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[PATV] Friday, June 15, 2012 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 3, Ep. 31: Southern Exposure (4th Pan

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited June 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub
image[PATV] Friday, June 15, 2012 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 3, Ep. 31: Southern Exposure (4th Panel)

Tastefully straddling the line between documentary and guilty-pleasure voyeurism, Penny Arcade: The Series collects the bizarre continuum of one of the world's strangest companies. In this episode, our heroes create the strip "<a href="; target="_blank">Southern Exposure</a>."

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • LithiumSXLithiumSX JUNKER Chicago, ILRegistered User new member
    I like how they don't even bother to explain where the idea for the dick came from; its simply implied, rofl.

  • CosmicJesterCosmicJester Registered User regular

  • eGregiouseGregious Registered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Now I want a Vita :[

    eGregious on
  • GyarusonGyaruson Registered User regular
    God I loved this strip. If only for the dick joke.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

    It's Mike/Gabe, there's no need for an explanation beyond that. This is the guy who inadvertently created a tradition of dick shaped snickerdoodles.

  • brcothranbrcothran Registered User new member
    This may be my favorite 4th panel. The way Jerry writhes around in agony as he realizes how addictive the game can be is hilarious.

  • Good Looking Fat GuyGood Looking Fat Guy West Hartford, CTRegistered User regular
    If you explain the origin of Gabe's dick appearing in this comic, I feel it would be the equivalent of explaining a joke's punchline. It's not necessary, the picture of Gabe's dick is funny on its own.

  • BandorrBandorr Registered User regular
    REALLY happy you did this one. It's absence of detention incase you still didn't know. It's vita version of absence of justice. If you are surprised by magicchange play disgaea 4. You can not only magic change TWO weapons together, but you can also WIELD two weapons. So you can actually have FOUR monsters on you at a time.

  • Xyz_39808Xyz_39808 Registered User regular
    That was the funniest 4th Panel yet!
    Jerry's face as he gets "infected" is priceless

  • SpankedSpanked Registered User regular
    I face palmed when I read the punch line in the comic strip, but laughed. Jerry was right to let him 'have it'.

  • The Scottish UnicornThe Scottish Unicorn CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    It seems like Nippon Ichi made Disgea 4 entirely around leveling up.

  • TleilaxuTleilaxu Registered User regular
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

    What, like avatar-sized?


  • Survivalist_SamSurvivalist_Sam SwedenRegistered User new member
    edited June 2012
    Surprise penis flash. Lovely... XD

    Survivalist_Sam on
  • chapelchapel Is this cake paleo? No? Crap.Registered User regular
    that's funny right there.

    Cakeface is watching you nom
  • Stumpy JoeStumpy Joe Registered User new member
    That silence just before the realization of the punchline, then Mike making himself laugh...that got watched more than once.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    Tleilaxu wrote: »
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

    What, like avatar-sized?


    This is great, but I had more the idea of him doing the triple take and then in big white letters at the bottom "WHAT?" instead of the rewind/loop thing you got going on. Either way, this is awesome and I thank you.

    KoopahTroopah on
  • StratoStrato Registered User regular
    Gabe does the artwork after the script, so he probably came up with the visual joke later.

  • RizzRustboltRizzRustbolt Registered User regular
    And so many bars to fill up.


  • PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain iFizzRegistered User regular
    What's funny is being a Disgaea player and knowing that every single thing Mike said is so true.

    Steam: BrightWing
    PSN: BrightWing13 FFX|V:ARR Bright Asuna
  • GranakGranak Lubbock, TXRegistered User regular
    Well damn. Now I want to get a Vita. More JRPGS in my life plz. This was frickin' hilarious.

  • puntopunto Registered User regular
    I miss when these were audio only and lasted like 2 hours, they were awesome. Why does everything have to be under 2 minutes in the new web2.0 world?

  • NizZ8NizZ8 Registered User new member
    LOL... nice might be a naked picture of my wife... priceless :)

  • zombiefriendzombiefriend Registered User regular
    I swear the volume gets lower and lower with each episode. I can't even hear what they're saying at all anymore (hearing loss).

  • CalQdeXCalQdeX Registered User new member
    Yeah the Audio is a problem for me too. Way too low again.

  • faitsfaits a panda eating cake seattleRegistered User regular
    I could hear it, but I ended up plugging in my headphones anyway (because I could barely hear it).

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    "Aahhh, now you gave it to me!'s burrowing in!...No, they're naked!"

  • GrimrstGrimrst Registered User new member
    I can't stop laughing. Probably one of my favourite eps. The process is really shining here, the fun you have is infectious.

  • Quiss42Quiss42 Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Tleilaxu wrote: »
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

    What, like avatar-sized?


    This is great, but I had more the idea of him doing the triple take and then in big white letters at the bottom "WHAT?" instead of the rewind/loop thing you got going on. Either way, this is awesome and I thank you.

    More like these two (loop and single run)?


    Quiss42 on
  • DhalgrenDhalgren Registered User regular
    punto wrote: »
    I miss when these were audio only and lasted like 2 hours, they were awesome. Why does everything have to be under 2 minutes in the new web2.0 world?

    Go fund their Kickstarter. At $825,000 they will bring the podcast back.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Quiss42 wrote: »
    Tleilaxu wrote: »
    Someone, anyone. Gif time please. I know not how do.

    Around 9 minutes, when Mike is explaining that you can turn monsters into weapons and Jerry just opens his eyes, triple takes, and goes "What?!". I want that.

    Awesome episode, but no dick joke explanation? I guess it's for the best.

    What, like avatar-sized?


    This is great, but I had more the idea of him doing the triple take and then in big white letters at the bottom "WHAT?" instead of the rewind/loop thing you got going on. Either way, this is awesome and I thank you.

    More like these two (loop and single run)?


    I just now found this, and I love you.

  • MinuteWaltMinuteWalt Mister Registered User regular
    edited November 2012
    Dhalgren wrote: »
    punto wrote: »
    I miss when these were audio only and lasted like 2 hours, they were awesome. Why does everything have to be under 2 minutes in the new web2.0 world?

    Go fund their Kickstarter. At $825,000 they will bring the podcast back.

    Funded with over double their goal of $250,000 back in August. At $525K all ads were supposed to be removed from the homepage. 4 months after reaching that goal, ads are still there, and nothing 1st party has been published on PATV.

    Pretty sure by now the $825K stretch goal (as well as all of the other stretches) was never intended to be anything but a blueskys project at most, or a publicity stunt at the most cynical; but it's starting to look like most of the promises we were given are vaporware.

    MinuteWalt on
  • newbiescrubnewbiescrub Dude-Man Spokane, WARegistered User regular
    There are a lot of 4th Panels this season. Dig it.

  • newbiescrubnewbiescrub Dude-Man Spokane, WARegistered User regular
    I picked up Unholy Night and read it too. I was amazed how cliched it was considering the what was at play.

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