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Other Burners who come to Pax East because Prime overlaps?

ElfertonElferton Registered User regular
This will be the third East for the GF and I, coming out from SF because Prime overlaps with BurningMan.

Who else is in this boat? We'd like to do something to bring some BRC flare to the BCEC.

We were thinking about maybe bringing a hot pot, fresh ground coffee and a french press and setting up a "bar" upstairs for late night gaming.

Because no one's gonna let us cook bacon inside...right? Right?


  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    Heh, no one will let you cook bacon inside, this is true. But man, you would be considered GODS OF THE PLAYA among PAX if you had coffee late at night.

  • clickpictonyclickpictony Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    I think that's a great idea. I actually miss Big Burn every year myself because I go to Prime but I'd love to see more burners at PAX.

    Just thought it would be fun to make some cayenne pepper bacon and cover it in chocolate and then give it to Cookie Brigade. Label it Sweet Burner Bacon. What do you guys think?

  • ElfertonElferton Registered User regular
    Oooh, i do like the pre-made bacon!

    Does Cookie Brigade get in any trouble for handing out homemade goodies? I could see the convention center security not being all about that.

  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    I think the cookie brigade FAQ answenrs it? But they get by pretty well since folks know it's for a charity. I think they also try not to be too blatant around convention food areas.

  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    Be very careful if you try to do anything food/drink-related. Caterers have an exclusive contract, and you will DEFINITELY get ejected for trying to sell food. Likewise, BCEC's insurance likely forbids cooking/heating by anyone who is not licensed to do so (i.e., you will probably get ejected for using hot pots).

    Cookie Brigade gets away with distributing cookies for a few reasons. First, they are mobile, making it difficult for convention staff to find them and remove them. At the very least, they're careful to keep a low profile and not rub it in the staff's faces. Second, it's a charity, and people are reluctant to bust a charity. Third, they are very careful to say that they GIVE cookies away. If people want to give a donation to Child's Play, great, but the cookies are not being SOLD.

    It sounds like you're also talking about giving away coffee or whatever, rather than selling it, however that is probably not an absolute protection. If you accept money at all, for example a "voluntary donation to cover my costs," the convention staff will likely argue that you are selling food (this has happened to Cookie Brigade before, but that's where point 2, it's for a charity and people let charities slide, comes in). Finally, even if you are really truly giving it away for free, they're still likely to have a problem with hot pots and anything resembling an illicit (i.e., not paid for) booth.

    Hate to rain on anyone's parade, but it should be emphasized that PAX is not Burning Man. In some ways, it's nearly the opposite: it's a corporate convention, with corporate sponsors, in a regulated convention center, in a regulated city. The PA folks do a great job of making us feel like it's "our" convention, but that only goes so far, and the various exhibitors and vendors have contracts which they have paid for and expect to see enforced.

  • RicinRicin Registered User regular
    I don't go to East because Prime overlaps with Burning Man, for me it overlaps with Dragon*Con. Hope you guys have a good time at East!

  • ElfertonElferton Registered User regular
    @ Koala - yeah, I would absolutely not accept $ of any kind for coffee. I'd probably make people bring their own water (or go get a thermos of water from the bubbler) to limit the chance that I give anyone cooties.

    It would require a hotpot, though, for sure. So, that could get awkward...

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    Elferton wrote: »
    @ Koala - yeah, I would absolutely not accept $ of any kind for coffee. I'd probably make people bring their own water (or go get a thermos of water from the bubbler) to limit the chance that I give anyone cooties.

    It would require a hotpot, though, for sure. So, that could get awkward...

    I would strongly suggest not doing it, mainly because at best, you're going to make some Enforcer have to be the jerk that asks you to stop. At worst, the convention center security will physically make you stop, escort you out, and confiscate your badge.

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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think that it could very likely be solved by simply having someone call up the MCCA and ask if electric kettles are allowed in the BCEC. Knowledge is power, and all that.

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