_PAX twitter a day or two ago hinted at JoCo being at PAX, but that wouldn't surprise me. I think it's pretty safe to say that at least him, Paul & Storm, and Frontalot will be back.

    The Official_PAX twiter hinted that tradition will continue another year! I'm shocked, Shocked I say! ;). (I'd be more surprised if JoCo wasn't at PAX to be honest.)

  • Stranger DangerStranger Danger Registered User regular
    I asked one of the protomen bandmembers when they were playing in Vancouver with Tenacious D if they were coming to Pax Prime this year. She confirmed they would. Not certain how certain that is without an official announcement though.

  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    The Minibosses are a good bet, but they are coming to Seattle this Saturday (June 23rd) for Arcade Armageddon @ El Corazon... They might not make the trip twice in one summer. I hope they do! The Minibosses don't need no instructions to know how to ROCK! \m/

    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    Initialdor wrote: »
    The Minibosses are a good bet, but they are coming to Seattle this Saturday (June 23rd) for Arcade Armageddon @ El Corazon...

    Holy hell how have I not heard of this until now? I might just have to try and make it down there, not only for them but I'd like to see Electric Children and Abducted by Sharks too.

  • Mr2001Mr2001 Registered User regular
    I hope Supercommuter comes back. I didn't know a thing about them last year, stayed after the big names to see them on a whim, bought the CD, and even now I still can't believe how damn awesome it is every time I play it.

    a.k.a. TaradinoC
    PAX 09 E10 P10 E11 P11[Ω] P12[E]
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Mr2001 wrote: »
    I hope Supercommuter comes back. I didn't know a thing about them last year, stayed after the big names to see them on a whim, bought the CD, and even now I still can't believe how damn awesome it is every time I play it.

    Wheelie is a god on the mic. Kind of a dick move that they put him on AFTER the main event.

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    Mr2001 wrote: »
    I hope Supercommuter comes back. I didn't know a thing about them last year, stayed after the big names to see them on a whim, bought the CD, and even now I still can't believe how damn awesome it is every time I play it.

    Wheelie is a god on the mic. Kind of a dick move that they put him on AFTER the main event.

    Yeah they kinda went back to the old days of putting the lesser known bands up last so they don't force the big crowds to stay up late. I was the same way though, I had no idea what Supercommuter were all about and ended up being super impressed by them. And they got to open one night at East this year so I'm sure that helped them a lot, but I think I enjoyed their show at Prime better.

    If they don't play though I'm sure they'll at least be around considering they're local, and I'd bet Stenobot will play some chiptunes in the Jamspace too. I would hope so anyway!

  • DonoramDonoram Registered User regular
    I feel like shortly after PAX East that Random AKA Megaran tweeted that he would be at PAX Prime 12. Don't know if that means he'll be at the show proper or just playing in town during the weekend.

    Saw him last year at Nectar with Frontalot and Klopfenpop and had an even better time there than at the official shows.

  • ChorazinChorazin Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    Im really not a fan of Optimus Rhyme, but Supercommuter is amazing!

    3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
    Wii U NNID Chorazin
  • littlehamsterzlittlehamsterz Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    VGO was awesome at PAX East and Jonathan Coulton :) he played Still Alive with VGO and it was amazing

    littlehamsterz on
  • thatoneguy_jmthatoneguy_jm Registered User regular
    Protomen have been confirmed! They'll be playing a show at PAX, and a show at El Corazon the night after PAX. From their latest e-mail...
    "For those of you who have been asking... Yes, it's true. We have once again been summoned by the PAX Lords (they demand that we call them Lords) to play some jams up in Seattle, and once again we have accepted their summons. As always, we couldn't be more excited to play those jams for the Lords of the PAX and everyone else, but unfortunately, if you don't already have a pass to PAX, you probably aren't going to be able to hear those jams. It sold out immediately. For those of you who already have a pass... congratulations, you are the victor/s. However, Seattlonians... if you didn't get a PAX pass, don't cry tears out of your face. You can catch us the day after PAX at El Corazon. Our show there last year was amazing, and so it shall be again. Don't miss it!"

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    No wonder I couldn't find this thread, it got bumped when I started searching for it. :P

    I was going to post that too, but yeah I"ll definitely be seeing The Protomen at least twice again, woo!
    I might try to make the Vancouver BC show on the Wednesday prior to PAX as well, but we'll see.

    Coldbrew on
  • VersuskidVersuskid Maui, HIRegistered User regular
    I would also guess super commuter.

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  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Protomen have been confirmed! They'll be playing a show at PAX, and a show at El Corazon the night after PAX. From their latest e-mail...
    "For those of you who have been asking... Yes, it's true. We have once again been summoned by the PAX Lords (they demand that we call them Lords) to play some jams up in Seattle, and once again we have accepted their summons. As always, we couldn't be more excited to play those jams for the Lords of the PAX and everyone else, but unfortunately, if you don't already have a pass to PAX, you probably aren't going to be able to hear those jams. It sold out immediately. For those of you who already have a pass... congratulations, you are the victor/s. However, Seattlonians... if you didn't get a PAX pass, don't cry tears out of your face. You can catch us the day after PAX at El Corazon. Our show there last year was amazing, and so it shall be again. Don't miss it!"

    They have shows listed for both Friday and Saturday night. I'd bet hard money on them playing Friday night at the actual concert and then Saturday being their usual secret show at Jamspace.

    TOGSolid on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    They only listed each PAX date because they're not sure yet which night of PAX they will perform; and to also note that they will be at PAX hanging out when they're not performing.

    As for a usual secret Jamspace show, sure that's possible but PA won't like it, so we'll see how well that goes. As long as it's unannounced it might be okay.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    It wouldn't be the first time they did a Jamspace show. They did one in 2010 and it was a hit. The only reason they didn't do one last year was due to some power supply problems (they did a secret Q&A instead, lol) but they might have that all resolved this year. Usually the "show time" is put out on Twitter during the afternoon. I can't fathom why PA wouldn't like it. It's not like it's cutting into any sort of revenue stream.

    TOGSolid on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    Khoo told the MAGFest guys that run Jamspace that they can't have any of the main stage acts performing in there (and that the doors must remain closed at all times, but that's irrelevant to this). I'm not saying it won't happen, it's just unlikely.

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    We "don't like it" because it draws too many people and it becomes a crowd control issue.

    Some guy.
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    We "don't like it" because it draws too many people and it becomes a crowd control issue.

    Aww, fair enough.

  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    I dunno, I went to a few concerts last year and I have to say I was kind of let down... None of the bands really interested me.
    The Protomen used a chunk of their stage time preaching and getting the crowd to cheer and JoCo and P+S are overrated...

    Not trying to troll, but just saying, I won't be attending any concerts if it's the same/similar lineup as last year.
    We need some new faces and new bands IMO.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    The Protomen weren't part of the concert line up last year. :-/

    TOGSolid on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    The Protomen weren't part of the concert line up last year. :-/

    Heh, was just going to say that. Ah well :P

This discussion has been closed.