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[The Secret World] Come play Pretty Princess Dress Up!

AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur.Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
edited January 2013 in MMO Extravaganza
Free to play (after you buy the game) without restriction or penalty. Though keeping a subscription nets you the following bonuses:

Time Accelerator (Clickable item which increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour, 16 hour cool-down – only usable by Members and Grand Masters)
$10 worth of Bonus Points (given out every month)
Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month)
10% discount to everything in the in-game store

Once in game type, /chat join PA Wang to join in on shenanigans!

Also, we are rebuilding the Cabals! Just get in the PA chat channel and ask for an invite!

New players may wish to check out this newbie friendly guide!

Also for your consideration: Sephora's Closet. It's like Vogue only with more gasmasks.

The end of all things is nigh! Hallelujah!

What is this?

For those not in the know The Secret World is Funcom's latest MMO from the mind of Ragnar Tørnquist (Anarchy Online, The Longest Journey).

Set in the modern world and drawing heavily from Lovecraftian horror, urban legends, old world folk lore, ancient cults, and just about everything in the X-Files (minus aliens) The Secret World puts you in the shoes of a newly magically endowed civilian who must join one of three secret orders and do battle with nightmarish terrors to keep the rest of the world safe and sound.

Conspiracies, occult mysteries, ancient myths, and terrors from beyond the void abound!

Okay, sounds good. How does it play?

I'll just quote a snippet from Yokai (Guide writing savant)
Combat and build mechanics are the deepest, most complex I've ever seen. It will take a while to wrap your head around it. At first, it seems simplistic. Until you play it for a while and get into the second zone and realize: "holy shit—there are so many subtle decisions to make in every fight". I am never bored in combat, unlike in so many MMOs. It is not a tab-target, stand there and bang out the same skill rotation every time type of game. You are *constantly* having to move, maintain environmental awareness and shift between melee and range, and adaptively modify your skill combinations. DEEP. If you played the first two Open Beta weekends, you got only a very small taste of this complexity in the first zone (Kingsmouth). If in the 3rd and 4th beta weekends you make it to the second zone (Savage Coast), you will only then get to see this complexity in action.

No classes. No levels. You can roll up just one character and do it all. Everything. There's no "skill resets" though, so you might need to experiment a bit before you find the right weapon combos and initial 7/7 build that you feel confident playing well. The game itself will test you at every step and show you if you haven't yet found a strong enough "deck" to push further into the content. It does this through various solo instances where you must fight alone, both in some standalone action missions and in some of the main storyline missions. You might do some of these for the first time and think "OMG this is totally impossible. There is no way I can beat this."

But eventually you'll figure out why that mission seems so impossible, and you'll try something different (maybe a different build or mixture of gear, maybe just a different approach to the combat itself, maybe just realizing that more stealth and less combat is the best plan). Regardless, nothing is wasted and sooner or later you can make use of all the skills and abilities you've unlocked so far, even if the main thing you learned from beating such tough "gatekeeper" missions is that you had a terrible build beforehand.

And you cannot get stuck playing only one build and one playstyle. The game will force you to adapt to different situations and swap your builds (decks) and playstyle very often to deal with specific mob types, bosses, and general encounters. For example, you'll eventually encounter foes (even normal mobs) that might literally be impossible to beat with the one general-purpose build you've been using so far. You'll need to step out of your comfort zone and try different weapons and abilities and entire build focused to beat them.

The end game starts the moment you step into the first zone. Literally. The entire game is end game. There is zero "rush to max level" drive in this game. There is zero sense of "the fun starts later". If you are rushing to max level, you are missing the entire point of this game's design. There is no hurry to get anywhere, or to leave the starter zone (Kingsmouth) as soon as possible. Instead, you are far better served to find and beat every single mission you can find in a zone at least once before moving on. To explore every zone's nooks and crannies to acquire every possible lore item hidden around.

There is both a vertical progression and horizontal progression in this game (similar in respects to Guild Wars 1), and like Guild Wars 1, the vertical progression is steep at first and over quickly. Again, this means there is no "rush to get anywhere". Max strength comes quickly and organically while you are just enjoying the game.

You should note that you can have two "weapons" equipped at a time. However, you can spend your points in all of the weapon skills if you so desire. Though I wouldn't recommend it and suggest you focus on just two at first.

When you spend Ability Points in a particular skill you will unlock Active Abilities or Passive Abilities for your character. At any time your character can only have 7 Active Abilities (attacks, debuffs, buffs, heals, so on) and 7 Passive Abilities (+ATK DMG, +Heal power, so on) equipped on your hotbar. Even though your character may have 20+ Active/Passive skills unlocked. This leads to a pretty sweet "deck" building feel as all your different Active and Passive skills work really well off one another. In fact just changing your current Skill loadout can drastically change the way you play the game.

If that all seems a bit confusing to you don't worry Funcom has you covered.

In your Ability Wheel you have the option of choosing build templates designed by Funcom called "Decks". These decks cover a wide range of skill combos and will guide you on what abilities to take. As a bonus you can unlock special Outfits themed after what the name of the Deck is called for your character to wear.

This is your Ability Wheel. It is civilization.

Well that all sounds cool, but what were those factions you mentioned?

Ah yes, the Secret Societies. Three in total that you can join.

