[PRIME] Lost and Found?

bluugenbluugen Registered User new member
edited September 2012 in PAX West
It doesn't look like anybody started a Lost and Found thread as far as I looked, and I hope I'm not breaking any posting rules by doing this, but I think it would be really helpful to people who may have lost something at PAX over the weekend, and didn't have their missing items turned in to the Lost and Found.

I lost a pair of red, women's prescription glasses on Saturday some time after 2PM, and I suspect I may have lost them on the 6th floor near the Arcade Sona line, though I'm not completely sure on that. I really hope nobody stole them (why would you steal prescription glasses?) Or maybe a janitor threw them away by accident? Thanks if anybody can help!

Moe Fwacky on


  • KouzidanKouzidan Woodland, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Perhaps you would have some success contacting the convention center by email or phone? It might have been turned over to someone there.


    Kouzidan on
    Origin: Kouzidan
  • KouzidanKouzidan Woodland, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Double post.

    Kouzidan on
    Origin: Kouzidan
  • hyrulehero96hyrulehero96 The Hero of Rhyme Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    My friend cosplaying as vaati lost the hat for her costume that she had signed by gabe and tycho. Its a small blue wizards type hat with white markings on the sides, it was lost sometime between the end of the final round of the omegathon and when she picked up her bags at the Hyatt. She already called the hotel with no luck and im just seeing if anyone came across it. She is very upset, and she would be ever grateful to get it back. thanks for any help!

    hyrulehero96 on
    Slim, Relax, Fine Wine At The Qfc, On A Snowy Saturday Night

    My Body Is always Reggie
  • failsafe503failsafe503 Registered User new member
    I found a certain, awesome Twisted Pixel statue at 6PM on sunday. Tell me what statue and where you think you may have left it and i'll get it back to ya!

  • FioryFiory Registered User regular
    My friend cosplaying as vaati lost the hat for her costume that she had signed by gabe and tycho. Its a small blue wizards type hat with white markings on the sides, it was lost sometime between the end of the final round of the omegathon and when she picked up her bags at the Hyatt. She already called the hotel with no luck and im just seeing if anyone came across it. She is very upset, and she would be evet greatful to get it back. thanks for any help!

    Still haven't found her hat....If you want an image of what it looks like, here's one she posted after it was signed by Gabe and Tycho (Mike and Jerry) http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/560935_3124526331412_1833220138_n.jpg. Best I can find so far of the hat. We're all still looking for it for her. Any information is greatly appreciated!!!

    Pax Prime Con-Goer since 2009
    ~*First Stop on our Honeymoon 2015? Pax Prime!*~
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    When we closed up Info booth today there were 7 boxes of lost stuff, all of it will be turned over to the WSCC. Give them a few days to go through and catalog it then contact them if if you lost something and hopefully they will have it.

  • mojomarthamojomartha mom. It's a great title really, best I've ever had. Vancouver, WARegistered User new member
    My daughter lost her two Chonku Chonku toys from the Castle Crasher's vending machines. They were a green knight and an orange knight. We think they rolled out of my husbands messenger bag at Pax on Sunday between 4 and 6 pm. If you found them -- she is 7 and she is CRUSHED to have lost them. She spent her entire summer savings on them and would LOVE to get them back.

  • jdwjdw Registered User regular
    G4 Autographs for Matt were turned in.

  • matguymatguy Registered User regular
    A red DS of some sort was turned in at the 1st level of the Annex, it was sent to the info booth (and thus, from what I hear, probably turned in to WSCTC for their lost&found.)

  • craigumscraigums Registered User regular
    mojomartha wrote: »
    My daughter lost her two Chonku Chonku toys from the Castle Crasher's vending machines. They were a green knight and an orange knight. We think they rolled out of my husbands messenger bag at Pax on Sunday between 4 and 6 pm. If you found them -- she is 7 and she is CRUSHED to have lost them. She spent her entire summer savings on them and would LOVE to get them back.

