I represent a studio attempting to exhibit at PAX East 2013. We faxed our application in 3 weeks ago, but have received no indication of it's receipt or processing. From my understanding, we were to receive a packet or email informing us on how to place our down payment for the reservation of floor space at the expo, but again we have received nothing at all.
I have constantly been trying to contact those who regulate the exhibitions at PAX to no avail. The only contact I have available is Mr. Bill Butler, but I have left him several voicemails and emails over the last 2 weeks and have not heard anything back. I understand Mr. Butler is busy, as I'm sure the rest of the department handling exhibitions is, but I'm a little slighted that we haven't received a single response concerning the matter. We are becoming concerned that booths are filling quickly, and that we may not have a chance to exhibit now, due to the lack in communication from PAX's staff.
If anyone can help me or get me into contact with someone who can, myself and my company would greatly appreciate it. Thank you forum members and mods.