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[TRENCHES] Tuesday, October 16, 2012 - Democracy

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited 2012 16 in The Penny Arcade Hub


Full-Time Monster


I worked for a major publisher as a contracted QA Tester. The pay was minimum wage, benefits were next to none, and we were treated as sweatshop labor, constantly cycling in new fresh-eyed college kids to
replace the dozen fired the week before. Everyday the Full Time employees and managers would come in, take a look at everyone’s numbers for the week, and decide who to fire.

Over a year period I watched as managers fired dozens of friends I made there simply for not reaching an arbitrary bug number the manager made each week regardless of the state of the project. I watched as we were only allowed two smoke breaks a day and the worst schedules to be at work while Full Time Employees came in and left at their leisure, and took smoke breaks upwards of 10 times a day.

Then one day, I applied for an open management spot, and I got it. I became a Full Time Employee.

And I never looked back. My hourly pay was doubled, I had insurance, I went out drinking with my manager and his manager. I fired people who didn’t meet arbitrary bug numbers, I took 10-12 smoke breaks a day because I could. I made up my weekly schedule based on what I wanted to work, coming in late or leaving early. Suddenly all the excuses I heard from people who got fired no longer mattered to me, I had numbers to meet and my raises depended on them.

I became the very thing I hated. 

I have no regrets.

Geth on


  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Oh Cora. You have no idea what you're doing.

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
  • KarlKarl Registered User regular
    The story in the OP is the exact reason why the games industry will never change.

    I'm assuming being treated like shit to them is just "paying your dues".

  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    I like the way Isaac looks a little intimidated at her intensity.

  • Sgt.Big_BubbaloolaSgt.Big_Bubbaloola That's Mr to you! Everywhere man....Registered User regular
    What a nice guy in that story! He will go far, but not senior management though. He knows too much about testing and game construction to actually be senior management these days.

    Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
  • MyiagrosMyiagros Registered User regular
    Story guy must not know that most jobs only get 2-3 breaks a day, and if he was complaining about his pay maybe he should have stopped smoking.

    iRevert wrote: »
    Because if you're going to attempt to squeeze that big black monster into your slot you will need to be able to take at least 12 inches or else you're going to have a bad time...
    Steam: MyiagrosX27
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    If you smoke you are allowed to take dozens of breaks a day and nobody will stop you hell they'll. Smoke with you!

    This is the unwritten rule of the fuckbags.

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
  • theResetButtontheResetButton Registered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    "only allowed two smoke breaks a day"

    Man, I hate smokers at work. Every time I need someone's input/feedback/approval on something time sensitive, they're always outside Goddamn smoking!

    theResetButton on
    Keep honking: I'm also honking.
  • SkiddlesSkiddles The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    Ugh, Story.

    So,,,much...wrong...with...story. *gak*

  • SkunkapeSkunkape Registered User regular
    Finally an honest story in OP. I am not surprised to see him attacked, haters going to hate.

  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    If I ever run a business there will be no smoke breaks. You can indulge your addiction on your own time. I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

  • astronautcowboy3astronautcowboy3 Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    If I ever run a business there will be no smoke breaks. You can indulge your addiction on your own time. I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

    Is it legal to just say "no smokers" and be done with it? I'm sure someone sued someone at some point over this, but did they win, or did the non-smoking judge laugh them out of court?

    The JRPG Club: Video game reviews, vocabulary lists and other resources for Japanese learners.
    PSN: astronautcowboy 3DS: 5343-8146-1833
    I have Sega, Nintendo and Xbox games and systems for sale. Please help me buy diapers.
  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    If you smoke you are allowed to take dozens of breaks a day and nobody will stop you hell they'll. Smoke with you!

    This is the unwritten rule of the fuckbags.

    It's very very true. If your boss smokes and you want to get promoted... start smoking. You'll get more breaks and he'll (she'll?) like you more. You'll die earlier, smell terrible, and all that other stuff but hey.

  • 3lwap03lwap0 Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

    You heartless monster.

  • DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    You can hire smokers, and then state that you cant leave property while on the clock (meaning breaks), and there are no places available to smoke (including in your car on property or in the parking lot). Our company is rolling this out soon. A bunch of places are doing this now from what I have seen, especially in the healthcare sector.

    Edit: and on the "if your boss smokes and you smoke, you get 10 breaks a day" mention, its absolutely true in every retail level job I have seen. I tried to take a break once in retail as a non smoker to just get some air and walk around ,and I was written up. "you stand around all day not doing anything anyways!" customer walks in "uhg, im going to go smoke". I quit pretty soon after that.

    DiannaoChong on
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    If I ever run a business there will be no smoke breaks. You can indulge your addiction on your own time. I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

    Is it legal to just say "no smokers" and be done with it? I'm sure someone sued someone at some point over this, but did they win, or did the non-smoking judge laugh them out of court?

    Some companies are trying this out right now. It's currently banging around in the courts and will be a mish mash of state decisions until a federal court picks it up.

