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[PATV] Monday, October 1, 2012 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 22: SC2: HotS Goes F2P?

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2012 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, October 1, 2012 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 22: SC2: HotS Goes F2P?

Blizzard recently mused out loud what StarCraft might look like as a free-to-play title.

Read the full story here

Dog on


  • greeting_gentlemengreeting_gentlemen Registered User new member
    .....EA doesn't have anything to do with black ops

  • ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular

  • EdwardGeinEdwardGein Registered User new member
    Great episode! Somehow, when Kathleen started the "AC3"-part, i heard her say "Boobiesoft" instead of "Ubisoft" o.O

  • CamshakCamshak Registered User new member
    Blizzard seriously can't figure out how to monetize F2P online play? Idiots. Valve already figured out how to do this with TF2:MvM. Basically it lets you play "unofficial" matches for free but you have to buy into the "ranked" matches. Blizzard could just tweak it a bit so that the game doesn't track stats for "unofficial" matches, thereby separating out the casual from the hardcore gamers. Also, give the people hats, who gives a fuck. And make special hats you can only get from completing accomplishments in "ranked" matches. Or whatever. (fucking Blizzard)

  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Baa. Registered User regular

    I do not begrudge Blizzard wanting $60 of initial investment for one of their RTS games. It might work as F2P, it might not, but I have no doubt that HOTS will be worth my $60. I have no doubt that I've put 1000 hours into WOL.

    Civics is not a consumer product that you can ignore because you don’t like the options presented.
  • dmautzdmautz Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    A zergling wearing a halflife headcrab hat!

    Edit- also: Gentleman Cho'Gath

    dmautz on
  • rembrandtqeinsteinrembrandtqeinstein Registered User regular
    @EdwardGein I totally heard "Boobiesoft" as well. If there isn't already a porn game maker with that name I will be disappointed.

  • Kathleen_LRRKathleen_LRR Registered User regular
    We apologize for the EA/Activision flub in this week's episode. Sorry guys.

  • PMAversPMAvers Registered User regular
    I would totally buy a top-hat for Uther whenever Blizzard All-Stars comes out.

    COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
  • Xanadu84Xanadu84 Registered User regular
    The real joke about 3D realms in regards to that PA comic is that they were a joke regarding their ability to ship a game back when PA's art looked like THAT.

  • HansMaulwurfHansMaulwurf Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    "BoobieSoft" is especially funny when you look closely around the 4:01 mark, you can see some sideboob. I could be wrong of course but I don't think so. Also, is Kathleen always without bra when shooting these vids?

    @Kathleen: I hope you don't see this as some kind off sexual harassment, it isn't. Just me and my hormones looking at the right time to the right place and normally I wouldn't write this to you but since "Anita Sarkesian" is a thing now I felt I need to clarify some things that could be misinterpreted: I like this show. A LOT. And to you personally I have so much respect as someone can have to somebody he never met and watches videos off on a weekly basis. I hope you don't get discouraged in your work since you seem so happy in what you do and it would be a shame to see you down because of my comment.

    HansMaulwurf on
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Could people please, please, please try not to be creepy about Kathleen. Please. I understand that she's a girl and it's very confusing but I would really love it if part of my job description wasn't "explaining to people why you shouldn't ask a stranger whether or not she's wearing a bra". So you know, personal favour to me.

  • FayiliFayili Registered User regular
    "Homestuck Theme = Print Money" Yeah... yeah. Yeahhhh. >.<

    Prepositions are the things you should not end sentences with.

    And all I can do is read a book to stay awake. And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape.
  • ordruneordrune Registered User new member
    @Tube: Seriously, a quick look at your messages and I see you threatening violence (breaking peoples' legs). Oh, it was a joke, haha. Nice that threatening violence is so casually funny to you yet you take issue with someone asking a bra question to someone who I recall leaning forward over the desk in a previous episode and shaking her chest back and forth.

  • AdmiralMemoAdmiralMemo Trekkie Extraordinaire Baltimore, Maryland, USARegistered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Could people please, please, please try not to be creepy about Kathleen. Please. I understand that she's a girl and it's very confusing but I would really love it if part of my job description wasn't "explaining to people why you shouldn't ask a stranger whether or not she's wearing a bra". So you know, personal favour to me.
    I somewhat agree because: 1. I would never have noticed without it being pointed out. 2. When I did go to that timestamp, it was clear that she IS wearing a bra.

  • FramlingFramling FaceHead Geebs has bad ideas.Registered User regular
    Boy, this whole avenue of discourse seems like a really great way to get commenting disabled entirely.

    Seriously, fucking can it.

    you're = you are
    your = belonging to you

    their = belonging to them
    there = not here
    they're = they are
  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    ordrune wrote: »
    @Tube: Seriously, a quick look at your messages and I see you threatening violence (breaking peoples' legs). Oh, it was a joke, haha. Nice that threatening violence is so casually funny to you yet you take issue with someone asking a bra question to someone who I recall leaning forward over the desk in a previous episode and shaking her chest back and forth.

