Hi all….
I thought I would start this new thread because my road has gone from a smooth freeway to a country side dirt road and need to find a fitting place to tell my story.
Here we go…..My wife and I have been planning for about 3 years now to make it to PAX Prime. Both of us were very excited to hear that PAX was coming to Aus (We still are planning a US PAX trip but now it’s not as urgent).
We got our badges the first day they went on sale and booked our accommodation soon after……so are/were ready.
Now the twist….My wife finds out this week that she is pregnant and you guessed it, the baby is due mid to end of July…..a PAX baby.
My wife is ready to go even if she still is carrying......it might actually be the first PAX baby (....I think).
As of now, I still have permission to go for all 3 days what ever happens... but that can easily change.
Good luck with your journey! There are wonderful obs/gyn people in Melbourne and your team should be able to put you in touch if your honey goes into PAX-time, it's the travel at that gestation that would worry me.
Not your first and #1 was early so you have +2 to luck on this one. Hopefully your wife will be bringing babe and we can all goo over the youngest AusPAXian :-)
No argument there Danacyrus... and she knows that I would love the chance to be an enforcer (a common theme with the forum members here...the enforcer part).
The 3hr travel will be a problem... but we're both confident (along with the doc) that this one will be early too and we will most definitely bring the baby on one of the days.
That's what we thought of soon after the date hit us.
Actually Jerry's (aka Tycho's) wife had a baby during PAX Prime 2009. Not at PAX obviously, but it certainly was a special\stressful event for all involved. Reference this PATV episode http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/the-pilot-part-2
But more PAX babies is good.
Important relevant reminder, no strollers allowed in the Expo Hall (at least at Prime & East, your PAX Aus mileage may vary).
They are a real pain at large events and gatherings (for others...:-P ), I can see why they don't allow them...... go the holster
(Sorry...Will remove if I just broke some forum rule...)
Oh... wait.... you meant the prams...
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
When I heard it was in Melbourne the world wouldn't allow me NOT to go.
^ A piece of advice I wish i'd gotten.
Edit: Due to low... well... 0 Diesel fuel for the next few weeks, ill have to wait till after x-mas. (Ive been told by all the servos on my route, that they wont be getting diesel till the 23rd of DEC), I only have enough fuel for tomorrow.. and one emergency day.