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Hot Head <questions for the devs>

GabrielGabriel Registered User, ClubPA, Penny Arcade Staff, PAX Staff staff
edited April 2008 in Penny Arcade Games
So I wanted to go ahead and create this thread to introduce you all to the developers over at Hothead. They’re a great bunch of guys and very talented. Feel free to ask your technical questions about the game here. Also please keep in mind these guys are crazy busy making the game so they won’t always be answering right away. Post your questions and I’m sure they’ll do their best to get them answered.

Gabriel on


  • JC of DIJC of DI I think we're fucked up. I know I am.Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    A simple question I'd been wondering was simply how large the team working on this game is.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions from the PA fans as well - we were already given a wonderful gift with Gabe's Q&A topic and this is icing on the cake.

    JC of DI on
  • SheepSheep Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited March 2007
    I'd appreciate a comment on how large and true to life the working script for the game will be. One of the reasons I dig PA is the language behind it, and I hope that the game is chock full of both Gabe and Tycho's mannerisms.

    Sheep on
  • MenaceMenace regular
    edited March 2007
    This image from the front page is fantastic. I love to see how the PA folks are involved with the game.

    If you could drop more behind the scenes stuff like this every once and while, that would be much appreciated.

    Menace on
  • Elbonian ManElbonian Man Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    It's really nice that we get to have a direct line of communication between the devs and the community. Thanks for the oppurtunity Gabe and HH.

    I understand most of you have been in the industry for some time now. How fully featured is the Torque engine compared to others that you've used? Have you had to put in a lot functionality to meet the needs of this game?

    Elbonian Man on
  • XaquinXaquin Right behind you!Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    we've all seen the 3d images from the trailer that aren't complete yet. Do you have any images that are more complete? I'm not saying a final product complete, but something you're trying to bring everything else up to?

    Xaquin on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Joel from Hothead here. I'm happy to be able to participate here and hopefully answer some of your questions. As Gabe mentioned though we're focusing all our energies on the game so please be patient if we don't get to your question right away.

    Hothead has 20 people and the majority of those are working on RSPD. This size may be deceptive though because we're also working with some partners who specialize in particular aspects of the game art. So the actual number of people working on the game varies from time to time.


    JC of DI wrote: »
    A simple question I'd been wondering was simply how large the team working on this game is.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions from the PA fans as well - we were already given a wonderful gift with Gabe's Q&A topic and this is icing on the cake.

    HH Joel on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    As Gabe has already mentioned, his and Tycho's direct involvement will ensure the game is an "authentic" Penny Arcade experience.


    Sleep wrote: »
    I'd appreciate a comment on how large and true to life the working script for the game will be. One of the reasons I dig PA is the language behind it, and I hope that the game is chock full of both Gabe and Tycho's mannerisms.

    HH Joel on
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited March 2007
    Hot Head apparently has worked with a lot of popular properties in the past. Gabe mentioned Simpsons and Hulk in the other thread. What's it like working with popular, well-known franchises such as these as compared to original creations? How does working with Penny Arcade compare to these past experiences?

    Thanks for taking the time to post here.

    Sterica on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I think what appealed to us most about Torque was the excellent cross-platform support. This is the key factor allowing us to target Mac and Linux in addition to the Windows version. We also love GarageGames' philosophy of supporting indie game development, and allowing game creators to focus on the things that matter: gameplay and fun.

    We have made some changes to the engine during development, but we have an agreement with GarageGames that we'll roll any such improvements back into their code base, for the benefit of all Torque users.


    I understand most of you have been in the industry for some time now. How fully featured is the Torque engine compared to others that you've used? Have you had to put in a lot functionality to meet the needs of this game?

    HH Joel on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Biggest similarity: Our focus has to be on delivering an "authentic" experience to the fans. When we were working on Hit & Run we had a goal of making the player feel like they were in an episode of the show. We want to deliver that same sense to PA fans with RSPD.

    Biggest difference: Having Gabe and Tycho so directly involved. This has been a really nice change for us. Instead of working for months and then sending materials away for approval, we're in contact with Gabe and Tycho on an almost daily basis. It's been a lot of fun so far.


