Now the real question is what's the difference between recollecting and reminiscing?
I just want to know why G&T have to court controversy with every comic they put out these days. They're obviously trying to provoke a fight over whether reminiscing is superior to recollecting (it isn't).
You could be anywhere
On the black screen
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
Pff. The recollect button is obviously a button for picking up things that you looted, but then subsequently had to drop because of the byzantine inventory system. It's like a double auto-loot button after the battle. It is a Japanese dev, after all.
So I play Ultima Online, which yes, still exists going into 2013. In it, my character owns a talisman which provides exactly 36% protection against lich lords. Not against ordinary liches, not against the more powerful ancient liches, and certainly not against anything so dissimilar as skeletal mages. No, it only protects against evil undead wizards who are liches and who occupy a very specific segment of the lich hierarchy, having attained the status of lord without yet being ancient.
It also makes me better at glassblowing by exactly 23%.
Granular statistics? Bah! That +2 ring only has one significant digit, and I'll bet it doesn't even care about the age or social standing of the minotaurs it protects against. I bet it just protects against, like, every minotaur in the entire world. That's like something for a baby.
Yes, I'd be quite happy with a ring that protects against all minotaurs. I'd feel safer in most labyrinths, really.
This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
MalReynoldsThe Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicinesRegistered Userregular
I 'accidentally' bought this 'game' while 'drunk' on Christmas eve, and by 'drunk' I mean 'literally the last thing I remember besides one or two virtual dice rolls was pulling out my credit card and trying to play it'.
It's very dense.
I have not gone back to it. I'm afraid it will remind me of my hangover.
"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
How about clumsy minotaurs who accidentally hit you with a ladder while turning? Or maybe one fell off a roof onto your head. Would it somehow swerve in mid-air?
These are important questions.
MalReynoldsThe Hunter S Thompson of incredibly mild medicinesRegistered Userregular
I believe it creates a buffer, much like magnets with the same polarization, that would soften the blow.
"A new take on the epic fantasy genre... Darkly comic, relatable characters... twisted storyline."
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
Recollections are emotionally neutral, reminisces tend to be emotionally positive.
I just want to know why G&T have to court controversy with every comic they put out these days. They're obviously trying to provoke a fight over whether reminiscing is superior to recollecting (it isn't).
On the black screen
Wow, that explanation actually feels pretty accurate.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
It also makes me better at glassblowing by exactly 23%.
Granular statistics? Bah! That +2 ring only has one significant digit, and I'll bet it doesn't even care about the age or social standing of the minotaurs it protects against. I bet it just protects against, like, every minotaur in the entire world. That's like something for a baby.
It's very dense.
I have not gone back to it. I'm afraid it will remind me of my hangover.
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor
My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
I wonder if it works against minotaurs that aren't hostile. Like "hey, I need to borrow $20 until Friday, no? how about now" *puts on ring*
These are important questions.
"Readers who prefer tension and romance, Maledictions: The Offering, delivers... As serious YA fiction, I’ll give it five stars out of five. As a novel? Four and a half." - Liz Ellor
My new novel: Maledictions: The Offering. Now in Paperback!
Why, it even shows us how out of touch Mike and Jerry are, at this stage. No longer living in fear of Minotaur-related accidents like the rest of us.