Packing up the boardgames as we speak! Have a whole carry-on devoted to them (and empty room for swag and beer mugs!)
Ended up bringing CaH (for lines), Munchkin and Munchkin Pirates.
PayneTrayne on
PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
So, a friend of mine gave me his PAX tickets at kind of the last minute. This will be my first time and I'm pretty stoked, but I had to make hotel reservations out in the boonies since everything is pretty much booked out next to the convention center. I'll be renting a car and I'm getting in on Thursday, so I would love to come to this. My question is, where do I park? Will the Sheraton let me park there even if I'm not rooming there?
Also I can bring Citadels and Bohnanza, but I'm also pretty interested in trying out these other games folks will have.
So, a friend of mine gave me his PAX tickets at kind of the last minute. This will be my first time and I'm pretty stoked, but I had to make hotel reservations out in the boonies since everything is pretty much booked out next to the convention center. I'll be renting a car and I'm getting in on Thursday, so I would love to come to this. My question is, where do I park? Will the Sheraton let me park there even if I'm not rooming there?
Also I can bring Citadels and Bohnanza, but I'm also pretty interested in trying out these other games folks will have.
Congrats on your first PAX - you're going to have the best time ever! I think the Sheridan probably has pay parking, but you'll probably want to double-check to be sure. Failing that, try Pacific Place. It's only a block away, and their prices are pretty reasonable for downtown parking. Plus, their garage doesn't close until 2 am.
@punzie, yes the minotaur one. I also have Creationary or whatever it's called. I just woke up so my brain isn't fully functional yet. Need coffee and food. I decided to bring those two for sure. I haven't gotten to play them yet, and I really want to. So I'll have those two, plus Cthulu Gloom and Cthulu Dice. Not sure what, if anything else I'll bring. I will carry them around with me (they're nice and lightweight) at the con so feel free to track me down over the weekend too.
We may also bring our copy of Martiandice plus whatever games my hubby decides to buy over the next couple of days from his friend (Used to run a gaming shop so has a ton of leftover games). I am counting down the hours till PAX now. Can't wait!
PAX Tickets: check!
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
@punzie, yes the minotaur one. I also have Creationary or whatever it's called. I just woke up so my brain isn't fully functional yet. Need coffee and food. I decided to bring those two for sure. I haven't gotten to play them yet, and I really want to. So I'll have those two, plus Cthulu Gloom and Cthulu Dice. Not sure what, if anything else I'll bring. I will carry them around with me (they're nice and lightweight) at the con so feel free to track me down over the weekend too.
Looks like I'll have to find you as well, these all sound great
I'm interested in joining up for some board game fun, if I do find the time to come by I'll try to bring my Arkham horror set with me. I only have the base game though none of the expansions.
To be fair, I don't really play LoL all that much anymore - ever since the launch of Dominion nerfed my buddy Twisted Fate - but I still have his PAX skin, as well as Jax's, Sivir's, and Singed's Riot skin. :P
ohkateyOwner of Bitch Team AlphaAustin, TXRegistered Userregular
Just wanted to add that I picked up the Zombie Dice expansion (it's like...3 extra dice, haha), so we'll be bringing that with the aforementioned game itself.
pax primer @
jaberwockynmtPAX Info Booth ManagerRenton, WARegistered Userregular
I can't be there, but I'm willing to loan Takenoko and Power Grid for this to someone responsible/that I know. PM me if someone wants to be custodian of my games.
--Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
I might be running around and/or at a table with too much stuff to effectively lay out a board game, so I'll be bringing Ticket to Ride America/Europe/Switzerland/Asia on the Ipad.
Come hear my speech about how there's a lack of recognizion that turn-based electronic gaming is its own genre.
Anyone know how late these rooms will be open until? I won't be getting in until later, but I'm staying at the Sheraton.
The rooms will be open until 12:00 AM. You're free to migrate out to the lobby if you're still playing.
The hotel's main concern was having so many people in the lobbies during peak times. As a general principle, they have no problems with it but if you're sitting in an area with table service, like the bar, make sure you're ordering and tipping as if the table was flipping once per hour.
I made a Harry Potter inspired version of Paiko for the Ravenclaws in the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, and a small version for myself (to make sure the colors were all correct ). It's exactly like Paiko... but with dementors and whomping trees and such. I'll have it with me at the Gaming Night as well.
For some reason I thought this all started at noon, so that's when I'm hitting town. Think the hotel would let us start playing before 4pm? I suppose we could just invade the lobby... I want to get some playing in before the Tri-Wizard starts!
