There's been a lot of threads around here about monsters. Dragons, chimeras, the undead... Now, that's all well and good. We should be concerned about these threats. But, really, what good is a monster without a good ol' fashioned
Look at that thing. PEOPLE HAVE DIED IN THERE.
Look at this one:
That is not a DUNGEON. It is a tomb. Get it right.
I- okay. Technically right. Fine.
But, really, we should talk about DUNGEONS. Good DUNGEON design, how to escape if you find yourself in a DUNGEON, and maybe your favorite DUNGEONOUS hang-out spots. I guess we could also talk lesser underground complexes, too. But they're not nearly as cool.
My favorite DUNGEON?
motherfucker right here, from the Oracle of Ages on GBA. Spent hours trying to crack this thing, before I realize that I had to think on a 3d level in a 2d game. All of the Zelda GB/GBA DUNGEONS were amazing, in my humble opinion.
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only en masse
No. they are too proud.
D. Melding, Head of yadda yadda, MRE, ect
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My upbringing on the internet has lead me to think about this when I see the word "dungeon" before I think about Legend of Zelda stuff.
No, the dungeon is your home.
speaking of which, Legend of Grimrock and Dungeons of Dreadmor are wonderful games.
yes basically this Eidolon Journal Updated
I wanna say somewhere 5-8. Less and it's like come on why you even wasting my time. More than that and you know there's a couple filler levels in there.
I love both of them dearly
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As much as we would want this, it just collapses into a man-cave
It depends on if you want to use pitfalls as a method of puzzle-solving and travel. They need more levels than simple dungeon models.
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Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I thought of making a gloss character like this but I was afraid of getting jailed
A sad day.
Do it
The dragon thread is hidden in the deepest bowels of the Dungeon thread
i haven't gotten past level 7. and i keep it on the mode that deletes your save when you die.
is a fun game though.
For all the times I've played it or seen it discussed, there haven't really been any dragons when it comes to Dungeons & Dragons. What gives?
i often use dragons, rarely use dungeons.
The Anime Thread
So when this thread is locked you have to make the "GOLD! JEWELS! RICHES BEYOND IMAGINATION!" thread.
Crap. Our VGI thread is in another castle!
Edit - Please take this for the joke it's meant to be!
i know a thing or two about magic.