I think I can beat that with
MELBOURNE I am in you !
Update on the MyKi
You can get a visitor pack with card and $8 credit for $14. If you then load it with an additional $27 you can then use the card to purchase a 7 day 1 zone pass.
We're sitting in the Canberra airport right now. Our 1pm flight to Melbourne is running about 40 minutes late, but we should be unpacked and ready to party on the CBD no later than 6 tonight. If anyone wants to meet up, PM me and I'll send you our mobile number(s). We have games: Innovation, The Great Dalmuti, Anomia, Hanabi, The Resistance. And maybe something else I'm forgetting.
damn it! sorry i forgot about meeting up with you in Sydney, I am flying out tomorrow afternoon but I have sent my phone number if you wish to meet up in Melbourne.
Next PAX: PAX AUS 2017
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
MELBOURNE I am in you !
Update on the MyKi
You can get a visitor pack with card and $8 credit for $14. If you then load it with an additional $27 you can then use the card to purchase a 7 day 1 zone pass.
I suppose I need to learn about Myki now...
damn it! sorry i forgot about meeting up with you in Sydney, I am flying out tomorrow afternoon but I have sent my phone number if you wish to meet up in Melbourne.
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013