"They lost me at 'Harmony'. Harmony is terribly boring."- Mary Stuart
A whisper of a rumour of a shadow, this Asian group is the most secretive of societies. With no fixed territory or structure, the Dragon have dissolved and reformed throughout history. They believe that a closed, controlled society is a sick society. Only through collapse and rebuilding, the natural chaos of life, can the world be in harmony. Recently, they have taken root in a nameless district of Seoul, Korea. To an outsider, their strategies are incomprehensible. Fractal patterns, chaos theory, random numbers, unrelated events. The Dragon understand that there is no pattern, only acts of great change to be committed. From a whisper to an explosion, they divine that an incident here, a disappearance there, can change the course of everything; acupuncture applied to a paralysed planet. In the order of the Dragon, you are given the entire cosmos in potential. They have practiced martial and mental arts attuned to the true harmony of the world. The most dangerous and unpredictable of magics bend to the wills of those who are dangerous and unpredictable. In the approaching dark times, things will never be the same again. You are in the Dragon's element.

"The Roman Empire II: Rome Harder."- Mary Stuart
The Illuminati may have ancient roots, but they remain forever young and hungry. In every growing empire they have played for it all. And they play for keeps. Stealing the Americas from under the Templars' noses, they grew with the United States to become a shadow superpower. Their corporate headquarters, the Labyrinth, is in an undisclosed location beneath Brooklyn, New York. Acting silently, unless the occasion calls for a gunshot, the Illuminati push for a New World Order. It will be empowering and ruthless. Failure is not an option. Complacency is worse than not an option. Their arsenal is the ambition of a new media startup, the rhetoric of a congressman and a mogul's business sense. Working hard, playing hard and fighting dirty. The Illuminati's golden agents enjoy power, money and glamour – but the real power they offer you goes beyond that. Information worked from every civilian, government and clandestine organisation in the world. Advances in modern magics, in the 'New Magic', that the secret world has never seen. They can give you everything...and they can take it all away.

"The noble art of 'Gotta Catch 'em All'."- Mary Stuart
Proudly tracing their royal lineage back to Babylon, the Templars are the lions of the secret world. When they roar, everyone listens. Old Europe is theirs, and the Templars' marble hall dominates the old London borough of Ealdwic - historic capital of the secret world. It's not just a show of strength. Nothing is just for show with the Templars. At the forefront of the war against darkness, they decide for themselves what counts as darkness. Never backing down from a fight. Never forgetting a grudge. They have tradition to uphold. For thousands of years they have been single-minded in their mission to obliterate evil in all its forms. Where angels fear to tread, the Templars kick down doors. As a soldier of the Templars, you will benefit from their military might. They have hoarded vast occult libraries and the hard-won knowledge of battles throughout time. Their traditional magics, the old mysticism of sorcerers and priests, of life and death, are powerful still. And the loyalty between Templars may be old-fashioned, but it is absolute. You will not stand alone.

A pretty sweet thing about the faction system. It does not limit who you can group with. Players from all factions can group up and quest with each other. The only thing it prevents you from doing is joining the same side in PvP (duh) and stopping you from being able to join the same Cabal (Guild).


Wait there is PvP?

Oh right, forgot to mention that.

Don't fret if PvP isn't your thing. There are no PvP servers and there is no open PvP. PvP is strictly located in either Fight Clubs (arenas), Battlefield (think WoW), or in a Warzone (which I liken to fast paced DAoC).

Fight Clubs

Fight Clubs are one of the most basic PvP forms available in TSW. Basically, there are 3 clubs, one in each of the major cities (New York, London and Seoul). Within these areas you can play in matches setup to your liking. This means there are no guidelines you have to follow and you can have anything from a 1 v 1 to 2 v2 to even a 10 v 10 battle. Whatever you want. You can even join in Fight Clubs that are for your adversary societies to kick their asses if you like.


Battlefields are one of the 2 PvP types that have a goal. In these PvP matches your end goal is to earn the right to control ancient relics and locations across the TSW world. There are two battlefields:

El Dorado

Each location has a different set of rules that apply. In El Dorado, for example, the max amount of players allowed on field is 10 whereas in Stonehenge the max is only 5. There are also different objectives for each one.

In El Dorado you are fighting to gain the possession of 4 legendary relics. The longer you have possession of a relic, the more points your team receives. The game is over if a faction has possession of all relics for 2 minutes. In order to get a relic you have to either pick it up from the ground or kill the opponent carrying it. Placing a relic on the ground will give your teammates within close proximity special benefits.

In Stonehenge you are fighting to rule the actual Stonehenge location. In order to earn points for your faction you must hold control over the Stonehenge area. You can also get points by killing off your opponents. The faction with the most points at the end of the round wins. Or which ever faction reaches the score cap first.

The terrain of either battlefield is quite unique. There are high spots, low areas, coverings, etc. You can literally use any type of build – ranged, melee, dps, support – and have a solid run if your faction works well as a team. It is recommended, however, that you have a moderate rank, mid to high damage attacks and good quality level gear to ensure victory.


Warzones are insanely unique and challenging. They are open PvP playing fields that can be joined at any time, all day long. In these areas you and your faction will fight for possession of strategic locations. Currently the only Warzone available is one called The Fusang Project. In order to succeed you will have to seize control of 4 different buildings.

To seize control you must first get through a series of defense mechanisms located outside of the facilities. Then, once you get into the actual facility, you have to fight an enemy known as the Anima Guardian. He is tough and doesn’t want you in the facility. He is also indestructible. But, after taking enough damage, he will cease attacking and you will earn control over the building. Once you do this the Guardian will fight for you, not against you.

