Idea for PAX West 2013 | Project London!

Mr DirtMr Dirt Registered User new member
edited July 2012 in PAX Archive
Project London---an independent, almost no-budget, feature-length, live action movie with vivid, intense, and marrow-vibrating visual effects and animations created with the open source software Blender (and other traditional software) and 250 (or so) worldwide volunteers---is just about finished! Spiral Productions is interested in talking with appropriate PAX Management about the possibility of providing this movie to PAX in exchange for a booth where Spiral can sell Project London disks, books, music and merchandise. Check out the movie at Contact to discuss offline.

What do you think?


Mr Dirt on


  • redhaloredhalo Also a Professional Alcoholic Registered User regular
    I think you'd be better off contacting Penny Arcade directly than posting here if you want to make this happen. Also, a booth will likely cost you as much as anyone else.

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    I'm confused as to how this is related to video games or gamer culture at all. This sounds like more of an idea for an indie movie festival or pop culture festival.


  • CrogothCrogoth Registered User regular
    he wants to show his movie at pax, and get a booth in exchange? sounds like someone's want the whole stick to themselves, short end and all

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