    What is this I don't even.
  • IamToochIamTooch Registered User regular
    As for the story, don't hate the player, hate the game.

    As for the strip, "maintenance." Next time my son is griping about something or my wife wants me to take some crap out the garage, I'm gonna be down for "maintenance."

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    Cora has made me actively side with the evil unfeeling game publisher to the point that the third panel brings me glee. Cora has made me hate the players just by presuming to speak for them.

    I also love how "maintenance" is in quotes.

    Gaslight on
  • KarlKarl Registered User regular
    IamTooch wrote: »
    As for the story, don't hate the player, hate the game.

    As for the strip, "maintenance." Next time my son is griping about something or my wife wants me to take some crap out the garage, I'm gonna be down for "maintenance."

    I'll hate the players because they make the game.

    At the point he was in a position where he could change it, he thought "nah fuck it" why should anyone else be treated better than I was.

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    An entry level management position to doesn't put you in the position to change anything.

  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    I imagine it will be common for workplaces to ban smoking very soon. my employeer just outright banned smoking on the premises. Can't even have a pack in your pocket. Apparently they got hit with a huge fine for violating county smoking laws.

    Its wonderful.

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
  • LovelyLovely Registered User regular
    ......that sentiment really doesn't match your avatar XD .

    Uh, anyways, with every strip Cora just gets more and more annoying to me. It's just a rollback that everyone even the player base knew was coming (even if they didn't know exactly WHEN it was coming.) I mean, geez.

  • azmod2000azmod2000 Registered User regular
    Lovely wrote: »
    Uh, anyways, with every strip Cora just gets more and more annoying to me. It's just a rollback that everyone even the player base knew was coming (even if they didn't know exactly WHEN it was coming.) I mean, geez.

    It is one thing when the company was lying to the players to cover their ass because of a faulty game and inadequate Q&A. One could sympathize with Cora's trying to tell the players the truth. However, now the rollback is probably necessary to save the game and her crusade just looks like a temper tantrum. She is making Isaac look like a reasonable person.

    The story reflects a view that crappy work conditions in game testing area a 'self-inflicted misery'. The testers are willing to put up with the abuse when most could probably get decent jobs in another field, so the industry does not see a need to change. The author got out and has no sympathy for those who are not willing to do so.

  • gholateggholateg Registered User new member
    I'm still of the notion that Issac was right in how he dealt with things. His motives weren't the brightest, but the actions were sound imho. Cora's... I'm not sure what Cora really stands for here. Some sort of Soccer Mom who coddles the playerbase? Maybe I'm just that jaded a soul that her actions make zero sense to me.

    Course, instead of a roll back, I'd have demanded to be put in charge of a giant gold eating stargod boss who literally hunted every player down and shook the money out of them like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. But that's me.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    The "storyline" would end with him devouring that asteroid with the infinite gold mine.

  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    In the professional world where you have a salary it seems you can take as many smoke breaks as you want as long as your work gets done and you stay busy.

    However, my wife's experience in the health care sector is where people paid by the hour get two fifteen minute breaks, one half-hour unpaid lunch, and ten five minute smoke breaks if you are a smoker.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
  • HardtargetHardtarget There Are Four Lights VancouverRegistered User regular
    "only allowed two smoke breaks a day"

    Man, I hate smokers!
    there, i fixed that up for you

  • DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    If I ever run a business there will be no smoke breaks. You can indulge your addiction on your own time. I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

    You wouldn't happen to be posting from work, would ya?
    Taking a lil internet break on company time.

    Deebaser on
  • Shakes999Shakes999 Registered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    Deebaser wrote: »
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    If I ever run a business there will be no smoke breaks. You can indulge your addiction on your own time. I also wouldn't provide heroin or cocaine breaks.

    You wouldn't happen to be posting from work, would ya?
    Taking a lil internet break on company time.

    Yeah I love the smoker fallacy. How many people who bitch about smokers, spend a good hour or more a day dicking around on random websites while on company time.

    One begets the other. Smokers get a few breaks a day and the non-smokers get jealous and decide they are going to waste company time too. I watch it happen at every office job ive ever worked.

    2 smoke breaks and a lunch is enough. If multiple people are taking 5+ smoke breaks a day, thats bad management.

    ///works construction so i can smoke whenever i want until sheet rock gets installed in the bld, then i have to go outside on break time like everyone else

    Shakes999 on
  • StormwatcherStormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular
    You never ever fuck the company over. If you think they're being assholes to the clients; and your attempts to change the company's mind have failed; then you either swallow your pride or quit. Fighting the man from inside is pure bullshit. It's dishonest and can rightfully end your career.

    Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491
  • DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I take as many smoke breaks as I feel like, but most time I'm either thinking about or talking to someone about work.

    Posted while smoking

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Shakes999 wrote: »
    Yeah I love the smoker fallacy. How many people who bitch about smokers, spend a good hour or more a day dicking around on random websites while on company time.

    One begets the other. Smokers get a few breaks a day and the non-smokers get jealous and decide they are going to waste company time too. I watch it happen at every office job ive ever worked.