On top of having to do all this you have hundredss of other players roaming about the Warzone that can attack you at any point. All 3 societies are allowed a set number of players and they will all work together to gain control of the facilities. It makes for a very interesting, addictive and fun PvP match.

When in a PvP match you wear a uniform to represent your faction. There are 3 different uniforms to pick from which reflect what your build is (DPS, Healer, Tank).

You can gain AP/SP while PvPing and should gain it at about the same rate as a PvEer.

Okay cool, what about quests?

There are Story Missions, Main Missions, Sabotage Missions, Investigation Missions, Dungeon Missions, and Side Missions. You are only allowed to have 1 Story Mission, 1 Main, Sabotage, or Investigation Mission, 1 Dungeon Mission, and 3 side Missions at any given time (for a grand total of 6 active missions allowed). Unlike other MMOs you do not go to a "quest hub" to stock up on quests. No sir! Here the missions are more scattered. Exploring the zone will reward you with new quests that you would not have known were even there. However, each quest is usually designed in such a way that where ever it ends, usually within at least 200m there is something to start a new quest.

Story Missions (blue)

Story Missions deal with the main plot of the Region and your character. Story missions have tons of voice acting and cut scenes. The difficulty of each story mission can range from super easy to "RAGGHAHAJHHAjfkjkdfgjdfklj" at times.

Main Missions (red)

These missions are like bite sized Story Missions that usually deal with what is going on in the immediate area. Quite often you may uncover just that much more of the mystery of the region. Main Missions can be fairly long at times, but will be your mainstay mission type throughout the game.

Sabotage Missions (yellow)

Sabotage Missions take up the same slot as a Main Mission (and Investigation Mission) so you can only be doing one or the other at any given time. These missions require a but of "stealth" and patience as they normally have you breaking in to a facility, navigating boobytraps, trying to find your way through a maze, and so on. Normally these are not too heavy on the fighting, but expect at least some sort of "boss" at the end.

Investigation Missions (green)

Ah, the famous Investigation Missions! The pride and joy of Funcom and TSW! These missions play out pretty much no different then the stuff you find in point-and-click adventure games. In fact the people who made The Secret World also made The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, so they have a fair amount of experience when it comes to these kinds of things. Don't expect to be able to knock out an Investigation Mission as fast as the others. Oh no. In fact it might not be a bad idea to set some time away to do these. Depending on how clever you are these missions may last you an hour or a day (or more!).

Dungeon Missions (purple)

Dungeon Missions are the mission for a Dungeon. Each dungeon has a Mission tied to it, but you can only have one Dungeon Mission active at a time.

Side Missions (teal? I guess, I don't really know colors)

Side missions can range from "take this to here" or "find and kill this" or "solve a short puzzle". They really are quite varied, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are pretty short and easy to complete. You can have three of these active at any time. Protip: Side Missions are literally scattered freaking everywhere! No other quest types rewards exploration as much as Side Missions.

Apart from Side Missions all other mission types are delivered through an often great, fully voiced cut scene. I dare you to not fall in love with the NPCs of The Secret World! It can't be done!

Well, what else should I know?

Probably a lot, which is why I will post some useful links and helpful info!

PAers play on the Arcadia (RP) Dimension.

We also have three Cabals (Guilds). One for each faction;

(Update: Slowly, but surely, these Cabals are being given new life!)

The Six Mouths, for the Dragon.

We Are Nice Guys, for the Illuminati.

The Last Christmas, for the Templars.

We also have a custom chat channel so all of us can talk with each other.

/chat join PA Wang (remember you need to do this every time you log in!)

Just hop in to the chat channel and ask for an invite to your faction's Cabal. Should be someone who can hook you up.

All factions are really for is determining what side you are on if you wish to PvP, otherwise you can group/quest with people from any faction no fuss no muss. So feel free to pick whichever faction you like the most and rest assured that you will still be able to adventure with your fellow PAers!

Useful Links

Deck Builder. Easy way to put together decks!

Yokai's guide to build mechanics and build philosophy. While it may be a bit outdated now I still STRONGLY encourage everyone to READ IT!

A detailed guide to crafting!

A detailed list of all the crafting patterns!

The Secret World Wiki

Character Viewer

SecretUI mod hosting site From the guys who brought you (insert MMO)UI addon websites bring us one for TSW.

Illuminati Deck Outfits
Templer Deck Outfits
Dragon Deck Outfits

Creating Auto Login for Custom Chat Channels

1) Find your Secret World install directory, this is typically “C:\Program Files\Funcom\The Secret World”.
2) If you do not already have a scripts directory, create one aka “Scripts”.
3) Inside the “C:\Program Files\Funcom\The Secret World\Scripts” directory, create two new files: “auto_login” and “auto_teleport” with no extensions.
4) Edit each file so that it contains the following line:

/chat join PA Wang

5) Rejoice!


Topbar Information Overload Adds a number of handy things to the top bar.

No Intro Movies. It gets you to the login screen that much faster. Not super important, but I know for sure there are people who would find this useful.

Bag Sort. Sweet merciful Mother! Thank you baby Jesus!

They Come and They Go. This mods puts a message on screen telling you when Friends or Cabal members come online.

Available Missions. This mod sounds kind of neat. As you roam through the world, nearby missions that you have not yet completed will automatically be added to this section so that you will not forget to complete them. They will be removed once they are completed.

Rangekino. This mod simply tells you the distance to your target. Kind of nice to have.

Catagorical's Enhanced TeamGUI. Switches up the UI and makes it more easy to use.

