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The Trailer

FunkyWaltDoggFunkyWaltDogg Columbia, SCRegistered User regular
edited May 2007 in Penny Arcade Games
It seems like there should be a link for the trailer in here.

EDIT: Better link

EDIT2: New trailer!

FunkyWaltDogg on


  • ShurakaiShurakai Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I wonder if Tycho or Gabe will mention it in todays newspost. Other than Gabe's comments in the g&t thread, they have been oddly silent on the subject, leaving it to the internet masses to virally spread it around for all to see.

    Shurakai on
  • FunkyWaltDoggFunkyWaltDogg Columbia, SCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I hadn't realized that Gabe had posted in the G&T thread. Let me go find it...
    Gabriel wrote: »
    Hey guys, I just wanted to hopefully clarify some of the stuff in that trailer.

    First of all, we probably should not have dropped that trailer just yet. Our 3D stuff just isn’t ready.

    Okay, with that said. I’m glad we can all pretty much agree the 2D intro is cool. It shows off the detective agency that Gabe and Tycho work at and gives some clues about the world. I like it.

    The decision to add the 3D stuff was made at the last minute. We were afraid people might think the entire game was 2D. We put the 3D stuff in there to show that we intend to create a 3D game. It was just way too soon to show that stuff. There are a lot of effects we have planned like cell shading that just aren’t in yet. There’s still a ton of work to do in order to really define the look of the game.

    Honestly the feedback we’re getting here is super valuable so I appreciate that. I can also assure you that I would never allow the game to ship if I didn’t think it looked cool. I’m with you guys. The 3D stuff we have to show now is not up to par. I also know that the people have working on it are good people and they can do this. We’ll get it there.
    Gabriel wrote: »
    Yeah no voices at all. It will be word balloons and character portraits.

    There will be a lot of 2D cut scenes in the game and no I did not draw them. I am doing all the storyboards though and giving direction to the flash people. I think they did a pretty great job of nailing my style.

    The bit about the 3D being a placeholder is reassuring.

    FunkyWaltDogg on
  • DaySleeperDaySleeper regular
    edited March 2007
    I thoroughly enjoy that the sword from Book 2 is mounted to the wall.

    DaySleeper on
    Unofficial PA IRC chat: #paforums at
  • Wandering IdiotWandering Idiot Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    This is probably the better page to link for the trailer, since it includes the HD version.

    Which is very nice, btw. Makes me feel better about the game than the other version, since I can kind of imagine how the 3D will look once it has cell-shading and non-screwy faces, etc.

    Wandering Idiot on
  • FunkyWaltDoggFunkyWaltDogg Columbia, SCRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    This is probably the better page to link for the trailer, since it includes the HD version.

    Which is very nice, btw. Makes me feel better about the game than the other version, since I can kind of imagine how the 3D will look once it has cell-shading and non-screwy faces, etc.

    Thanks, added to the OP.

    FunkyWaltDogg on
  • SonosSonos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    from gabe's news today i expected it to be a lot worse. looked really nice to me.

    Sonos on
    PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
  • spambotspambot Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Is it me, or does the New Arcadia version of Gabe look a bit like Hugh Jackman?
    It must be the sideburns.

    spambot on - An Editorial Gaming Blog

    Here There Be Robots - All ages Sci-Fi/Adventure comic
  • HalleysComicHalleysComic Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Wow, I've always wanted to see Gabe and Tycho animated that nicely!
    I can't wait for the game!! :D

    HalleysComic on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I thought it looked pretty good. The Fruit Fucker in particular gets an A++ from me.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
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  • SonosSonos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    I thought it looked pretty good. The Fruit Fuckers in particulars gets an A++ from me.

    fixed with a plural? the one in the glass was completely win. UNLESS...the ff we all know and heart is somehow...tranformed to evil!

    I got it right didn't I?!

    Sonos on
    PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
  • EmirooEmiroo Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    The Fruit Fucker trapped in the glass case is some funny ass shit! I watched the trailer 5 times just to keep seeing it.

    I wish I could get an animated destop or avatar of that...

    If that's just a taste of the hilarity of this game, then we are in for a treat! I can't wait to see where Annarchy and Jesus fit in. Not to mention good old Frank. :-)

    Emiroo on
  • Captain KCaptain K Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Emiroo wrote: »
    If that's just a taste of the hilarity of this game, then we are in for a treat! I can't wait to see where Annarchy and Jesus fit in. Not to mention good old Frank. :-)

    They might save some of the recurring characters for later episodes.

