Hello folks,
this is Leor Zahavi, i really like On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3. but i want know whether it is available for android tablets? if yes from where an d how can i install it in my tablet?
I was actually wondering this as well. I bought the game from the android store and installed it on my Galaxy Nexus, but I'm not able to get it installed on my Asus Transformer. I was wondering if it was an all android tablet thing or just my particular tablet.
The game appears to be incompatible with just about every device in existence. It's not compatible with anything I own, which is a Galaxy S II (AT&T i777), Asus Transformer TF101 and myTouch 4G Slide. Anybody know when the compatibility list will be fixed?
I'm going to move this to the appropriate forum for you