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PAX Prime Prank 2012: You Might As Well Get On Board For The Big Win (apps closed)

burnttoast45burnttoast45 Registered User regular
edited September 2012 in PAX West
In 2008 we had Bad Horsing:

In 2009 The Boo Flashmob:

In 2010 Salmon Security:

In 2011 EAST Ninja Delivery Service:


In 2011 PRIME The Lando Society:

In 2012 EAST Aperture Safety:

In 2012 PRIME: ???

The PAX Prank community tradition is back and once again we need your help! We need able individuals to help organize and be involved in this year’s prank.

Before I continue please read the Prank Mission Statement:

The PAX Prank strives to be fun for everyone involved, be it the one(s) being pranked (henceforth known as “targets”) or the ones pranking (henceforth “pranksters”). The PAX Prank will never be something with malicious intent. It will strive to never embarrass targets (much). It will be mindful of people who want no part in it, will not push the issue, and will always respect the authority figures of Penny Arcade Inc., PAX, and Greater Seattle/Boston. The PAX prank will not cause any damage emotionally, physically, or financially to anyone, whether they are involved directly or indirectly.

As per tradition, this year's prank is being kept under wraps from the general public ;). But we do need interested volunteers! If you would like to join our organization please complete our application provided below. Please do not respond if you cannot fit within the confines of the mission statement above or the criteria below.


You must not be opposed to Twitter, G+ Huddle, and can potentially get SMS updates or potentially phone calls. We typically coordinate our various pranks via Twitter and G+ Huddle throughout the weekend.

You must be over 18. Sorry folks, but moving forward we can only accept legal adults.

You must be at least moderately outgoing. What we do will call a lot of attention to ourselves. We will probably be interacting with some of the celebrities that are at PAX as well. In other words, YOU WILL BE SEEN! If attention, social interaction, and having people probably laughing at you and/or wanting to praise you/shake your hand -- among other things -- upsets you, the prank may not be for you.*

*Note: If you would like to be involved in the creative aspects of the prank (content, design, etc) rather than the actual presentation please feel free to apply but specify that preference in your application. We’re always looking for help.

You must be willing and able to keep up with prank communications on the prank forums including participating in threads.

You must be able to keep a secret. There may be mass emails, Skype/tinychat calls, and other private conversations between now and then. We want to keep the reactions of our targets pure; surprise is the key here. Since we are getting more people in on the joke, the potential for leaks increases, so please don’t sign up if you know you are bad at keeping a secret.

You must be available either Thursday night or Friday morning before the show opens. This rule is a little more lenient. Most of us will be doing the Pre-PAX dinner, Pub Crawl, or the like, so specifics at this time are sketchy. This is for a last minute meeting to go over anything that might have come up, and give opportunities for a run through of the physical prank. It will be coordinated to fit everyone’s schedules as best we can, and we will do two meetings if needed, but if you can’t be there on either day for 15 to 30 minutes tops, don’t bother signing up.

So if you have the strength of a bear that has the strength of TWO bears, consider joining us for an asombroso 2012 PAX Prime Prank!

Moe Fwacky on


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Every few days, we'll post some old goodies from prior pranks. How about this one?

  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    How about this one?

    I'm so glad I was able to get in there and film that! :D

    I want to help encourage people to participate in this. It's plenty of fun and very entertaining to watch play out throughout the weekend. I think all of the Pranks so far have turned out great, and this one is no exception. I'll be looking forward to it for sure.

    I'm pretty sure I have some footage from other pranks laying around, perhaps I'll try to find it and post it here.

  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    I would love to be a part of this but I think I am going to be pretty busy on Thursday at least. Not sure about Friday morning yet.

  • bubblegumnexbubblegumnex Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Every few days, we'll post some old goodies from prior pranks. How about this one?

    I get goosebumps every time I watch this. That shit was so cash.

    <@zerzhul&gt; bubblegumnex: you were so very fucked up
    <@zerzhul&gt; you win at twdt
  • VersuskidVersuskid Maui, HIRegistered User regular
    So I was super exited when I saw his thread because I wanted to be (maybe only slightly) involved but then I saw the "Must be 18 or older" and I weeped! because I do not fit in that category! But alas I thought maybe I could help with ideas or something so here I am posting, despising that fact that I was not born 5 years earlier, and hoping to help/ convince you to let me join or at least tell me why I am not permited to participate...

    Serious question..