    Captain K on
  • IskanderIskander Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    spambot wrote: »
    Is it me, or does the New Arcadia version of Gabe look a bit like Hugh Jackman?
    It must be the chest hair.

    Iskander on
  • evamonkeyevamonkey Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    clearly there is two classes of fruit fucking going on. The one in the bell jar is traditional, wheres as the final one is a mechanised steampunk cogs etc version. Could someone steal their fruit fucker, inorder to create ones to fuck larger objects than fruit? The one at the end of the trailer is certainly much larger in scale than the original. And what if its building to the attack of the 40 ft fruit fucker? Thats a boss battle id like to see.

    evamonkey on
  • SonosSonos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    what if he wants to fuck the entire earth to steal it's lifestream and thereby destroy the entire planet?!?

    so i guess this game is rpg/adventure/horror/humour


    Sonos on
    PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
  • HollohillHollohill Registered User new member
    edited March 2007
    I think the game would look better 2D, like Castle crashers and Alien Hominid HD on XB Live...
    Maybe it's just from seeing gameplay early...

    Hollohill on
  • Mr.GoneMr.Gone Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Freaking amazing. I can't wait to play this!

    Mr.Gone on
    "We're like 7-11. We're not always doing business, but we're always open."
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I've been a huge PA fan since it's beginning. I am a loyal follower, an avid reader, a true-blooded supporter.

    But let me back up. How many proud parents brag over their ugly children? (Violet Afleck anyone?) How many inventors proudly peddle useless inventions? (Just watch early morning infomercials) How many developers pour blood, sweat and tears into games that they just *know* will be uber-awesome only to have committments made and hands tied to the point that the game is finally released into the dollar bin along with Skitchin', Crash Bandicoot and Koolaid Man Adventures?

    I love you guys like you're my weird, famous brothers, and I can't let you go down that road. You don't see it because this thing is your ugly baby. I can tell you as a 3D graphics instructor for 10 years that the problem with your character models isn't that they're "preliminary" or "missing cel shading" - they're bad. Bad in a way that clamato juice or genital herpes is bad. They are wrong. Poorly crafted. Shoddy. The facial expressions, the smeared textures, the posture, the stance, the design. Bad down the board.

    Now ask yourself this... If this was "PVP : An Overuse of Big Words To Imply Hipness - Part 1" and your task was to review it... what would you have to say? Much like your Sony PS3 flip-flop, you find yourself in the precarious position of having to humble yourself a little. You find yourself trotting down the same road with the same conclusion that so many struggling developers and proud parents try despirately to deny : your baby is ugly.

    Now don't get me wrong. I'm not some flameboy geek sitting in my parents' basement dealing out my worthless opinions on the internets to make myself feel big. I am still a HUGE fan, and it's for that reason that I beg you to hold your baby up to the light. Take it to Sears and get some portraits shot and show them off to people saying "Would you look at this baby picture I found at the bus station?" and see what they honestly say about it. As game reviewers yourself, you are being held to a higher standard, and surely you see that if these monumental wrinkles don't iron out, the smack you talk about games will forever be tarnished by gamers responding "If you could do better, why didn't you?"

    And now the inevitable self-promotion... About a year ago, some friends and I started working on a Total Conversion of Jedi Academy called "Cardboard Tube Showdown". At that time we emailed you information on it and I believe you even posted it in the News section. When interest in the JA engine waned, so did our interest in finishing the game, however even we got it a little more right at an early stage of development.

    A couple of kids messing around trying to make a Penny Arcade-based deathmatch game... And here's what we had.


    I hope you can see the difference. And I hope your baby grows up to be as attractive as it's parents. Okay, maybe a little moreso.

    Zaron3d on
  • RamiusRamius Joined: July 19, 2000 Administrator, ClubPA admin
    edited March 2007
    Zaron3d wrote: »

    I hope you can see the difference. And I hope your baby grows up to be as attractive as it's parents. Okay, maybe a little moreso.

    That looks rendered. It certainly isn't an in-game shot, is it even outputted from the game engine?

    (also, don't take my silence on the rest of your post to mean I am discounting your points about the 3d footage that was released. My only feeling on that is, if they say "don't judge based on the 3d you see in the trailer" then I have to take them at their word and not judge based on the 3d I see in the trailer. I'm sure there will be a new trailer released in time.)