So what is new since launch?

A very sexy question. In short, a bunch! Here are links to the last few major content additions.

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

tl;dr version;

New York Raid is live.
Barbers/Plastic surgeon added.
Auxillary weapons added (Rocket Launcher, Chainsaw, Quantum Brace).
Plethora of new missions, including several hair pulling Investigation missions.
Fuck-ton of bug fixes.
Auction houses.
Metric ton of new clothing added to both in-game stores and cash-shop.
PvP changes too numerous to mention.
Added cross-faction "Starter Decks" to help new players plot a solid build.

And uh, I dunno, a bunch of things... look it is a really long list to read through. Cut me some slack.

A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
Axen on


  • AxenAxen My avatar is Excalibur. Yes, the sword.Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Some random thoughts on the various Deck Roles. This is more of a general opinion based on observations and by no means a detailed report. :P

    Oh, and it does not deal with Nightmare modes and Raids. Just normal quest progressions.


    Any weapon can do this and it is, IMHO, the easiest sort of Deck to create. Your actual Deck may vary a bit depending on your particular play style. Most Solo builds are generally DPS heavy, with a small helping of Tanking and Heals. However, that is not to say that you cannot have a Healing or Tanking focused Solo build. Those work fine too, but I think it is fair to say that most Soloers are DPS reliant.

    Some examples are;

    Elemental and Assault Rifle DPS Build
    Chaos and Assault Rifle Survival Build
    Hammer and Chaos Impair Build
    Fist and Blade AoE Build


    Blade, Chaos, and Hammers are the go to weapons for a tanking build. For anyone wanting to go real indepth in to tanking you will need to spend a bit more AP then your average soloer or DPSer. The upside is people always need Tanks for dungeons or Lairs and with most people having a DPS focused character, Tanks are often in short supply. The general opinion seems to be to stack Evade until you hit diminishing returns. The reason behind this line of thought is that it is better to not be hit at all then to be hit and mitigate some damage. Still, probably best not to forget the other defensive stats if you ask me.

    Some examples are;

    Blade and Chaos Offensive Tank
    Blade and Elemental Glance Tank
    Blood and Chaos Heal Tank
    Hammer and Chaos Agro/Mitigation Tank


    Much like the Solo builds minus some of the survivability (since you have a tank and a healer with you). Pretty much any weapon will do though some people may say otherwise, but I disagree. IMHO DPS builds have the largest amount of variation. Some builds can be pretty straight forward while other DPS builds are finely tuned machines (and a sight to behold in action!). Downside to being a DPSer for dungeons is that everyone and their mother is DPS. Even though your DPS build may be a fantastically crafted deck that borders on Art, there is really no way for a group looking for members to know that. All they know is that you are 1 of a million billion DPSers that they can pick from.

    Some examples are;

    Hammer and Shotgun AoE/Weakness Build
    Assault Rifle and Shotgun Single Target Build
    Blood and Elemental Burst DPS Build
    Assault Rifle and Elemental All Around DPS Build


    Fists, Assault Rifles, and Blood are the order of the day here. While many people may have access to a few healing abilities (usually for Soloing) few people go that extra mile to be a righteously kickass Healer. So, like Tanks, you'll probably spend 0.32 seconds looking for a group. Healing actually takes on many forms in TSW. From the "leech" healing ARs (damage you do is converted to health for your defensive target), to Blood Magic's shields (which usually heals for a small amount as well as places a damage absorb shield on your defensive target), to Fists that revel in healing over time. The one drawback is that unlike most of the other builds you are required to have one of these three weapons to fill this role. As such Healer decks probably have the least amount of variation (not that there isn't any!).

    Some examples are;

    Fist and Pistol Main Healer Build
    Fist and Blood Burst Healer Build
    Fist and Assault Rifle Healer Build
    Assault Rifle and Blood Healer Build

    Please note that the examples I listed are literally just examples and not the end all be all builds. I just wanted to show how varied the skills and play style of a particular role could be.

    edit- and one extra random thing:

    If the Tank dies, it is the Healer's fault.
    If the Healer dies, it is the Tank's fault.
    If the DPS dies, it is their own fault.

    edit 2-

    Bonus Deck Role!


    While not an actual role, if you do routinely play with a partner you two should consider putting your heads together and design each of your builds to work off one another. In effect, instead of synergizing 7/7 abilities you will be synergizing 14/14. Think of the possibilities! Now granted, you and your partner can easily, easily go through the game with each of you using a Solo build, but the level of power and destruction that you could bring with two people working in sync would be breath taking. :D Not to mention the ferocity the two of you could bring to a dungeon group.

    Double Bonus! Since I seem to be in a rather jovial mode today:

    TSW Fanart, actually all done by the same person who is really quite good.