    Rorus Raz wrote: »
    Hot Head apparently has worked with a lot of popular properties in the past. Gabe mentioned Simpsons and Hulk in the other thread. What's it like working with popular, well-known franchises such as these as compared to original creations? How does working with Penny Arcade compare to these past experiences?

    Thanks for taking the time to post here.

    HH Joel on
  • MenaceMenace regular
    edited March 2007
    How long have you been working on the game thus far?

    Menace on
  • HH JoelHH Joel Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Since around PAX last year.


    Menace wrote: »
    How long have you been working on the game thus far?

    HH Joel on
  • WangBaccaWangBacca Registered User new member
    edited March 2007
    Is Hot Head hiring any time soon? :D

    WangBacca on
  • QuestionMarkManQuestionMarkMan Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Any plans on implementing a developer blog?

    QuestionMarkMan on
  • MenaceMenace regular
    edited March 2007
    How familiar were you guys with the strip before beginning this project?

    Menace on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Any plans on implementing a developer blog?

    Vlad from Hothead here as well. From time to time, Joel or myself will check in and answer whatever questions that we can. As you can imagine, our collective heads are down focusing on what Tycho calls "our dark purpose."

    As for a dev blog, I think I saw a similar question posed to Gabe in the other Q&A. It is interesting idea. I think it is probably going to be bounced around now that it has been brought up and we will see what happens. In the meantime, we'll use this forum to let you know what's going on in dev land.

    HH Vlad on
  • PrePre Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    How soon do you think that development will be finished?

    Also, how much do you guys think you can improve upon the 3D models in the trailer?

    Pre on
  • jwaddjwadd Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    can you post of some screenshots of the 3d character models without skins and textures?

    jwadd on
  • Elbonian ManElbonian Man Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Is there any chance of a scenario or map editor? I realise that's probably a bit much, but being able to make your own adventures with Gabe and Tycho would be really badass.

    Elbonian Man on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Menace wrote: »
    How familiar were you guys with the strip before beginning this project?

    There are a lot of huge fans here at Hothead. There is not a chance we would have this opportunity to work with PA otherwise. We tried getting a G&T easter egg into a prior game years ago to pay tribute but were not able to due to publisher legal departments. I was also on an industry panel at the first PAX.

    HH Vlad on
  • spambotspambot Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Any possiblity of a demo of the game at PAX this year?

    spambot on - An Editorial Gaming Blog

    Here There Be Robots - All ages Sci-Fi/Adventure comic
  • naporeonnaporeon Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    spambot wrote: »
    Any possiblity of a demo of the game at PAX this year?
    Gabe already answered this in the other thread.

    Basically he said that he wasn't allowed to say.

    naporeon on
  • JC of DIJC of DI I think we're fucked up. I know I am.Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    While Tycho's writing is definitely loved by many, he's not known for his low word count.

    As far as gameplay goes, how will this come into play when interacting with characters? Will small subtitles constantly roll during dialog? Or will it be a Morrowind style system of stopping the world while you navigate a menu of topics the character can discuss? There are pros and cons of each, but pitfalls can be reached by trying to mix the two. Any thoughts or already-implemented ideas to find a great middle ground? Is Tycho just putting effort into saying as little as possible? (Hopefully not.)

    JC of DI on
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    In the interest of the getting to know the devs theory,

    What do you guys do in your free time? Or rather in what I'd imagine is the small amount of free time you manage to find whle working as game developers. :P

    HappylilElf on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    In the interest of the getting to know the devs theory,

    What do you guys do in your free time? Or rather in what I'd imagine is the small amount of free time you manage to find whle working as game developers. :P

    I can't speak for all the guys but I basically play video games in my free time . . . . and a fair bit of card games such as poker--love poker. In fact, I wish I was playing poker right now!

    The sucky thing about having video games as a hobby and profession is that I am always analyzing the games that I am playing which can steal some of the magic out of the experience.

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Pre wrote: »
    How soon do you think that development will be finished?

    Also, how much do you guys think you can improve upon the 3D models in the trailer?

    It will be finished when it is ready . . .