ShadowMatt on
Goodbye, plucky, pimply teen. I think you're ready now to hear the truth. This wasn't really a magic hubcap. The magic was inside you all along.
For some reason I thought this all started at noon, so that's when I'm hitting town. Think the hotel would let us start playing before 4pm? I suppose we could just invade the lobby... I want to get some playing in before the Tri-Wizard starts!
Sure - it's not a draconian law that you have to start in the gaming rooms at 4:00. The manager knows that people might be playing before and after the rooms open, so just refer to my previous comment about ordering if you're in the bar and you should be golden.
I'll be bringing Battlestar Galactica and looking to play... But I may also bring Zombies, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and Star Fleet Battles (if anyone else on the planet knows that game, lol)
I'll be bringing Battlestar Galactica and looking to play... But I may also bring Zombies, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and Star Fleet Battles (if anyone else on the planet knows that game, lol)
Love BSG! May have to sit in on a game if I can find you with enough time to play!
PAX Tickets: check!
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
Hopefully this is raging strong. I'm going to try and make my way down there this evening to do some gaming, but I'm kinda swamped in last-minute work because of me taking tomorrow off :P.
If anyone wants to win a fun new 2-player strategy game, borrow Barca from the lending library and enter the Barca "Pic Post" Tourney. It's sort of a "flash mob" tournament because there is no pre-signup or specific times to play. Just find an opponent, play, take a picture and send it to It lasts the whole conference and the top players will receive free copies of the game. See detailed rules, info and leaderboard at
My roommate Montego and I just got back into our hotel room after a rousing game of We Didn't Playtest This. A great time had by everybody and it was awesome. Thanks for organizing board game night and so many new faces to see!
Thanks for the gaming this evening, I had a lot of fun .
Whomever owned the Battlestar Galactica game that I'm holding overnight (I'm ridiculously bad with names, but photographic memory with faces), I'll bring it up to the BYOC room sometime around lunch tomorrow.
Ended up bringing CaH (for lines), Munchkin and Munchkin Pirates.
Also I can bring Citadels and Bohnanza, but I'm also pretty interested in trying out these other games folks will have.
Congrats on your first PAX - you're going to have the best time ever! I think the Sheridan probably has pay parking, but you'll probably want to double-check to be sure. Failing that, try Pacific Place. It's only a block away, and their prices are pretty reasonable for downtown parking. Plus, their garage doesn't close until 2 am.
I'll also have a full set of Cards Against Humanity + the first expansion set, in case anyone wants to play those.
Just looked that game up, and it sounds amazing :P
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
Looks like I'll have to find you as well, these all sound great
woot skin codes
To be fair, I don't really play LoL all that much anymore - ever since the launch of Dominion nerfed my buddy Twisted Fate - but I still have his PAX skin, as well as Jax's, Sivir's, and Singed's Riot skin. :P
"We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
Come hear my speech about how there's a lack of recognizion that turn-based electronic gaming is its own genre.
ha, going to bring the exact same thing minus Tsuro and maybe plus GoT
The rooms will be open until 12:00 AM. You're free to migrate out to the lobby if you're still playing.
The hotel's main concern was having so many people in the lobbies during peak times. As a general principle, they have no problems with it but if you're sitting in an area with table service, like the bar, make sure you're ordering and tipping as if the table was flipping once per hour.
It is amazing! Anyone down for a 20 person round? That would be pretty ridiculous.
Wizards of the Coast
It's pretty cool.
Goodbye, plucky, pimply teen. I think you're ready now to hear the truth. This wasn't really a magic hubcap. The magic was inside you all along.
Sure - it's not a draconian law that you have to start in the gaming rooms at 4:00. The manager knows that people might be playing before and after the rooms open, so just refer to my previous comment about ordering if you're in the bar and you should be golden.
PAX East 2013 Status
Hotel: Waterfront Westin; Flight: Booked; Pass: Purchased; Suitcase: Packed
PAX Prime 2012 Status: Level Complete
TWDT'12: Hufflepuff OotP
Love BSG! May have to sit in on a game if I can find you with enough time to play!
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
See you all at Pax tomorrow!
Twitter: @lesterleesm
Whomever owned the Battlestar Galactica game that I'm holding overnight (I'm ridiculously bad with names, but photographic memory with faces), I'll bring it up to the BYOC room sometime around lunch tomorrow.