DanacyrusGaming Coffee Making MusicianBrisbaneRegistered Userregular
edited November 2012
@DragonBear Definitely would be keen to find some more people looking for somewhere to stay, I've got a reasonable list of places at the moment, and I'd be more than happy to send you some places I've been looking at. I'll send you a message in a minute
Danacyrus on
peachykinsgamer, nurse, baker of delicious noms <3Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered Userregular
There you guys and girls go.. but as you can see some of them dont list pricing pass March next year.
If I have the time, I may go around to some of the places and ask if I could do a quick tour of the "said rooms" with a camera, for you folks to get a better look into the rooms before you lodge.
If you're wondering what a certain hotel/apartment is like, try a quick search of the hotel using http://www.tripadvisor.com.au/. It has reviews and photos by travellers instead of the professional shots etc. It's normally super helpful
DanacyrusGaming Coffee Making MusicianBrisbaneRegistered Userregular
@Dragonbear My sister and I are looking at room sharing as well. Currently sussing out 3 bedroom apartment prices for check in Thursday 18th and checkout Monday 21st. We are going share a room so looking for 4 others to go in with us. How much were you looking at spending?
It's truuee
If you're wondering what a certain hotel/apartment is like, try a quick search of the hotel using http://www.tripadvisor.com.au/. It has reviews and photos by travellers instead of the professional shots etc. It's normally super helpful
Really it's just that I forgot to do a room share sticky when the hotels went up >.<
If you want to see examples of how they work, take a look at the pax east subforum.
I'd really like to stay in a place with a few Paxers there to max out the fun bar
It's short term apartments and houses, we got an awesome 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house (gorgeous!!!) for $250 (about 40 a night each)a night!
Especially If you're looking for places to share and get others in on!