Ooh awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on this game again after the Hawken party at East.
It says at Gamescon you get to play Hawken? And that's before PAX? But it also says that PAX will be the first time you get to play Hawken... Am I missing something?
I look forward to running through the Hawken booth with a raging boner and waving my Gen 1 Steel Battalion controller around like a looney playing Hawken!
Also swinging by the Runic games booth to bs with them again because they're classy guys and I had a ball hanging out there last year for a bit.
Ooh awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on this game again after the Hawken party at (PAX) East (2012).
It says at Gamescon you get to play Hawken? And that's before PAX? But it also says that PAX will be the first time you get to play Hawken... Am I missing something?
How does a startup doing their first game afford batshit crazy custom rides like that?
Uh, have you seen Firefall's booth at the last feels like infinity PAXes? Or the Firefall's PAX Prime brought to you by Firefall, sponsored by firefall.
I'm willing to let booths slide. A little hypocritical, sure, but at least booths are a little more understandable.
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
The entirety of PAX Prime 2011 was the Firefall booth. I'm glad they toned it down quite a bit at East this year, hopefully they wont go nuts with it all again here.
You guys are blowing PAX Prime 2011 out of proportion, Firefall merely had three slots that spanned one of the main entrances to the top level of the convention center. If you entered from any of the other doors you would have missed the booth. Plus they had the best carpet, felt goodman. Don't know why anybody complained. World Of Tanks' booth at PAX East was pretty much the same size and scope, but it was in a corner so it didn't feel in the way I guess?
PAX Prime 2013 Checklist ➤ ✔ Enforcer Badge ✔ Hotel ✔ Flight
You guys are blowing PAX Prime 2011 out of proportion, Firefall merely had three slots that spanned one of the main entrances to the top level of the convention center. If you entered from any of the other doors you would have missed the booth. Plus they had the best carpet, felt goodman. Don't know why anybody complained. World Of Tanks' booth at PAX East was pretty much the same size and scope, but it was in a corner so it didn't feel in the way I guess?
I think it was more that every street banner said "Firefall!" The escalators said "Firefall." And there were "Firefall" stickers in the bathrooms.
Even Paul and Storm joked about it at the concert.
The Firefall stickers in the bathroom were the kicker for me to be honest. I also will be hitting up the Runic Games booth to chat with them again. They were cool guys, and i was/am super excited to play torchlight 2.
I am curious about how much Wargaming.net's presence will grow at this thing. Them and Riot seem to have taken great interest in being very present at PAX.
Still seems like a gaudy waste of cash, even when compared to the media bombing they did last year but whatever.
Considering they are working towards Firefall being an e-sport thing, it's definitely not a waste. Notice that PAX is intended to be the kick-off for the first 3-month tour. It's not just a giant, advertisement either. inside are 20 completely decked out gaming stations (custom computers with Razer peripherals) and a broadcast system for webcasting and what-not. It's not short on the showmanship aspects though, with a massive internal and external sound system, lighting effects, and CO2 system. The big thing, and it is huge, is that it also carries what is effectively a data center; servers capable of supporting a 3000 person LAN. I think it's well spent marketing money, considering what they're working towards.
We just announced, and are super excited to be coming to PAX this year! Our game, Minion Master, is a mashup of the Tabletop, CCG, and RTS/TBS genres. Can't wait to meet everybody!
I don't think so. I only looked at it casually, but that just looks like a magazine. This thread is for devs and vendors that will have booths and/or panels at pax.
We just announced, and are super excited to be coming to PAX this year! Our game, Minion Master, is a mashup of the Tabletop, CCG, and RTS/TBS genres. Can't wait to meet everybody!
After having you guys at GameStorm this is awesome to hear you at PAX!!!!! I hope to get anther chance to try it.
Thanks! You should definitely be able to get your hands on the game. We're bringing 6 stations and will have them networked together for multiplayer action! We've also added a whole bunch of new Minions since we last visited the great state of Washington. Here are some pics to whet your appetite.
Hawken now has me excited. I have heard through the grapevine that blacklight retribution will be holding a tournament here. not sure if they will be holding their own booth though
<@heels> Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Apparently Forge World is going to be there . Certainly a golden opportunity to get a look at some nice new minis, but also an opportunity to find out what Alan Bligh was smoking when he wrote the Chaos Dwarf rules.
I came across this info from Flying Frog Productions that they'll be there, booth #3812. Looking forward to trying out Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak as I've just gotten into the base game!
They're also doing a sweepstakes, giving out an all expenses paid trip to Seattle for PAX. So tell your friends who couldn't get a pass!
Much more here if you're interested. brontodon.com/2012/06/nerohs-red-5-mgu-tour-and-impressions/
Also swinging by the Runic games booth to bs with them again because they're classy guys and I had a ball hanging out there last year for a bit.
For paintings in progress, check out canvas and paints
"The power of the weirdness compels me."
Uh, have you seen Firefall's booth at the last feels like infinity PAXes? Or the Firefall's PAX Prime brought to you by Firefall, sponsored by firefall.
That ain't nothing!
ArcheAge News
ArcheAge Forums
I think it was more that every street banner said "Firefall!" The escalators said "Firefall." And there were "Firefall" stickers in the bathrooms.
Even Paul and Storm joked about it at the concert.
I am curious about how much Wargaming.net's presence will grow at this thing. Them and Riot seem to have taken great interest in being very present at PAX.
My excitement for this game exceeds measurement.
Find me on Steam.
They can afford it because they are getting massive backing from The9 (and possibly other sources) so they can produce a AAA title.
Still seems like a gaudy waste of cash, even when compared to the media bombing they did last year but whatever.
BitFlip Games - Minion Master
In the article it siad "...print versions will be distributed at several major video game consumer and trade shows, including Penny Arcade Expo..."
I don't think so. I only looked at it casually, but that just looks like a magazine. This thread is for devs and vendors that will have booths and/or panels at pax.
After having you guys at GameStorm this is awesome to hear you at PAX!!!!! I hope to get anther chance to try it.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
If there was a link somewhere, let me know...saw one for east?
not for west..
or maybe that's not what I should be asking...
I'm looking for a list of companies who would have booths/set ups like NCsoft etc.
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Thank you
We will be bringing a bunch of new designs that may interest you. We'll also have tickets for the Fangamer VS Attract Mode art show on Saturday.
Long Live the C64!