    @Kay wrote up what I feel is a fairly honest post on TSW and what to expect.
    Kay wrote: »

    Okay, breakdown time:

    Pros (in no particular order):
    * Amazing atmosphere - environments, music, everything.
    * Great voice acting
    * Characters are not beholden to a class selected at creation that limits your options
    * Role within a group/dungeon is dependent on gear and chosen abilities, pick and choose and mix and match
    * Any character can learn any ability, eventually all abilities
    * You can build... anything. Tons of synergy, tons of cool combos, stuff like that
    * Also all those other magics and guns
    * ROCKETLAUNCHERS AND CHAINSAWS and somekinda magic-tech-bracelet-steampunk thing
    * Awesome storytelling
    * Excellent and engaging dungeons with zero trashmobs (adds in encounters do not count) and fights that require something other than tank-and-spank (usually)
    * First dungeon is available after a casual weekend's play, pretty much
    * Active combat that requires movement, positioning, evasion, and has clear tells for terrifying enemy abilities
    * NO AUTO ATTACK (sorta)
    * PvP stuff is very dynamic and active and can be fun (can be)
    * Did I mention the atmosphere?
    * Death is used as a mechanic - areas are DIFFERENT if you are 'dead', used as a mechanic in certain missions etc
    * You Are Not The Chosen One - and this is lampshaded often
    * Full of other incidents of lampshading, pop-culture reference, and other awesome shit
    * You get to go to Innsmouth/Steven King land, Egypt, Transylvania, and the secret city at the center of the world (Agartha)
    * Also London and Brooklyn and someplace in Korea.
    * Kirsten Geary
    * William Sonnec
    * [strike]Rasputin[/strike] Gladstone and the Stuart Twins
    * So many other fun NPCs to TALK TO (and it's all voiced)
    * The 'Faction Advancement Quests' all interlock and the big picture is awesome if you play one of each and piece it together

    * Animations are a little... old.
    * The modern setting might turn some people off
    * Can be daunting at first, the learning curve is pretty steep as to how things work
    * PvP needs some work - the population balance is the main problem really
    * Some of the voice acting (very little, I feel) is a little phoned in
    * Mayans (this will be gone soon)
    * Early on, the combat may seem a little dull or samey - this is because you don't have many abilities, though
    * Some of the solo instance stuff can be VERY HARD if you are not used to soloing and don't have a solo-ok self-sufficient deck/item loadout
    * GAME ASSUMES YOU HAVE INTELLIGENCE (which might be a con to some but not me)

    Things to do:
    Pick a faction you think you'll have fun with. I think the Illuminati have the most fun handler (Kirsten Geary is hysterical, but often not in the way she thinks she is), and sadly the Dragons have the most hands-off and least-personable one, but their story touches and e-mailed contact is great. The Templars, I feel, are the dullest faction in the main. Their handler is good, Gladstone and the Stuart Twins are great, but their concept is a little tired to me. Though their practice room DOES consist of demons all chained up for you to wail on.

    When you're in your practice room/dojo/whatever, TRY EVERY WEAPON OUT. By picking up another you can get your initial AP back, pick the skills for a new weapon, and check them out. Note that attacks and heals are split into 'builder' and 'consumer' types. Builders do just that - they build up resources (guns build them on the target, magic builds them on you, and melee weapons build them on you but also recharge to full while out of combat - the significance here is that if your target dies and you are a Gun user, you just lost all your resources unless you killed them with a consumer). Consumers 'consume' built up resources, and do WAY MORE damage or healing based on the number of resources consumes (unless the consumer always consumes a set number of resources - Elementalism and Blood magic are the worst offenders there). Breakdown follows.
    Each weapon does DPS, and a secondary function. You can raise their 'damage' skill, or their secondary skill, and while this is mostly to equip better weapons, you get another effect based on that. Check in-game for them all. I'll list them by secondary rather than weapon group.

    SUPPORT - buffs, debuffs, cleanses and purges
    Elementalism - Strong single hits (Strikes), arcing AoE (Chains), lots of critical and affliction (DoT) based abilities. Can eventually drop 'manifestations', which are basically turret-style pets. Flashy, long range magic.
    Shotgun - Strong single hits (Strikes), cone AoEs (Blasts), strong Penetration and Weaken (damage debuff) based abilities. Like Elementalism, has turret-style pets. But these are actually turrets. (And dropping turrets buffs everyone's resistance if you're specced support) Medium range no-nonsense BOOMSTICK.
    Pistol - Channeled damage-over-time style single target hits (Focus - each hit has a chance to proc effects, but only one proc per attack), arcing AoE (Chains), lots and LOTS of critical based abilities, and Weakens (healing debuffs). Supports via drones (pets that follow you around for a while), and... some healing. The oddest support set, but one of the best to pair up with a Healing weapon.

    SURVIVAL - defensive self-buffs, increased hate generation, general tankiness
    Chaos Magic - Flurry-of-attack style single target (Bursts), crazy PBAoE attacks (Frenzies), Evasion-based defense buffs and procs on evasion, and Weaken (resistance debuffs) attacks. Does extra damage to targets on low health, and has 'Hit Rating' (accuracy) buffs. Heavy on Impairs (stuns), pulls, dashes, area drop effects, and general irritation. A very fun melee set.
    Blades - Channeled damage-over-time style single target hits (Focus), crazy PBAoE attacks (Frenzies), 'glance' based defense buffs (not dodges, chance to reduce damage from attacks to a minimal, with plenty of effects that proc when an enemy glances), affliction attacks and penetration buffs, and Impairs. Dashes/teleports and fun. Another melee set.
    Hammers - Strong single hits (Strikes), cone AoEs (Blasts), block-based defense buffs (the weakest on its own), critical and weaken (damage debuff) attacks. Good impairs. Powerful melee set, most offensive 'tank' set. Can be paired up with Shotgun for a medium ranged tank/dps set, with creativity.