    Awww I buy those figures every PAX I am not sure if I have a Green or Orange but I can check I know I have a sealed Red one if you are still having no luck maybe I can send you one of mine :)

  • SwordMageSwordMage Registered User regular
    mojomartha wrote: »
    My daughter lost her two Chonku Chonku toys from the Castle Crasher's vending machines. They were a green knight and an orange knight. We think they rolled out of my husbands messenger bag at Pax on Sunday between 4 and 6 pm. If you found them -- she is 7 and she is CRUSHED to have lost them. She spent her entire summer savings on them and would LOVE to get them back.

    I've got a little green knight and a little orange knight with raised swords sitting next to me. If they don't turn up, I'd be more than happy to send them her way.

    SwordMage, aka Willa
    twitter: SwordMage86
    XBL: SwordMagelet
  • LewieP's MummyLewieP's Mummy Registered User regular
    I have a pair of sun glasses that were in a bag of chocolate given to me by a lovely lady from Oregon as an exchange of chocolate inside the main theatre after the Friday Q&A. Pm me your address and I'll post them to you.

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  • tehhuftehhuf Registered User new member
    Looking for someone we played Xwing on Saturday night with named Damion I believe I have some pieces to your game send me a private message so I can get your info to send them to you.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I have 2 copies of the game 'Red Shirts' that was left at the Pre-PAX Board game meetup. If you own them, or even if you want one because the owner doesn't, PM me.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • craigumscraigums Registered User regular
    SwordMage wrote: »
    mojomartha wrote: »
    My daughter lost her two Chonku Chonku toys from the Castle Crasher's vending machines. They were a green knight and an orange knight. We think they rolled out of my husbands messenger bag at Pax on Sunday between 4 and 6 pm. If you found them -- she is 7 and she is CRUSHED to have lost them. She spent her entire summer savings on them and would LOVE to get them back.

    I've got a little green knight and a little orange knight with raised swords sitting next to me. If they don't turn up, I'd be more than happy to send them her way.

    I'll check what colors I have... maybe combined we can get her a whole set :)

  • annatheredannathered San DiegoRegistered User new member
    mojomartha wrote: »
    My daughter lost her two Chonku Chonku toys from the Castle Crasher's vending machines. They were a green knight and an orange knight. We think they rolled out of my husbands messenger bag at Pax on Sunday between 4 and 6 pm. If you found them -- she is 7 and she is CRUSHED to have lost them. She spent her entire summer savings on them and would LOVE to get them back.

    Hello! I came here after seeing craigums' tweet.

    I also collect anything the Behemoth related, and I do have a green knight and orange knight in a display case at home.
    Let me know if I can help cheer up your Castle Crashers loving girl! Because no one who likes Castle Crashers deserves to be sad.

  • SenicsSenics Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    matguy wrote: »
    A red DS of some sort was turned in at the 1st level of the Annex, it was sent to the info booth (and thus, from what I hear, probably turned in to WSCTC for their lost&found.)/]

    It's really nice to see people are actually posting that they found lost goods where some will simply pocket it and never say a word about it.

    Senics on
  • SenicsSenics Registered User regular
    edited September 2012
    Double post, pls delete this one.

    Senics on
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    I lost my bf's pokewalker. I think it was misplaced Saturday night. I checked the info desk on Monday and they didn't have it. I've since called the restaurant where I ate that night (they don't have it) and the hotel where I stayed (Homewood - no answer when I called). I'll also be calling the Sheraton since I did a panel there that night. But if anyone does remember seeing one lying around, let me know. Please.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    When we closed up Info booth today there were 7 boxes of lost stuff, all of it will be turned over to the WSCC. Give them a few days to go through and catalog it then contact them if if you lost something and hopefully they will have it.

    If you lost anything at PAX, this is what you need to do. The convention center has it, we don't.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • mojomarthamojomartha mom. It's a great title really, best I've ever had. Vancouver, WARegistered User new member
    edited September 2012
    Thanks so much Craigums, SwordMage and annathered. You're just awesome to be willing to do so for her. I really appreciate it. The Behemoth has contacted me privately on Facebook and AWESOMELY offered to send us some replacements for her orange and green knights! Man I really love those guys! They're great. And they have ridonkulously cool fans too. Thank you again Craigums. SwordMage and annathered for your kind offers to hook up my gal with some replacement Chonku Chonku figures. You are incredibly sweet to have offered that, and I really appreciate it. You folks are terrific!

    mojomartha on
This discussion has been closed.