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Leor Zahavi: POD3 android version

leorzahavileorzahavi Registered User new member
edited September 2012 in Penny Arcade Games
Hello folks,
this is Leor Zahavi, i really like On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3. but i want know whether it is available for android tablets? if yes from where an d how can i install it in my tablet?

Leor Zahavi

Tube on


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Hi Leor

    I'm going to move this to the appropriate forum for you

  • hallmark34hallmark34 Registered User new member
    I was actually wondering this as well. I bought the game from the android store and installed it on my Galaxy Nexus, but I'm not able to get it installed on my Asus Transformer. I was wondering if it was an all android tablet thing or just my particular tablet.

  • raduqueraduque Registered User new member
    The game appears to be incompatible with just about every device in existence. It's not compatible with anything I own, which is a Galaxy S II (AT&T i777), Asus Transformer TF101 and myTouch 4G Slide. Anybody know when the compatibility list will be fixed?

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