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[PRIME] Band Speculations!!!



  • SerenitySerenity Registered User regular
    Ok can't remember which band it was then.
    Though, but my point still stands, PAX needs new bands instead of pretty much the same ones each year.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    If you haven't seen The Protomen live yet, do it this year. Their live show is incredibly powerful and they don't fuck around vainly trying to hype you up all set long (because they don't need to). Once Kilroy does his intro for the band, hold on to your butt because you will get your face rocked off for the duration of the show.

    PAX has a few set bands because they're kind of a staple but I've seen a variety of different acts come through like Freezepop, Supercommuter, VGO, The Minibosses, Metroid Metal, etc. Doing a one or two different acts while keeping a set of core, guaranteed seat fillers ensures that the concerts stay successful while still exposing people to different artists. One thing to keep in mind is that while guys like JoCo and P&S may have grown stale for someone who's been going for three or four years, most PAX attendees are rookies and are very excited to go see these recurring acts for the first time.

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Band lineup has been officially announced!

    What do you guys think?

    Personally, I wanted more change considering one of my favorites (Metroid Metal) was removed from the lineup. That, and I don't think Sam Hart is the greatest choice for main-stage, but I've been proven wrong before, so I'll have to wait and see.

    Coldbrew on
  • mikegonzalezmikegonzalez Registered User regular
    Looking forward to them releasing the concert schedule. At the risk of being stoned here, I don't think I could sit through a Paul & Storm song, let alone a full show. I'm hoping I can avoid them without missing Coulton, MC Frontalot, or the Protomen.

    "I'm a reasonable guy. But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things."

    XBL: ii Mike G ii - PSN: Greddy21 - Steam: notmikegonzalez - Slytherin - Death Eater
  • RandomAtomRandomAtom Registered User regular
    I dig the lineup and I dig the new site even more.

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  • RichSoCashRichSoCash Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    no Minibosses? :(

  • basicallygeekbasicallygeek Registered User regular
    Definitely psyched for Protomen and VGO.

  • MJPMMJPM Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    I'm really on the fence about Sam Hart's addition. Is anyone else familiar with him in a live concert setting, or is this going to be his concert debut? What can we expect? His act seems similar to the Coulton concerts of yore that were acoustic only. He has a mix of serious and semi-humorous songs, but none that I'd imagine in a PAX concert not falling asleep to. Not trying to be mean, but if he followed the Protomen, he would be slaughtered.

    My guess for concert schedule:

    Friday -
    VGO (logistically this makes sense since they have a complex set up so their stuff can be removed before the next acts)
    Supercommuter (Being in the Friday line up would mirror East)
    Sam Hart

    Saturday -
    Omegathon Round 3 (it would make more sense for Friday to have more bands to make room for the round on Saturday in case it goes long. This however was not done at East...)
    MC Frontalot (Not sure how the gauge openers and closers, since they closed with Super Commuter last Prime and with Front at East)
    Paul and Storm
    Jonathan Coulton (Was surprised that with the new album he did not close, might do so this time)

    MJPM on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Not really feeling that Sam Hart guy. Down for everyone else though! Glad to see Supercommuter back in action this year. Hopefully they don't get hosed on the schedule again.

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    Not really feeling that Sam Hart guy. Down for everyone else though! Glad to see Supercommuter back in action this year. Hopefully they don't get hosed on the schedule again.

    They were redeemed at PAX East this year, they opened so they had a much larger crowd. But yeah I hope they get a good spot this time too.

    I'd have to agree with MJPM about Sam Hart though. I like what he does, but I can't see it being appropriate at all for PAX main stage. I think if Penny Arcade just looked at other cons like MAGFest, BitGen, Nerdapalooza, etc. then they could have a large list of other fantastic videogame related bands that would be very well suited for PAX.

  • dustinanglindustinanglin Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    REALLY sad to see Metroid Metal and the Minibosses not on the lineup. I had just gotten so used to ending my Friday nights with a gratuitous round of Excitebikes...

    Wish they'd bring back Anamaniguchi, but maybe they were traumatized after that one year where their monitors were all screwy and someone had to get up on stage and hug the main guy.

    Also totally agree that Supercommuter should get a better spot this year. Putting anything after Joco is just plain mean (plus it means no endless Joco encore, which used to be a PAX staple).

    I'm keeping an open mind for the new guy. I kind of dig his Goodbye to You, Pikachu song.

    dustinanglin on
  • yanthraxyanthrax boners bonersRegistered User regular
    Most of you have probably heard of Sam Hart at one point or another. He did the Mario Kart Love Song that was pretty popular on Youtube a few years back.

  • ArdentbiscuitArdentbiscuit Registered User regular
    Good line up! I wish there was a little more variety but still cool!!!

    I'm seeing Protomen beforehand in another city!

  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    So there is Video Game Orchestra and Video Games Live.

    Is there a discernable difference?

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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited July 2012
    So there is Video Game Orchestra and Video Games Live.

    Is there a discernable difference?

    What is Video Games Live?