    Ramius on
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Ramius wrote: »
    (also, don't take my silence on the rest of your post to mean I am discounting your points about the 3d footage that was released. My only feeling on that is, if they say "don't judge based on the 3d you see in the trailer" then I have to take them at their word and not judge based on the 3d I see in the trailer. I'm sure there will be a new trailer released in time.)

    Oh of course. It's my sincere hope that this is the case. And the "in-game" shots from the PA trailer of the PA crew moving in party formation do look better and slightly cell shaded, so my hope is still strong. That post wasn't me writing them off and saying "You'll fail miserably", but rather a warning shot over their bow in the hopes that they might pull the reins tighter and not slip off the rainslick precipice into the dollar bin of doom.

    Oh and you're right. That is a production render. Go here to see in-game shots, which I assure you aren't far from the production render...

    Zaron3d on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    ugly baby my ass. He said it wasn't even near completion. Your "ugly baby" is only a zygote at this stage.

    Xaquin on
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Flame on. Some people - that's all they know how to do.

    But your eloquent response is correct in one way Xaquin... Atleast their baby is destined to be born. Ours, unfortunately, was merely an aborted fetus. But like they say : "Die young and leave a pretty corpse".

    Zaron3d on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    All I'm saying is that you don't walk up to an artist after he's only sketched a few lines and tell them it will look like crap.

    and please don't assume flaming is all I know how to do. It just felt needed (and it was barely a flame anyway).


    Xaquin on
  • AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Even your models of Gabe and Tycho look wrong. The rest are great.

    I don't think Gabe and Tycho translate into 3 dimensions very well.

    AbsoluteZero on
  • apollo277apollo277 Registered User new member
    edited March 2007
    Trailer looks pretty cool. The initial music sounds like the parlor music from the space station in X-wing Alliance.

    apollo277 on
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Even your models of Gabe and Tycho look wrong. The rest are great.

    I don't think Gabe and Tycho translate into 3 dimensions very well.

    No you are absolutely right. The Penny Arcade characters are very nice and stylized and it's almost insulting to tart them up in 3D. None of the characters we did are 100% right, and I don't think that's completely possible, given the differences in the mediums.

    Zaron3d on
  • GabrielGabriel Registered User, ClubPA, Penny Arcade Staff, PAX Staff staff
    edited March 2007
    I think it is important to remember that these models are not based off Gabe and Tycho from the comic. They are based on the drawings I did of them in the RSPD world. Take a look at this:

    Gabe has long skinny legs with a very high waist and thin very wide crotch. He also has longer arms to give him a sort of simian brawler look. These are not the proportions he’s got in the comic. I also draw him slightly different when he’s the CTS.

    These models are based on versions of the characters that you guys just haven't seen much of. They adhere to the aesthetic I created for this game. Not the aesthetic of the comic strip.

    With that said I’m not sold on the textures yet. Like I said we still need to get our cell shading working. Things may change.

    I think the models you guys made for the MOD were awesome. You guys managed to reproduce the characters in 3D in a way that almost perfectly mirrored the way I was drawing them in the comic at the time. The fact is I change my style a lot and the way they look in the comic now doesn’t even match the way they looked three years ago.

    I appreciate the advice. Honestly I agree that we aren’t there yet. But I won’t sign off on the game until I think it looks good. I certainly won’t put my name on anything that I don’t think meets or exceeds the level of quality you guys expect from PA.

    Gabriel on
  • StraythStrayth Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Even the Simpsons go through different stages of Groening's style, not just at the beheadst of the animators themselves. Plus, think about Castlevania. Its original concept art back in the 80s was reminiscent of Conan Sword & Sorcery grittiness, and now it's all but Amano soft / effeminate / surreal kind of art.

    Picking a period of PA art isn't going to be hard nor distinctly necessary, I think. I mean, Penny Arcade found its success not in art, not in being funny, but in both. It was fluent and had brevity, and made people laugh. The art complimented the joke, the joke complimented the art.

    That's what PA fans will want to see in the game. Content complimenting its graphics, graphics complimenting its content.

    The above is obviously an unprofessional opinion of mine, but there it is.

    Looking forward to it. One might say, way forward.

    Strayth on
    That's right.
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Again, just want to reiterate that I'm not saying this game won't happen or it won't be great. I know how committed the PA guys are to quality games. If anything I was using my own partially-informed opinion to warn of a possible outcome of current events, a la A Christmas Carol. I am merely the Ghost of Bad Games Future. I mean no disrespect to Hothead Games (other than to say that the current models are pretty poor and hopefully as preliminary as advertised) nor do I mean any towards the PA fellas. If any offense was taken, I apologize all around.