    HEALING - direct heals, heals over time, leech effects
    Assault Rifle - Flurry-of-attack style single target (Bursts), crazy targetted AoE attacks (Frenzies), mostly leech-heals with some big chunky ones, and plenty of cooldown-based party, AoE and ST heals. Can give leech effects to the whole party. Affliction and Hit-Rating boosting effects. Long range.
    Blood Magic - Channeled damage-over-time style single target hits (Focus - each hit has a chance to proc effects, but only one proc per attack), arcing AoE (Chains), plenty of Affliction and Penetration effects, some good Impairs. Has a unique 'blood sacrifice' system wherein you can use consumer abilities without the required resources, and eat a DoT while enjoying increased damage. But that DoT HURTS. Heals via direct chunky heals and barrier effects - most heals in this line do both. Long range. Only healing set with a heal Consumer in the inner ring of abilities.
    Fists - Flurry-of-attack style single target (Bursts), cone AoEs (Blasts), heals with Heal over Time effects, procs on HoT tics, with a mix of ground-targetted AoE and direct healing. Lots of affliction effects, and some of the best Impairs. Dashes too, because it's a melee set.

    Equip TWO weapons. You can pick up your second choice of weapon when you confirm and lock-in your primary weapon choice in the weapon training mission area. The game is balanced around you using two weapons, as this gives you access to TWO consumer abilities per build->consume cycle. (Damaging attack builders build resources for both weapons).

    Um. This post got kinda long. I guess I'll stop now.

    Axen on
    A Capellan's favorite sheath for any blade is your back.
  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    yall better still be playing when I get back. I am chomping at the bit to work towards becoming a hoodie ninja (only like... 700 more AP to go... wheee)

    fuck gendered marketing
  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular

    I will probably still be playing, but at a much reduced amount. I have been cram-playing this past week because I am beginning a hell semester of grad school (four courses at the graduate level, thesis proposal due, two manuscripts to work on, and have to get all my samples ready to go to japan in june, and each one takes two weeks or so if nothing fucks up).

  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Also may I say that pretty princess dress up is legitimately my favorite game

    edit: damn arch, good luck with all that!

    Elldren on
    fuck gendered marketing
  • TaranisTaranis Registered User regular
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    fuck gendered marketing
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    chaos/fist should work, especially if you focus on burst attacks.

  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    No more blue.

    Only purple. Feels good man.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • MyDcmbrMyDcmbr PEWPEWPEW!!! America's WangRegistered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas


    I am currently doing the same thing. I was rolling all AR all the time, but then i was informed that only have one resource was going to seriously impact my ability to play after Soloman Island, and since I don't like the look of swinging around the weapons every time, I am completely redoing my character as Ele/Blood. So many SP and AP wasted. :(

    So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    No more blue.

    Only purple. Feels good man.

    Do you have a purple tank, DPS, and healing set?

    If so, the next thing is to replace all those poopy tens with 10.1 and better. I never got to the point of all 10.4s before I got tired of pugs, maybe if there are enough PAers around I'll do that soon.

  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    DPS, and most of a tank. And yeah, it's not all Nightwatch yet. Some of it is dungeon gear.

    Working on it though. Then the .1-.4 climb begins.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    chaos/fist should work, especially if you focus on burst attacks.

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    MyDcmbr wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas


    I am currently doing the same thing. I was rolling all AR all the time, but then i was informed that only have one resource was going to seriously impact my ability to play after Soloman Island, and since I don't like the look of swinging around the weapons every time, I am completely redoing my character as Ele/Blood. So many SP and AP wasted. :(

    Dude just go AR/Elemental

    It works pretty well, from what I understand. The two inner circles both play off of Hindering the target- combust gets cheaper, and when you apply hindered your next attack can't be evaded.

    Build resources with Trigger happy, Hinder with either molten earth or slow the advance (both of which proc afflicted if you passive it correctly) then toss out combusts which won't miss after you hinder, and auto-crit if you put up the self-buff from elemental.

    Plus you get a bit of heals from AR. And you don't swing a weapon around, and just at most have a little sparkplug doll or something on your hip.

  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    edited January 2013

    Like this

    This is obviously a starting point, but would work well. You could also swap out Combust for Thor's Hammer, which looks AMAZING and does HUGE damage.

    You literally summon a giant hammer from the sky and crash it on someone.

    And this is all from the first two rings of each.

    You could also add a bit of support for yourself with this.

    You would actually build NO elemental resources, but that doesn't matter. Every 45 seconds you get a free, insta-crit thor's hammer that can't miss if you hinder the target first. Hindering also puts a DoT on your target, and you get a grenade resource consumer in the meantime.

    Arch on
  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
  • MyDcmbrMyDcmbr PEWPEWPEW!!! America's WangRegistered User regular

    If I could make the elemental attacks while still holding the AR I would totally do that. But since I can't I can just switch it up to Elemental/Blood which is just a change in how my character stands.

    Plus it gives me more reason to play pretty princess dress up, as now the outfit doesn't really need to be functional because Magic. :)

    So we get stiff once in a while. So we have a little fun. What’s wrong with that? This is a free country, isn’t it? I can take my panda any place I want to. And if I wanna buy it a drink, that’s my business.
  • Lavender GoomsLavender Gooms Tiny Bat Registered User regular
    Finished patching, went in and made my character but now i'm stuck on the hardest part of all online games:

    Choosing a nickname

  • ElldrenElldren Is a woman dammit ceterum censeoRegistered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    chaos/fist should work, especially if you focus on burst attacks.

    you are not a hoodie ninja

    fuck gendered marketing
  • SimpsoniaSimpsonia Registered User regular
    Oh man, I picked up Death From Above, the rocket launcher skill recently, I fucking love that skill. It's basically a get out of the stupid free card. I hate having to wear 3 weapons on my back, but it's really hard to argue with the utility of that skill.