    The guys are great at what they do. The game is going to look great and is going to get better every day of development--kind of hard to put a measurement on how much they will improve but will a lot suffice?

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    jwadd wrote: »
    can you post of some screenshots of the 3d character models without skins and textures?

    From time to time as we move through production, we will be posting screenshots. I will make sure that this request is passed along.

    HH Vlad on
  • MenaceMenace regular
    edited March 2007
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    Menace wrote: »
    How familiar were you guys with the strip before beginning this project?

    There are a lot of huge fans here at Hothead. There is not a chance we would have this opportunity to work with PA otherwise. We tried getting a G&T easter egg into a prior game years ago to pay tribute but were not able to due to publisher legal departments. I was also on an industry panel at the first PAX.

    You have piqued my interest. What kind of easter egg and in which game?

    Menace on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    WangBacca wrote: »
    Is Hot Head hiring any time soon? :D

    Right now we are pretty well setup. If we do, the info will be posted on our website.

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Menace wrote: »
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    Menace wrote: »
    How familiar were you guys with the strip before beginning this project?

    There are a lot of huge fans here at Hothead. There is not a chance we would have this opportunity to work with PA otherwise. We tried getting a G&T easter egg into a prior game years ago to pay tribute but were not able to due to publisher legal departments. I was also on an industry panel at the first PAX.

    You have piqued my interest. What kind of easter egg and in which game?

    Playable character--this was a long time ago and to be honest, I am not sure if even Gabe would remember but we had photoshop reference images to use in case we were able to pull it off. Can't really say which title though.

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Is there any chance of a scenario or map editor? I realise that's probably a bit much, but being able to make your own adventures with Gabe and Tycho would be really badass.

    Well, I would hate to rule anything out but right now, we are 100% focused on the main game experience.

    HH Vlad on
  • CutfangCutfang Dancing Bagel WalessssssssRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    How will you go about creating your own character. Will you have stats/classes etc or is it a purely visual thing? Maybe you can tell us what we can customize or even give an example!

    Cutfang on
    Dancing Bagel
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2007
    How hard will it be to have customization with the main character while including him/her in cutscenes?

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Cutfang wrote: »
    How will you go about creating your own character. Will you have stats/classes etc or is it a purely visual thing? Maybe you can tell us what we can customize or even give an example!

    This is more of a question for Gabe and Tycho. Save it for their next Q&A.

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    How hard will it be to have customization with the main character while including him/her in cutscenes?

    That was one of the first technical issues that we worked on . . . and resolved. So from a technology perspective, we are good to go but that is only part of the battle. The design and presentation have to be just right and that will take time.

    HH Vlad on
  • HH VladHH Vlad Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    I will check in tomorrow to see if there are other questions. Thanks for the feedback.

    HH Vlad on
  • evamonkeyevamonkey Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Firstly, seeing as they have a detective agency, will this have a big part in the games plot and game mechanics.

    Secondly, would it be possible to loan penny arcade some tabletennis players.

    evamonkey on
  • DeepQantasDeepQantas Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Hey there, hotheads.

    With all this RPG/adventure talk the closest thing that comes to my mind is the Quest for Glory series.

    So my question is... will there be stats/attributes/skills for stuff you might actually want to do outside the combat? Stuff that would help the adventure portion of the game.

    For example...
    • +3 to Decipher Ancient Arcane Scrolls of Most Perilous Mystery
    • 50% chance of not falling to your doom whilst tightrope walking
    • Two Star bonus to Driving an automobile
    • 7 out of 10 For Excruciating a Cake

    DeepQantas on
  • admfordadmford Registered User new member
    edited March 2007
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    The sucky thing about having video games as a hobby and profession is that I am always analyzing the games that I am playing which can steal some of the magic out of the experience.
    HH Vlad wrote: »
    It will be finished when it is ready . . .

    These two phrases have suddenly made me very preoccupied... By any chance, I hope you never laid your eyes on anything related to Duke Nukem Forever.... :P

    admford on
    Douglas Adams - "The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%."

  • KagnarosKagnaros Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    The most important question of all:

    Are there, or will there be in the future, any wangs of any sort?

    Kagnaros on
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