Hell no. the controls used on that thing are a peice of shit. In order for alot of games to be near playable you woul dhave to replace them with Happ Parts. SO unless the person likes to solder contact points on arcade microswitches, no.
xxhennersxx on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
...there are 116. 90 grey carts, and 26 gold ones. Grey carts were for semifinalists, gold carts for for the winners and runner ups. There were only a few thousand people who competed. If there were a few thousand, that would mean everyone who went to the thing got a cartridge.
xxhennersxx on
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the swordhttp://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered Userregular
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
...that's the SAME auction I linked to. I linked to the NWC 90 cart, for the competetion and i twould be the prize along with the entire SNES library. Learn to read the OP? Kthx
xxhennersxx on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
...there are 116. 90 grey carts, and 26 gold ones. Grey carts were for semifinalists, gold carts for for the winners and runner ups. There were only a few thousand people who competed. If there were a few thousand, that would mean everyone who went to the thing got a cartridge.
where'd you hear that? i've heard differently from sources inside nintendo.
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
ViscountalphaThe pen is mightier than the swordhttp://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered Userregular
The entire SNES collection. We've seen entire NES collections, but this is the first time I've seen an SNES one.
That nintendo cart is just too much $$$. Ya know, I'd like them to be as random as possible with the omegathon. I'd like to see a game of pure skill but a game of chance might be cool too.
2 player verses is the best way to rock it. But since your on that note, It would be nice to run 2 players playing the same game and to give them 5 minutes and unlimited continues to see who gets the highest score.
maybe force them to use the powerglove to handicap both of them :P
Know what I want to prize to be but is a bad idea? My dream job in the video game industry. LOL I wanna be a Producer. Because the person who wins it could already have a job or their dream job which is why it's a bad idea. >.<
Buraisu on
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
Know what I want to prize to be but is a bad idea? My dream job in the video game industry. LOL I wanna be a Producer. Because the person who wins it could already have a job or their dream job which is why it's a bad idea. >.<
well, for that reason and the fact that whoever wins would extremely likely be completely incompetent to manage that job, and about a million other reasons.
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
...that's the SAME auction I linked to. I linked to the NWC 90 cart, for the competetion and i twould be the prize along with the entire SNES library. Learn to read the OP? Kthx
Wow, no need to snap about it, after all you did post a thread that already exists under a different name *cough*Omegathon Prize*cough*, and nobody gave you any shit about it.
Moe Fwacky on
RelativioxHalo NerdForerunner shield world OnyxRegistered Userregular
edited March 2007
Maybe we should've. Eh boys?
Tonight you'll be sleeping with the fishes. There's this lovely place right by the aquarium down by the docks and at the hotel there is a little aquarium in each room.
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
...there are 116. 90 grey carts, and 26 gold ones. Grey carts were for semifinalists, gold carts for for the winners and runner ups. There were only a few thousand people who competed. If there were a few thousand, that would mean everyone who went to the thing got a cartridge.
where'd you hear that? i've heard differently from sources inside nintendo.
Those numbers are quote from nintendo. they're the numbers on NESpit. They're the numbers on NES world. And they're the numbers from TSR.
If there were thousands made, and only a few thousand people WENT to the event. I have the question to ask.
yeah, i used to run the NES legion over on gamespot, so i'm well versed in the nwc cartridge. there are actually a few thousand of them, but we estimate probably only a thousand or so still in working order. it's a cartridge made solely for competitive purposes, pretty rad stuff, i've played a demo of it online.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
That's disgusting and would make for a horrible prize.
Someone help me find these men so I may kill them, and take what they possess for my own.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
i said double it up with the ENTIRE SNES COLLECTION. IN BOX. Plus 74 factory sealed SNES games.
So the final game during the omegathon, is the tournament cartridge. thent eh winner gets the carridge, as well as the SNES collection.
Hell no. the controls used on that thing are a peice of shit. In order for alot of games to be near playable you woul dhave to replace them with Happ Parts. SO unless the person likes to solder contact points on arcade microswitches, no.
as awesome as more classic gaming stuff would be for the prize, i'm still holding out for the solid gold cast of khoo's penis!
(brokenangel know what i'm talkin bout!)
...there are 116. 90 grey carts, and 26 gold ones. Grey carts were for semifinalists, gold carts for for the winners and runner ups. There were only a few thousand people who competed. If there were a few thousand, that would mean everyone who went to the thing got a cartridge.
TMI about golden objects.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
...that's the SAME auction I linked to. I linked to the NWC 90 cart, for the competetion and i twould be the prize along with the entire SNES library. Learn to read the OP? Kthx
That nintendo cart is just too much $$$. Ya know, I'd like them to be as random as possible with the omegathon. I'd like to see a game of pure skill but a game of chance might be cool too.
2 player verses is the best way to rock it. But since your on that note, It would be nice to run 2 players playing the same game and to give them 5 minutes and unlimited continues to see who gets the highest score.
maybe force them to use the powerglove to handicap both of them :P
Wow, no need to snap about it, after all you did post a thread that already exists under a different name *cough*Omegathon Prize*cough*, and nobody gave you any shit about it.
Tonight you'll be sleeping with the fishes. There's this lovely place right by the aquarium down by the docks and at the hotel there is a little aquarium in each room.
Those numbers are quote from nintendo. they're the numbers on NESpit. They're the numbers on NES world. And they're the numbers from TSR.
If there were thousands made, and only a few thousand people WENT to the event. I have the question to ask.
Where the fuck is my cart from the event?
That's disgusting and would make for a horrible prize.
It should be silver. Gold is much too gaudy.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!