2008 we had Bad Horsing:
2009 The Boo Flashmob:
2010 Salmon Security:
2011 EAST Ninja Delivery Service:

2011 PRIME The Lando Society:
2012 EAST Aperture Safety:
2012 PRIME The Alphathon:

2013 EAST:
Prank community tradition is back and once again we need your help! We need able individuals to help organize and be involved in this year’s
Before I continue please read the
Prank Mission Statement:
The PAX Prank strives to be fun for everyone involved, be it the one(s) being pranked (henceforth known as “targets”) or the ones pranking (henceforth “pranksters”). The PAX Prank will never be something with malicious intent. It will strive to never embarrass targets (much). It will be mindful of people who want no part in it, will not push the issue, and will always respect the authority figures of Penny Arcade Inc., PAX, and Greater Seattle/Boston. The PAX prank will not cause any damage emotionally, physically, or financially to anyone, whether they are involved directly or indirectly.
As per tradition, this year's prank is being kept under wraps from the general public

. But we do need interested volunteers! If you would like to join our organization please complete our application provided below. Please do not respond if you cannot fit within the confines of the mission statement above or the criteria below.
You must not be opposed to Twitter, G+ Huddle, and can potentially get SMS updates or potentially phone calls. We typically coordinate our various pranks via Twitter and G+ Huddle throughout the weekend.
You must be over 18. Sorry folks, but moving forward we can only accept legal adults.
You must be at least moderately outgoing. What we do will call a lot of attention to ourselves. We will probably be interacting with some of the celebrities that are at PAX as well. In other words, YOU WILL BE SEEN! If attention, social interaction, and having people probably laughing at you and/or wanting to praise you/shake your hand -- among other things -- upsets you, the prank may not be for you.
**Note: If you would like to be involved in the creative aspects of the
prank (content, design, etc) rather than the actual presentation please feel free to apply but specify that preference in your application. We’re always looking for help.
You must be willing and able to keep up with prank communications on the prank forums including participating in threads.
You must be able to keep a secret. There may be mass emails, Skype/tinychat calls, and other private conversations between now and then. We want to keep the reactions of our targets pure; surprise is the key here. Since we are getting more people in on the joke, the potential for leaks increases, so please don’t sign up if you know you are bad at keeping a secret.
You must be available either Thursday night or Friday morning before the show opens. This rule is a little more lenient. Most of us will be doing the Pre-PAX dinner, Pub Crawl, or the like, so specifics at this time are sketchy. This is for a last minute meeting to go over anything that might have come up, and give opportunities for a run through of the physical
prank. It will be coordinated to fit everyone’s schedules as best we can, and we will do two meetings if needed, but if you can’t be there on either day for 15 to 30 minutes tops, don’t bother signing up.
So if you're feeling demonstrative, come join us for an unconventional 2013 PAX
East Prank! Apps closed for East 2013
Pax South 2015 checklist: Accommodations[x] Travel [x] Time Off [ ] BYOC [x]
Pax East 2015 checklist: Accommodations[ ] Travel [ ] Time Off [ ] BYOC [ ]
I'll start off with the birth of a meme! This was magicked up by someone in the live stream during the first Q&A at pax prime 2012, when we opened The Peso Arcade Alphathon competition
It goes very nicely with the video that is linked via the Alphathon photo in the OP
so make sure your spam filters are appropriately allowing that
check your spam filters!
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
Some folks do one or two events (2 hours-ish), some folks do prank related things all of pax.
This, again
In addition, at long last, the full recap of P.O.T.A.T.O. is done!
Can't wait until East!
If you are unsure as to the status of your app, email that address to inquire.
In addition, how about another video of a great moment in PAX Prank History? Mike and Jerry are inducted into The Lando Society
We look forward to seeing you all at PAX East 2013!!