  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    It is great. I never saw any real use to the other skills, using even its best damage skill hurt my dps, but that's such a useful utility skill for DPS and Tanks especially.

  • ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    So, fair word of warning to those using the Quantum Brace.

    The Charge ability (heal) cannot be self-targeted. It wasn't that clear to me when reading the description, but oh well- I'm using it for healing in dungeons anyway. /shrug

  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    I wish I would have read up on the abilities of each aux item. I assumed each could be used for damage dealing so I threw 35 SP into Quantum because it happened to be the first I got.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • DecomposeyDecomposey Registered User regular
    Stragint wrote: »
    I wish I would have read up on the abilities of each aux item. I assumed each could be used for damage dealing so I threw 35 SP into Quantum because it happened to be the first I got.

    They all can be. Quantum Brace has one heal ability.

    Before following any advice, opinions, or thoughts I may have expressed in the above post, be warned: I found Keven Costners "Waterworld" to be a very entertaining film.
  • StragintStragint Do Not Gift Always DeclinesRegistered User regular
    Decomposey wrote: »
    Stragint wrote: »
    I wish I would have read up on the abilities of each aux item. I assumed each could be used for damage dealing so I threw 35 SP into Quantum because it happened to be the first I got.

    They all can be. Quantum Brace has one heal ability.

    It is one too many!

    For real though. If I had read the abilities I would have gone rocket because of rocket jumping.

    PSN: Reaper_Stragint, Steam: DoublePitstoChesty
    What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable? ~ Mario Novak

    I never fear death or dyin', I only fear never trying.
  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Kay wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    chaos/fist should work, especially if you focus on burst attacks.

    you are not a hoodie ninja
    I am not. I am instead an intellectual extra from The Matrix. (Chaos Theorist is a really, really good deck outfit.)

    Once I have Assassin, I'm getting Ninja. Or working on my Fistol build to smooth it out some.
    Arch wrote: »
    Isn't chaos/fist a good tanking build?
    @Arch - It's the highest number of available Impairs on a melee build (three, I think) and tanks well, mainly because Chaos has two solid 'oh shit' defensive clicks if you need them.. You can throw in some Blade passives if you want for passive self heals, though it's not needed with a dedicated healer.

    Also, Chaos/Fist is the most survivable build I've played solo. Ask @Makidai, he tried my solo build recently! :)

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Kay wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Taranis wrote: »
    I don't see any fist chaos builds up there. D: Hopefully I didn't make too big of a mistake when I let aesthetics heavily influence my choice to start on the path towards a Chaos/Fist build...

    I am letting aesthetics drive me to dumping like 750 AP in a build that I don't really like the look of mechanically.

    I needs my hoodie ninjas

    chaos/fist should work, especially if you focus on burst attacks.

    you are not a hoodie ninja
    I am not. I am instead an intellectual extra from The Matrix. (Chaos Theorist is a really, really good deck outfit.)

    Once I have Assassin, I'm getting Ninja. Or working on my Fistol build to smooth it out some.
    Arch wrote: »
    Isn't chaos/fist a good tanking build?
    @Arch - It's the highest number of available Impairs on a melee build (three, I think) and tanks well, mainly because Chaos has two solid 'oh shit' defensive clicks if you need them.. You can throw in some Blade passives if you want for passive self heals, though it's not needed with a dedicated healer.

    Also, Chaos/Fist is the most survivable build I've played solo. Ask @Makidai, he tried my solo build recently! :)

    It's not the most survivable build I've seen. My solo build, before I quit, was basically just my dungeon DPS build. I had 1970 hp and no defence or healing, and I was soloing carpathian missions without dying because I was killing everything before it could hurt me.

  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Was that the Hammer/Shotgun build with you completely decked out in 10.4 purples? :P

    Because seriously, I don't think that counts. :D

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    It was an AR/Shotgun build with 10.4-10.2s, and blue signets. Which totally counts!

    But seriously, it was so much fun, because everything happened so fast, but if I messed up I was entirely fragile and could easily die. A glass cannon build that let me solo lairs, yummy.

  • amnesiasoftamnesiasoft Thick Creamy Furry Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Also, Chaos/Fist is the most survivable build I've played solo. Ask @Makidai, he tried my solo build recently! :)
    As someone with all the chaos and fist skills, I'm curious what this build is!

  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    It was an AR/Shotgun build with 10.4-10.2s, and blue signets. Which totally counts!

    But seriously, it was so much fun, because everything happened so fast, but if I messed up I was entirely fragile and could easily die. A glass cannon build that let me solo lairs, yummy.
    Yeah, but mine lets you solo nightmare stuff with just QL10 greens and no real worries. Blues make it easier, I wanna see how it does with purples.
    Kay wrote: »
    Also, Chaos/Fist is the most survivable build I've played solo. Ask @Makidai, he tried my solo build recently! :)
    As someone with all the chaos and fist skills, I'm curious what this build is!

    I've linked it a few times! Here it is again. (It's my current build showing on Chronicle.)

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    Do you really need Call your shots? I would have thought that if you really need the extra hit chance, get the one that I forget the name of that halves your glance chance.

