Taxi Share?

PorpoiseAlertPorpoiseAlert Registered User new member
edited September 2012 in PAX Archive
Hey, my brother and I are coming up to Seattle on Friday morning. We're staying at the American Hotel (Hostelling International) and we were considering using taxis to get around. This site-,+Seattle,+WA,+USA&to=47.611566,-122.331626
estimates that the approximate taxi fare from our hostel to the Convention Center is around $10, which split between 4 people is about the same as taking the bus during non-peak hours (and requires a lot less walking/waiting.) Is anyone else staying at our hostel that wants to set up an arrangement?

If there's already a thread in this vein someone let me know. Or if there isn't and you are staying somewhere else and want to Taxipool, feel free to use this thread.

zerzhul on
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