Tastefully straddling the line between documentary and guilty-pleasure voyeurism, Penny Arcade: The Series collects the bizarre continuum of one of the world's strangest companies. In this episode, our heroes create the strip "<a href="http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2012/06/04" target="_blank">Southern Exposure</a>."
Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.
Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.
It's Mike/Gabe, there's no need for an explanation beyond that. This is the guy who inadvertently created a tradition of dick shaped snickerdoodles.
Jerry's face as he gets "infected" is priceless
What, like avatar-sized?
This is great, but I had more the idea of him doing the triple take and then in big white letters at the bottom "WHAT?" instead of the rewind/loop thing you got going on. Either way, this is awesome and I thank you.
PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
More like these two (loop and single run)?
Go fund their Kickstarter. At $825,000 they will bring the podcast back. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/575109064/penny-arcade-sells-out
I just now found this, and I love you.
Funded with over double their goal of $250,000 back in August. At $525K all ads were supposed to be removed from the homepage. 4 months after reaching that goal, ads are still there, and nothing 1st party has been published on PATV.
Pretty sure by now the $825K stretch goal (as well as all of the other stretches) was never intended to be anything but a blueskys project at most, or a publicity stunt at the most cynical; but it's starting to look like most of the promises we were given are vaporware.