    Prime 2014 Status: .[ ] Pass(es) .[ ] Hotel .[ ] Plane Tickets .Waiting Patiently [NEVER!!]
    Challenge Coin [ ]. Custom Dice [ ]. Forumer Pin [ ]. On Forumer Badge [ ]
    Attendee: Prime '12, '13
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited June 2012
    Here's another past prank video from PAX East of this year. This comes straight from the stream of main theater during the Make-a-Strip panel (which unfortunately doesn't embed on the forums).

    edit: since doesn't embed, have a picture too

    Moe Fwacky on

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Another video update! Also, we'll be closing applications on July 13th.

  • CrogothCrogoth Registered User regular
    would this be something you would recommend to first timers who are trying to take in as much as possible? Like, is this time consuming or mandatory or anything like that?

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    The Lando Society? That was you guys?! Freaking brilliant!!!


  • parabolaparabola Registered User regular
    I feel like Lando Society will never be topped.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    parabola wrote: »
    I feel like Lando Society will never be topped.

    And yet Aperture Safety seemed to do so for general attendees :) It just didn't get major media coverage the way Lando did.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Crogoth wrote: »
    would this be something you would recommend to first timers who are trying to take in as much as possible? Like, is this time consuming or mandatory or anything like that?

    We've had plenty of first timers involved, and they have had a great time as far as I know. However, it /can/ be incredibly time consuming depending on your planned level of involvement. If you know you're going to be attending more than one PAX, I would personally wait until your second PAX so that you can sort of "take it all in" during your first PAX. That's just a decision you'll have to make for yourself though.

    As far as trying to take in as much stuff as possible, it's impossible to take in everything during one pax, there's always something you will sacrifice by doing something else.

  • CrogothCrogoth Registered User regular
    edited July 2012
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Crogoth wrote: »
    would this be something you would recommend to first timers who are trying to take in as much as possible? Like, is this time consuming or mandatory or anything like that?

    We've had plenty of first timers involved, and they have had a great time as far as I know. However, it /can/ be incredibly time consuming depending on your planned level of involvement. If you know you're going to be attending more than one PAX, I would personally wait until your second PAX so that you can sort of "take it all in" during your first PAX. That's just a decision you'll have to make for yourself though.

    As far as trying to take in as much stuff as possible, it's impossible to take in everything during one pax, there's always something you will sacrifice by doing something else.

    yeah, i know that much, i've been lurking these forums since PAX last year, haha.

    and you're right on one thing, i have no idea if i would be able to come back to pax the following year, or the year after that, i guess only time can tell at this point

    i'll make time ಠ_ಠ

    Crogoth on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2012
    Moe Fwacky on

  • JonnyNeroJonnyNero Registered User regular
    Crogoth wrote: »

    yeah, i know that much, i've been lurking these forums since PAX last year, haha.

    and you're right on one thing, i have no idea if i would be able to come back to pax the following year, or the year after that, i guess only time can tell at this point

    i'll make time ಠ_ಠ

    As much as we would love to have you, go experience PAX man. Especially if this may be your one and only time. I was one of the guys in the original prank, and we were lucky because it was super small. Ever since it's grown to the size we have now, we've been stressing that signing up is not a commitment, but something about the prank puts blinders on you, however small.

    It's definitely a fun experience, but not something to do along with "The full PAX experience." Keep an ear out while your wandering PAX, and you'll know what we're doing pretty quick, then come to some of our hits. Observe and see if its something you want to do. And if you end up making it to another PAX, sign up then. But I don't want a new attendee to have to force to choose between us and something else they want to do.

    It's just my advice, in the end it's up to you. If you end up joining. We'll take you

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Another video update! PAX Prime 2009 saw a creepy vibe fall over all of PAX.

    This is also another reminder that applications will close at 2359 EDT July 13th.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Final reminder! Apps close tonight :-)

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Apps are closed. All applications will be be processed by 7/16.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    video update! coverage of the Sunday Q&A, which marked the end of Aperture Safety testing for PAX East 2012

    This was, by far, our greatest triumph as a group... pitting Jerry against Mike.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Great job on the prank you guys. It's getting tougher and tougher to top previous PAX pranks and what I saw was outstanding. I know that there was some internal self-critiquing, but every time I saw you the crowd was having a blast.

    I don't know if readers realize how much time, effort and money goes in to the prank each PAX, but it's a lot.

    Thanks Guys. Just one more example of what makes PAX different and how awesome the community is.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    This was a ton of fun. Thanks to all our recurring and new participants. I know we had some hiccups with this one, but the trophy was awarded to wild cheers, and that's what matters in the end ;)

This discussion has been closed.