    Edit: here is VGO's generated youtube channel, I guess you can tell us what you think :P

    VGO has played a handful of PAXen now, and have a great vibe imo, but I suppose I can see (like any of the other bands/groups) how they might not be someone's cup of tea.

    zerzhul on
  • tsrblketsrblke Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    So there is Video Game Orchestra and Video Games Live.

    Is there a discernable difference?

    What is Video Games Live? {SNIPPAGE}

    Well VGL is a Jack Wall and Tommy Tallarico. From what I can tell there's overlap to be sure but VGL (from personal experience, seeing it live in STL '08) is more of a..erg...thing-a-ma-jig (three ring circus might be apt? In a good way though) lights, sounds, crazy video, Space invaders played by a person running across the stage. whereas VGO seems like more of a traditional orchestra (I could be wrong on that one, and someone can step in and correct me)

    Again, Overlap, but different. Having seen VGL in person (and browsing the youtube channel of VGO) I can say (with standard IMHO, YMMV, etc.) that if you like the music aspect of VGL, I'd check out VGO (I probably will this year, depending on how the line up goes and time committments, etc.) if you're big on the crazy "thing-a-ma-jig" aspect of VGL, and the music was just a perk, it might not be your cup of tea (but give it a try anyway.)

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    tsrblke wrote: »
    zerzhul wrote: »
    So there is Video Game Orchestra and Video Games Live.

    Is there a discernable difference?

    What is Video Games Live? {SNIPPAGE}

    Well VGL is a Jack Wall and Tommy Tallarico. From what I can tell there's overlap to be sure but VGL (from personal experience, seeing it live in STL '08) is more of a..erg...thing-a-ma-jig (three ring circus might be apt? In a good way though) lights, sounds, crazy video, Space invaders played by a person running across the stage. whereas VGO seems like more of a traditional orchestra (I could be wrong on that one, and someone can step in and correct me)

    Again, Overlap, but different. Having seen VGL in person (and browsing the youtube channel of VGO) I can say (with standard IMHO, YMMV, etc.) that if you like the music aspect of VGL, I'd check out VGO (I probably will this year, depending on how the line up goes and time committments, etc.) if you're big on the crazy "thing-a-ma-jig" aspect of VGL, and the music was just a perk, it might not be your cup of tea (but give it a try anyway.)
    Pretty much that. VGL is more of a hype fest while VGO is classier.

  • tsrblketsrblke Registered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    tsrblke wrote: »
    zerzhul wrote: »
    So there is Video Game Orchestra and Video Games Live.

    Is there a discernable difference?

    What is Video Games Live? {SNIPPAGE}

    Well VGL is a Jack Wall and Tommy Tallarico. From what I can tell there's overlap to be sure but VGL (from personal experience, seeing it live in STL '08) is more of a..erg...thing-a-ma-jig (three ring circus might be apt? In a good way though) lights, sounds, crazy video, Space invaders played by a person running across the stage. whereas VGO seems like more of a traditional orchestra (I could be wrong on that one, and someone can step in and correct me)

    Again, Overlap, but different. Having seen VGL in person (and browsing the youtube channel of VGO) I can say (with standard IMHO, YMMV, etc.) that if you like the music aspect of VGL, I'd check out VGO (I probably will this year, depending on how the line up goes and time committments, etc.) if you're big on the crazy "thing-a-ma-jig" aspect of VGL, and the music was just a perk, it might not be your cup of tea (but give it a try anyway.)
    Pretty much that. VGL is more of a hype fest while VGO is classier.

    I do classy every now and then, and VGO sounds right up my alley (I liked both parts of VGL) but if VGO is on Friday I may have to skip since I wanted to play the DnD next play test (I plan on trying to hit up whatever saturday night is again.)

  • skarsolskarsol Registered User regular
    I wonder if I'll be able to actually make out what Frontalot is saying this year.

    why are you smelling it?
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    For those of you who might want to see The Protomen and/or Supercommuter more than once that weekend, and will be in Seattle Monday night after PAX:

    They're doing a show at El Corazon, along with Danimal Cannon. Needless to say, it's going to be amazing!

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I already had tickets purchased. :D

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2012
    Oh I have too; just spreading the word now that all of the performers have been announced. :P

    Coldbrew on
  • MJPMMJPM Registered User regular
    Looks like my picks for each concert night's line up were correct, but not the schedule (pop Sam back one spot, drop Front all the way to the end).

  • MegaRanMegaRan TeacherRapperHero Registered User new member
    this should be fun.

  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    skarsol wrote: »
    I wonder if I'll be able to actually make out what Frontalot is saying this year.

    Doubtful! I've seen him five or so times and still can't understand him! Excited to see JoCo since I missed him in Santa Cruz and haven't seen P&S since w00tstock!

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  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Saw Frontalot live at PAXEast, sang along to every word and my friend who had not heard Front before was singing Stoop Sale afterwards. He was quite audible.

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  • aludrachaosaludrachaos Registered User regular
    Damn...first PAX, and I was quite looking forward to Metroid Metal. Oh well.

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