Thorkon, you out here?

What're you bringing this year? Or is it a secret?!

I'll be revealing bits of mine as I go, but for now... I'm working on the display.
I wanted full 1080p, but such a monitor basically doesn't exist below 20.5 inches. I have a 19" 1440x900 display from last year's "SkateMod" that is too big for the case.
Plan: Go full custom & get a 17.3" Full HD panel from a laptop & control board. The big advantages are:
1) power - no longer need an external supply, a 17" LED panel uses 9 watts and the control just needs a 12V lead off the main PSU;
2) size, it's much slimmer, and
3) Nerd Factor

Last year's skateboard was too much of a compromise on gaming power to make it small and integrated. The mini ITX + Fusion CPU/GPU combo were capable, but barely. This year, I'm trying to do something that has a standard microATX board and full ATX PSU but can still fit in the under-seat area of an airplane.
Let us not mention the 200+ lb. behemoth DiVPC in his trunk of East 2011. Though he does look quite dandy sitting in my office.

Look forward to seeing all the mods. It's my favorite part of the show. PCs should be custom!
Core i5 3570K
Intel DH77EB motherboard
16GB DDR3-1600 Corsair Vengeance RAM
eVGA GTX 660 2GB superclocked video card (will be using a 6-inch PCI Express x16 extension cable... we'll see how that performs!)
Apple Airport Extreme wireless mini-PCIe card. (I'm trying to make the system Hackintosh compatible)
750GB Western Digital Black data drive
Optical drive and media bays will be available in an expansion chassis I'm building but not in the portable/LAN case.
10 days until I leave. The bottom picture was from yesterday- Will I finish in time??
Just finished this:
Yours is looking good and practical. That's a good setup for transportation of the pc.
I'm still worried about heat, as I haven't had it properly sealed up and left running yet. But portability was definitely a top priority. After that 150lb. trunk for DIV two years ago, and the plan to try to make it to Seattle this year, I had to see what I could do to "go small."
I saw the suitcase in a small consignment shop off Boston Common in September when I drove out for the Roxette concert. Best $15 I've spent since the antique radio I modded for East 2010.
Ha, I don't have room to put a drill press in the apartment. Yet...
I would like to increase my tools options but until I get a house I don't see that happening
The drill press is pretty portable. It was $60 at Harbor Freight.