    You're welcome to your opinion, but as the manager of this forum I'm not actually asking you for it, nor am I interested in it. I am telling you that such behaviour is not acceptable on these forums. You're welcome to start your own forum where violence as a source of humor is banned and odious, creepy behaviour towards women is lauded and encouraged. I wish you the best of luck with that forum. On these forums however, we require our members to have been socialised to a certain degree (perhaps by a parent or legal guardian) before entering discussion.

  • Don RebaDon Reba Registered User regular
    Tally has to make those hats now.

  • Punk RexPunk Rex Registered User regular
    No, bad Kathleen, stop being so kawaii!

    Also, MLP & Adventure Time skins... oh heads are gonna roll on /co...

  • RevolverKazRevolverKaz Mr. Saskatoon, CanadaRegistered User regular
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Kathleen = or is > hotness.

  • RevolverKazRevolverKaz Mr. Saskatoon, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Hm, should have read the rest of the posts first. I apologize but she's still purty.

  • zelzel Registered User regular
    Wait, 3D Realms is still around?!?

  • KevinblazeKevinblaze Registered User new member
    One of my fav ep.s so far, and not just because graham and kathleen are slightly sexier this episode.

    I felt the jokes weren't sidetracks at all in this ep., went right with the news made it very satisfying to watch :D

  • ran88dom99ran88dom99 Registered User regular
    When HoN went FtP it's editor was killed. Something to dread SC2 fans.

  • ZalaralithZalaralith Registered User new member
    If you guys didn't even know EA didn't publish Call of Duty I can't exactly use this as a news source anymore.

  • FalxFalx Registered User regular
    Framling wrote: »
    Boy, this whole avenue of discourse seems like a really great way to get commenting disabled entirely.

    Seriously, fucking can it.

    You mean we don't want the comments closed? I have never seen a website where the commenting system didn't descend into a cesspool of flames, sexism, bigotry, etc. We'd need to put poor Tube in a vat and clone him a couple dozen times to adequately police the thing, and I don't think Khoo's budget took mass production of hedgehogs into account.

    I'm surprised it isn't worse, but it's probably only a matter of time.

    Also haha oh no silly 3D Realms, you had your chance. It's time to let the big boys play now.

  • GezzerGezzer Registered User regular
    Side boob??
    I was too overjoyed about the possibility of hats to notice ;o)

    Aww, who am I kidding?
    I'm pretty much an internet perv too.
    Sorry I do feel ashamed. :o).....

    Aww, who am I kidding?
    This is the internet no one knows who I am.
    So consider me "tit"illated and not ashamed one bit. :oD

  • shldz88shldz88 Registered User new member
    Great bit, but seriously, use more compression/limiting on Kathleen's speech, there's volume spikes all up in here. Great commentary, but the volume's all over the place

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Zalaralith wrote: »
    Zalaralith wrote: »
    If you guys didn't even know EA didn't publish Call of Duty I can't exactly use this as a news source anymore.

    You were using what's clearly a comedy show as a news source?

  • ordruneordrune Registered User new member
    @Tube: Actually, you were asking as a personal favor and not stating policy. You made no statement about policy. Not even sure how to respond to your comments about me starting my own forum. Just seems kinda random and crazy. I don't believe I gave any indication I desired to do such or that I would want to even visit such a forum.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    If anyone has any further questions about moderation policy on these boards, or would like some assistance in learning to parse even the most basic elements of nuance in the English language they can direct them to my inbox. I think this thread has now been dragged far enough off topic.

  • Trisha LynnTrisha Lynn Registered User regular
    So glad to see I'm not the only person who suffers from the "shirt gap" problem. And I absolutely love the idea of a zergling with a zerg-hat. Khoo should get Tally to design that for the PA store.

    Ooh! And he should commission her to make patterns for Thomas Kemper plushes! And Gabe and Tycho plushes!

    -- Editor/Publisher,
    -- Publisher, Saucy Goose Press
    -- On Twitter @trishalynn
  • Ratstail91Ratstail91 Registered User regular
    His ideas for fog of war and custom skins are actually pretty good, but what about a "gold league" with exclusive maps, rankings and competitions? Or maybe just map packs?

  • TopSpot123TopSpot123 Registered User new member
    "So glad to see I'm not the only person who suffers from the "shirt gap" problem."

    I wouldn't call it a problem, actually.

  • CrakesCrakes Registered User regular
    This thread makes me so, so sad.

  • rainbowhyphenrainbowhyphen Registered User regular
    MLP skins just might convince me to play StarCraft 2.

  • MrButtonsMrButtons Registered User new member
    Kathleen. Your excited fan glee and barely audible Eeeeee! at the end made my day. Thank you. :)

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