  • KayKay What we need... Is a little bit of PANIC.Registered User regular
    Well, I'd thrown a load into AR anyhow, Fever Pitch wouldn't work with that build as there's no Weaken in it. (10% chance of gaining 'Major Hit Chance' when attacking a weakened target, which reduces Glance chance by 50% for 12 seconds)

    This is mainly because there's no Weaken On Burst passive, I spent a while looking. That's basically a self-buff and constant self-heal deck. Run Rampant (builder) boosts your evasion whenever it's used, any burst attack (and it is all bursts) gives you Minor Ward, and any burst attack procs Healing Sparks which can proc Empowerment and you gear for Crit Rating. Surgical Steel is a decent heal consumer if you need it, Illusion gives you breathing space if you need it (and I rarely do), Gore is there because none of the other elites really just offer straight up damage, and the mobility between groups is nice. And Muzzle is in there because it's just the best Impair in the game, hands down. Cooldown click, twice the range of Anaesthesia (unless they changed it) and the same damage as other Impairs. You could use Go for the Throat instead of Gore, but I like leaping into a new group and going to town.

    Cutting Thoughts can be switched out for just about anything else, it's just in there 'cause I liked the graphic and the extra damage was nice.

    As for Hit Rating versus Major Hit Chance - would Hysteria (Hit Rating any time you use a Frenzy attack) or Fever Pitch (10% chance of gaining 'Major Hit Chance' when attacking a weakened target, which reduces Glance chance by 50% for 12 seconds) be better in an Escalation/Weakness deck?

    3DS FCode: 1993-7512-8991
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    Ah, it's been a while and I only used it in dungeons so I'd forgotten about the 'weakened' requirement.

  • SaraLunaSaraLuna Registered User regular
    is stuff from the cash shop bound to a certain character or account wide?

  • ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular

    And @Kay- I am trying a little different build atm. I changed Call Your Shots with Ferocity, and Cutting Thoughts with One in the Chamber. My current gear lets me crit rather regularly, so I think OitC > CT for me.

  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary The softer edge of the universe.Registered User regular
    Time to ring in the new thread with some STORY TIME:

  • MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular

    And @Kay- I am trying a little different build atm. I changed Call Your Shots with Ferocity, and Cutting Thoughts with One in the Chamber. My current gear lets me crit rather regularly, so I think OitC > CT for me.

    If you really want a Hit rate buffer, try Sharp Shooter.

  • amnesiasoftamnesiasoft Thick Creamy Furry Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Kay wrote: »
    This is mainly because there's no Weaken On Burst passive
    There is, however, a weaken on chaos/some other weapons skill passive. (Or something of that nature)

    Also, thanks for the link, it is a fairly awesome build. Let me beat The Wild Hunt solo.

    amnesiasoft on
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular
    edited January 2013
    Kay wrote: »
    Kay wrote: »
    Okay, so decided to focus on going for the Paladin deck for templar

    In so much that I am working towards having all the abilities on it. Will this be effective through solomon island (I have maxed out pistol and swords inner already so working on outer ring from start of Savage coast) and where can I go from this start off?
    It'll be fine for soloing. Any deck is pretty solid for soloing. Honestly, at the stage your at, gear is more important than some of the higher tier elite actives and passives.

    It'll be hard to run dungeons with it because it's a melee DPS deck. The only pistol abilities are the builder, and a consumer. Melee DPS works, (and works EXCELLENTLY solo), but in dungeons you end up spending a lot of time running away from the enemy and trying to kite that you don't spend as much time attacking. Think about the fight with the Varengian in Polaris, when it electrifies the crates and water, so you either stand at range, or sit in the sparks and take tons of damage. Tanks can deal with that, melee can't.

    With some tweaking, you could make a tanking deck out of it, but Pistols is more suited to supplement a DPS deck.

    Well the alternative I guess is preacher.

    Or with how gimped my character is I could just go make a dragon >.> Don't know atm. I had some really great flow going and it just feels ground to a halt by having to put points into one weapon set and having to re-do stuff to get SP while getting reduced Xp because I have SP.
    Just run around the lower zones and redo the investigation missions or somesuch, I hear you can do that now. It wouldn't take you long to get your Talismans to 3 or 4. And really, in the non-Elite dungeons, anything can work if you're careful. It's just melee DPS is going to have a way harder time and might make DPS checks (of which there are some - Corroder in Hell Rising comes to mind, and then a bunch of the others in that dungeon) a little tougher.

    @Arch - think of Focus decks as DoT, because that's functionally what they are. They're mechanically the same - damage over time rather than big hefty chunks, thus lowered aggro, etc. etc. And Exsanguinate is easily one of the coolest looking attacks in the game.

    I. DRINK. YOUR. MILKSHAAAAAAAKE! (Also you can use Anaesthesia and Cardiac Arrest as two resourceless Impair attacks within Blood to trigger the dot, which increases the damage Exsanguinate does by 20%.)

    Got QL4 major talismans. Just need to either craft or buy some QL 4 rings and bracers.

    Then I'll probably try to force myself into Savage coast because F them.

    I find it kind of dumb that quest difficulty (and XP) scales off of SP spent honestly. Why can't they do it off of the SP spent on weapons and talismans currently equipped. Would make a tad more sense and not punish someone for trying to take advantage of an advertised feature of the game (that there are no classes).

    EDIT: I guess soldier would work as well but it looks dull as compared to Paladin. Is it really that hard to make an MMO where melee DPS aren't gimped?

    Albino Bunny on
  • AnteAnte Registered User regular
    difficulty doesn't scale, the game's judgement of your ability to do it is based on SP spent. So if you've spent 10 SP it might say hard, and if you've spent 100 it will say easy, but it's the same quest at the same difficulty.

This discussion has been closed.