    Ha, like smokers only use the internet for company purposes. The thing of it is, smokers do every waste of time thing the 'normals' do (extra coffee run, water cooler chat, idle web browsing) but throw in going outside and having no potential to do work multiple times a day.

  • BahamutEosBahamutEos Registered User regular
    Read comic, forum, and posted this all from work.

    ...Also I don't smoke.

  • HedgethornHedgethorn Associate Professor of Historical Hobby Horses In the Lions' DenRegistered User regular
    Regarding the story:

    ...and I just Godwin'd the thread. I don't think I've ever managed to do that before.

  • Shakes999Shakes999 Registered User regular
    Shakes999 wrote: »
    Yeah I love the smoker fallacy. How many people who bitch about smokers, spend a good hour or more a day dicking around on random websites while on company time.

    One begets the other. Smokers get a few breaks a day and the non-smokers get jealous and decide they are going to waste company time too. I watch it happen at every office job ive ever worked.

    Ha, like smokers only use the internet for company purposes. The thing of it is, smokers do every waste of time thing the 'normals' do (extra coffee run, water cooler chat, idle web browsing) but throw in going outside and having no potential to do work multiple times a day.

    So it comes down to being jealous then. I can respect that.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    edited 2012 16
    Shakes999 wrote: »
    So it comes down to being jealous then. I can respect that.
    Not at all.
    I grew up in a smoking household. I'm the only one who never took it up, never got addicted.
    At forty, I've already lost both of my parents to smoking-related causes. (Okay, my father had a history of strokes on that side of the family, but I doubt the cigs helped, or that he kept smoking right up to the end. My mother's cancer? No question.)
    If anything, I feel sorry for you.

    Commander Zoom on
  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Yeah my grams lost a lung and then her life. I'm sure sucking urea into her lungs was totes worth it though!

    Not that I'm not after caffeine most days, but it's really not the same thing.

  • JormungandrJormungandr Registered User regular
    I have to admit, Cora including "Name it in an angry way." as one of the conditions of being part of the protest got a laugh out of me. It's the little things. :)

  • PtolemyPtolemy Registered User new member
    I used to be in a position like this person in the OP. Watching things like that happen to colleagues and watching full time do as they please.

    I do smoke, no, not ten times a day and when I was in a temp position, I was smoking with my boss. (It didn't get me full time, I got it at another studio)

    What bothers me the most is that QA is such a fickle beast when it comes to the stability of the job and instead of pointing out flaws in how the system works and trying to change it, this person became what testers hate the most.

    You. Are. That. Guy. I hope you die in a fire.

  • Shakes999Shakes999 Registered User regular
    Shakes999 wrote: »
    So it comes down to being jealous then. I can respect that.
    Not at all.
    I grew up in a smoking household. I'm the only one who never took it up, never got addicted.
    At forty, I've already lost both of my parents to smoking-related causes. (Okay, my father had a history of strokes on that side of the family, but I doubt the cigs helped, or that he kept smoking right up to the end. My mother's cancer? No question.)
    If anything, I feel sorry for you.


  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    edited 2012 17
    So, let me preface this by telling a bit of a story. There's this fairly well known but not well regarded study called the Stanford Prison Experiment. Boiled down, a professor decided to set up a small prison staffed and inhabited by student volunteers. The idea was to see how people internalized their roles in society, and in some ways it's an offshoot of the more well known and better regarded Milgram Experiment. So, as the study went on the student volunteers who acted as the guards gradually got worse and worse, and ended up mentally and/or physically torturing the student volunteers who were chosen to be inmates. The study isn't well regarded because the professor himself got into his role as the warden of the "prison", though it is well documented and there were a ton of notes and videos left over from it. Though it's somewhat important to note that through the entire ordeal, only one "prisoner" opted out of the experiment, which they were free to do at any time.

    Years later the BBC picks up on it and thinks "This would be a great experiment to disprove on national TV!". Thus commenced what Wikipedia calls "The BBC Prison Study" or "The Experiment", which was the name of the show. The whole thing went down real well, the guards started showing compassion for the prisoners, the show allowed some of the prisoners to become guards, and eventually the 'prisoners' accepted their position....only to try to overthrow the guards. Then the guards, including former prisoners, cracked down on the prisoners and were about to instil a harsher rule than even the original experiment which forced the group running the "study" to stop.

    The moral of the story is. People are dicks. It's not power that gets to people's heads it's the idea that now that you're one of "us" and not one of "them" you're better than "them" and there's no reason to think about "them". In the military it's also known as "Rank has it's privileges".
    It really doesn't matter if you're a good person or a bad one, whether you're male or female, or whether you're compassionate or stoic. If the guy "above" you says that the guys "below" you don't matter, you have to exert a large amount of willpower to overcome that concept just to notice that it's wrong.
    And considering how the often reproduced Milgram experiment goes, you have even less chance of making an actual attempt* to change things.

    *Something beyond just saying something about how it's wrong.

    Dedwrekka on
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