If you are visiting Seattle for PAX Prime or just for vacation, we have a bunch of independent locally owned retro video game stores for you to shop at. Here is a quick visual tour of them. Questions? Comments... Let me know!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGnS9UfMqJYPlan your Trip - Google Map:https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=209344313848039568880.0004c6ae81d2e7d3db7e0&msa=0&ll=48.050546,-122.283325&spn=1.086928,2.463684Seattle:
Pink Gorilla International District
601 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 264-2434
Al's Games & Music U-District
4547 University Way Northeast
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 547-3870
Pink Gorilla U-District
4341 University Way Northeast
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 547-5790
Game Gurus Aurora Ave
9901 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 524-6566
Game Gurus Lake City
12350 Lake City Way Northeast
Seattle, WA 98125
(206) 588-1154
Another Castle
23303 Highway 99 Suite A
Edmonds, WA 98026
(425) 967-3740
Amazing Heroes
11232 120th Avenue Northeast #101
Kirkland, WA 98033
(425) 889-5999
Play N Trade
11308 Northeast 124th Street
Kirkland, WA 98034
(425) 242-4544
Pink Gorilla West Seattle
6053 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98136
Reset Games
8825 34th Ave NE
Tulalip, WA 98271
(360) 653-8580
Next Level Video Games
1913 Hewitt Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
(425) 374-7395
Game Lobster
32610 Pacific Hwy South A-2
Federal Way WA 98003
Monster Gaming
239 Southwest 152nd Street
Burien, WA 98166
(206) 244-7364
Al's Music Games & Dvds
2020 South 320th Street
Federal Way, WA 98003
(253) 839-0649
Outside of a Seattle address, I would recommend teaming up with somebody on a car rental or taxi.
Also, only Pink Gorilla will have a booth at PAX, and even they are not emptying their stores for the show. I spoke to the manager and he said serious game collectors will still find plenty-o fun stuff at their retail locations. Hope that helps!
Long Live the C64!
My Body Is always Reggie
Long Live the C64!
Looking for:
Any Zelda game
Any kingdom Hearts game
Any Fire emblem game
Any golden sun game
Stick with what's in Seattle- you can take buses for free within a large part of the city, so you'll save money (and they're changing the rules on that, next PAX it won't be free anymore.) The games you're after are popular amongst anime fans as well, so I'd definitely hit the King Street Pink Gorilla... it's walking distance from a massive Japanese grocery store that popular with the anime fans in the area. Cross traffic, y'know.
Do keep in mind, a lot of these places are gonna ship stock to PAX, so the in-store selection will be a bit down from normal.
buses are free? what?
It should be pretty easy to find those common games you are looking for. I would take the 20 minute bus ride up to Game Gurus on Aurora and then hit up Al's Music & Pink Gorilla in University District on your way back.
Long Live the C64!
Would any of y'all be interested in doing a loosely-organized meet-up at Another Castle, and have fun in the Arcade? We're flying in on Tuesday, and could easily set something up for Wednesday or Thursday, mid-day.
Are you renting a car? It's about 15 miles to Another Castle from Seattle...so taking the bus would be too long. But I would be interested in meeting there, maybe on Weds. Another option is to meet in the University District where Pink Gorilla & Al's Music & Games is located. More people could attend, and there are places to grab a coffee, etc... Just a thought.
Long Live the C64!
Id be down to get in some good arcade action, be it at another castle or somewhere closer to downtown!
My Body Is always Reggie
PAX Prime 2011 [x]
PAX Prime 2012 [x]
PAX Prime 2013 [x]
PAX Prime 2014 [x]
PAX Prime 2015 [x]
For instance, to ride from downtown to the U-District for Pink Gorilla & Al's Music, would take about 15 minutes & cost $2.25. To ride to Game Gurus on Aurora would take about 25 minutes and still only cost $2.25
Long Live the C64!
Not for much longer. They're either discontinuing it or will be doing so shortly. I don't remember when they said they'll stop doing the ride free zones. If you do utilize the ride free areas, be prepared for the likely possibility that you will sit next to a smelly hobo.
Free Ride for downtown ends Sept 29th, so PAX visitors this year are fine.
Long Live the C64!
For future years tho, they're adding a free 'circulator bus' downtown as a replacement.
I'm sure we could rent a car if needed. If there's enough interest in making a trip up to Another Castle to play in a real arcade, it would totally be worth it. Plus, if we got a SUV or a van, people could split the cost.
Green - The video game stores
Yellow - Food
Yellow with Red - Highly Recommended Food!
-Earl's on the Ave (just a few doors south of Pink Gorilla) - Biggest, strongest drinks in the city! My regular bar. Damn fine burgers and pizza, great pub grub all around, but the strong drinks are Earl's hallmark feature. (I will actually be there in costume the evening of Wednesday August 29th for the end of the Giants preseason game; come join the pre-PAX pre-funk!)
-Thai Tom (just south of Al's) is legendary! The waiting time is usually legendary as well, but everything there is great!
-Thaiger Room (south of 43rd) is my personal favorite. I go for the wide-noodle dishes: Phad See Ew, Phad Ki Mow, and Chef Special #17.
-Hawaiian BBQ (north of 50th) is legendary! Big plates of awesomeness! I always get #56, Alpha Sig Plate: Spicy Chicken, Chicken Katsu, Fried Rice, Fried Egg.
-Paglliacci (south of Al's) - Hands down, the best pizza in the city! (There are several equally-awesome locations throughout Seattle but this one is ours.)
-Alladin's (just south of Al's) - My favorite Gyro/Falafel joint; ask for the Jumbo Gyro.
-Gyrocery, Cedars (on 43rd), and Samir's are all excellent as well, but Alladin's takes the top spot.
-The SureShot (just north of 45th on the Ave; no dot) is coffee house that has three pinball machines and a few arcade games in the back.
-Ignore the faded arrow-fied 'outside of the map' listings... except Dick's Burgers! Seattle's legendary burger drive-in's original location is just six blocks west off of the map on 45th.
-Pam's Trinidad (just north of 50th) is famous from various Food Network shows, and I've heard good things about it, but I haven't been there yet; no red dot.
Getting to the U-District from Downtown by Bus:
-Take the 71, 72, or 73 from the big bus tunnel station across the street from the Paramount (it does not matter which one; even the 'Express'-marked busses make all stops in the U-District.) These routes are the fastest.
-Or take the 49 from in front of the Convention Center. This route is a little slower; it goes through Captiol Hill, and then north on Broadway. (The 43 is really slow, it travels a big round-about route before getting to the U-District; don't bother with that one.)
-In all cases, the stop you want is "University Way and 45th".
-Schedule Warning: On the Saturday of PAX, there will be a UW Husky game at 7:30 PM at Century Link Field... All of the buses from and to the U-District before and after that game (respectively) will be full beyond capacity and won't be of much use. Plan accordingly.
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
gameworks also has a great deal on Thursdays, unlimited play from 7pm-12pm for $10! (after 10pm is 18 and over though)
My Body Is always Reggie
I'm glad you found the list useful. It's amazing we have so many great stores (and developers here). Most people don't realize that Nintendo's North American headquarters are here too. If only they would do tours for the public
Long Live the C64!
That's a "had" scenario, unfortunately - I too remember a repair/service/store center up in Redmond, then it moved to Kirkland, then (according to the tech I spoke with a few days ago for my Wii) the center shut down a while back due to too few repairs coming in. Now WA State repairs are apparently shipped to California, which is a bit of a bummer.
PSN: Quintonious