So- pay attention to the website, and you'll see PAX DEV.
If you click the registration- you'll find that the PAX DEV purchasers have the option to buy 3 Day passes.
This means that the organizers limited the amount of passes originally for sale
- dramatically more than normal- to ensure that Dev's can attend their panels, and PAX - at a premium price.
Proof is easy to find- just look at maximum occupancy numbers for the convention. They limited PAX sales tickets to the public, to ensure a E-3 elitist type ability with it as well. Which is something they swore
they would never do.
PAX has always been about ANYONE being able to go- now apparently it's not. While the disclaimer for PAX DEV states no press, etc. just industry and students- there is no verification being done.
Hey Satan!
The number of passes sold is not public, you are still theorycrafting here
You don't know what verification goes on after registration takes place, since you haven't actually registered for PAX Dev. Until you register for PAX Dev, you're still just theorycrafting.
We don't need conspiracy theorists drumming up trouble here. Because you lack factual data to back up these points and are just theorycrafting and spinning sensationalism, this thread is getting locked.
1. We're not charging anyone a premium price for anything.
2. We're not allowed to sell these badges to anyone but the Dev attendees, per our agreement with the convention center.
3. PAX Dev has always been about no press, and we absolutely uphold that. We state if you are a press and a developer, you must leave your press hat at home. If you tweet or report from PAX Dev, you will not only be banned from PAX Dev, but all PAXes.
4. Your bolded point of DRAMATICALLY MORE THAN NORMAL is false. PAX Dev is a ~500 person event.
Giving more detail to #2, since it's going to be the biggest point of contention - Prime sold out very quickly as we all know, but the convention center let us know we could sell a small allocation of badges to Dev attendees. We are sadly not allowed to sell them outside of that context. We are not charging Dev attendees any more than the normal rate. No price-gouging is taking place.
How much verification really goes into this? I myself have been attached to multiple print, and some indie level game projects. I already had my badges- but this isn't going to be obeyed.
Understood there- but for people with more money than sense, and less care for letter of the rules- including some Dev's (there's a lot up here in Seattle) there's been talk amongst friends in a few studios I know of that this is a way to get in without dealing with initial reg headaches.
Is this a hard-line number that's been programmed in stone? If it's **not**, know that it's been going around the arts crowd up here, and programming crowd a bit- then that might need to be shored up soon.
Without more extensive vetting and verifying - this isn't being abided by.
If you're going to purchase a PAX Dev badge just for PAX Prime badge, there are cheaper ways to do it, so your responses to #1 and #3 don't really make much sense to me. Badges can be verified as being real with a UV light.
The questions about verification - again, in this context it's not an issue since there's no incentive to pay more for something that that you're not going to attend.
For your answer to number 4, yes, we are hard capped at our numbers. The convention center is only allowing us to sell so many badges.
Please let me know if you have any additional conspiracy theories that I can assist in debunking.
I'm mad that I fell for the title of this thread but don't really care too much since I don't need a pass.