    Zaron3d on
  • PataPata Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Man every other site I've seen with discussion on this is being retarded.

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Like what? Gotta be more specific than that. :P

    Zaron3d on
  • PataPata Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Zaron3d wrote: »
    Like what? Gotta be more specific than that. :P

    People are saying how PA's jumped the shark and that the game is going to suck horribly.

    Pata on
    SRWWSig.pngEpisode 5: Mecha-World, Mecha-nisim, Mecha-beasts
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Well I think the trailer kind'a hurt a little being so rough... but I wouldn't go so far as to forecast doom and gloom on them just yet. As Gabe said, they're not going to sign off on a game that's subpar and not fun. I really would've liked to have seen them go a little more 2D since that's what Gabe and Tyco are, but it's hard to sell a 2D game these days I guess, so you can't fault them there. I'm not even gonna go so far as give examples of 2D styles that would've worked, cuz that's not my place. We all just have to trust that G&T know their shit and won't let sub-par games slide through.

    Zaron3d on
  • SonosSonos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    for 20 bucks the game looks good enough to be a purchase for me already without thinking about it at all. improvements just make my spending that much more solid.

    and it's another easy way for me to support them for the hours i spend trolling around here while still getting something i want.

    Sonos on
    PokeCode: 3952 3495 1748
  • NaloutoNalouto Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Pata wrote: »
    People are saying how PA's jumped the shark and that the game is going to suck horribly.

    really though, what an ugly baby.

    I hope they plan to polish this thing, as the quality is soooo far below what I would expect from the minds of two of the more famous gamer nerds on the Interweb.

    Nalouto on
  • JC of DIJC of DI I think we're fucked up. I know I am.Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    It has been stated many, many times that the 3D models are nowhere indicative of how they will look in the final build. They weren't ready to be shown off but PA and Hothead didn't want the game to be mistaken for 2D-only.

    JC of DI on
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Nalouto wrote: »
    Pata wrote: »
    People are saying how PA's jumped the shark and that the game is going to suck horribly.

    really though, what an ugly baby.

    I hope they plan to polish this thing, as the quality is soooo far below what I would expect from the minds of two of the more famous gamer nerds on the Interweb.

    See, you quoted someone from the second page, so I can only assume you read the first page with Gabe's post. Your post makes very little sense because of this.

    HappylilElf on
  • mooseproducemooseproduce Registered User new member
    edited March 2007
    I don't think Penny Arcade has jumped the shark, I think this game has jumped the shark before it's even started.

    My impression of Rain-Slick Precipice has always been that it was going to be 2d. (Please note that I never really read into it very much.) That promo pic by Gabe was awesome, and I fully expected the game to follow suit. But that trailer... heck, I didn't even like the 2d part. Except the FF in the glass case. That was fantabulous. :D

    Anyways, I think telling PA to look at their ugly baby under the light is kind of harsh, and even borders on insulting; but, at the same time, it's 100% true. The game looks like crap. Not "these graphics are placeholders" crap, but like, "this game will make a mockery of what it seeks to imitate" crap.

    Quite frankly, if the game looked anything like Gabe's promo pic-- with, like, hand-paintedness and fullsome 2d, like in the good ol' days of adventure gaming-- I would be totally happy. But, clearly, that's not going to happen. You might even say that for such a game to be created nowadays isn't even feasible: people just don't make games that way anymore. :'(

    mooseproduce on
  • Zaron3dZaron3d Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I'll reserve my *real* judgement once I've played a finished copy of the game. My point wasn't that this game is gonna suck, it was more that it is lined up to suck and that if the events of today go unchecked, it will end up sucking... mainly because no one wants to admit that their baby maybe isn't the prettiest thing ever conceived.

    I have faith in Gabe and Tycho to do right by us, but no one sets out to make a crap game. It just happens.

    Zaron3d on
  • Smug DucklingSmug Duckling Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    While I agree that the 3D graphics aren't good, for me PA is about way more than just art. As long as the game retains PA's characteristic style of humour and has good gameplay, I can live with pretty crappy visuals. That said, Gabe's style of drawing has to be my favourite of any comic, so a good translation of that into 3D would be awesome.

    Smug Duckling on
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