**THIS THREAD HAS BEEN EDITED AND MADE ANEW BY Ramius (Original post hidden in the spoiler tag)**
I hope after this game is over, that if Sir Gabe and Sir Tycho decide to work with any type of game developing company to create a new game, that they make a 2D Point & Click, a la LucasArts Point & Click games (Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island series, Sam & Max, Indiana Jones...) or some non-LucasArts Point & Clicks (Such as the original Clock Towers (Great horror P&Cs) or Broken Sword)
What sort of game would you like to see the Penny-Arcade characters in?
As misleading as the topic title may be, I'm not trying to use this board as an introductory thingymajigger.
I'm a GameFAQer. Been one for going on 8 years now. I know the way forums work.
Anyway, on to my point:
What would you guys actually like to see in this game?
Also, to be quite honest, I hope after this game is over, that if Sir Gabe and Sir Tycho decide to work with any type of game developing company to create a new game, that they make a 2D Point & Click, a la LucasArts Point & Click games (Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island series, Sam & Max, Indiana Jones...) or some non-LucasArts Point & Clicks (Such as the original Clock Towers (Great horror P&Cs) or Broken Sword)
Then again, then it'd have to be for the PC only. Unless they wouldn't mind making one for the Wii as well.
Either way, it'd be...fun....right?
Meh. Like Sir Gabe and Sir Tycho ever read these boards. And if they do, like they'd ever read this particular post. Pfft. My chances are greater of finally getting CJayC to post at RI.
I love writing short stories.
Prinny, dood!
I'm in a generous mood so I'm going to edit your original post to make this thread into something reasonable, rather than locking the thread.
*EDIT: Thread has been reborn!*
I need to go to bed or something...
On another note, thank you for the kindness.
Apparently you guys get this sort of thing a lot. I...didn't actually expect there to be a rule against saying things similar to "I am new"
*Cough* Erm...
...Mind if I ask in what other ways it was horrible?
Prinny, dood!
That is my dream Penny Arcade game... a game with a little of everything in it.
Fuck ya.
A thread OP (original post) is meant to clearly convey the question and get a discussion going, no more. Also, saying 'olol im from gaemfaks' here is akin to admitting you are an idiot, since they have a reputation here. Furthermore, ranting aimlessly at the end of your post is best served for SE++, not a game discussion forum. We have higher standards here than what you might be used to.
Another tip for the OP: The most important part of a forum post is the same as the most important part of an email: The subject. Short and to the point == awesome. Lots of HERRO, HERRO! == sucks buckets of nuts.
Fruit Fucker(s), and then the rest of the world.
Anyway, for the Fruit ****ers, do you think they'll be the most basic enemy in the game? I mean, in pretty much every RPG, there's a "basic enemy" that you start out on. Not all have it, but most do, from Kingdom Hearts with shadows and Dragon Quest/Warrior with "Slimes"
On another note, I noticed that these particular Fruit ****ers are different from the modern kind. Do you think we'll ever see another type of Fruit ****er, or the modern kind anywhere?
Prinny, dood!
third.. ed
A CTS side-scroller similar to the old Ninja-Gaiden games. Release it on Virtual Console / Xbox Live / Whatever Sony has.
I'd actually love a CTS game that was set in something like a mix between Bushido Blade and Dynasty Warriors. Bushido blade style combat for lethality and realism and Dynasty Warriors style movement and gameplay (although obviously you wouldn't be slaying groups of thirty enemies at a time) and then to top it off give it a well written story and some RPGish character growth.
What would be really neat to see is a few installments in sidescroller mode that fleshed out the CTS universe a little and then a full on Bushido Blade/Dynasty Warriors RPGish game.
3D side scroller with some levels that are full on 3D platforming but mostly KLONOA type gameplay.
What ever happened to that Fruit Fucker fan-game? I haven't heard a peep about it in a couple of years now... I can't even remember who was making it.
Eric PlanB. Or something like that.
A quick google and here it is. Well, info at least.
And to download:
I grew up on those and would love to see them make a come back! ..Kinda like the Simpson's movie. Sure they could do it with all these "special effects", but they were like screw everyone and made a hour and a half (or maybe two hour) long episode with virtually no difference to the regular show.
I say the next game be like Day of The Tentacle, The Curse of Monkey Island, or Full Throttle. But with PA characters based off their comic strips instead of something new! That way it will feel more like the comic strips, and allow more "artistic" freedom IMHO.
Man, that would be awesome. I STILL play day of the tentacle and curse of monkey island. They are great games.
~Jeremy Clarkson
You could spend the entire game avoiding characters from penny arcade while we attempt to stack a large enough pile of zombies to be able to ignore them. Then they could get trucks and spaceships and stuff.
Also bikes and titties.
With online multiplayer co-op. Downloadable content. Next gen graphics.
Barring that, 2d RPG.
Plus bad guys running around with ESA and E3 markings/gear would be hilarious!
Who am I kidding? I'd spam that attack.
EDIT: Huge overarching story ensues.
Sabrina heard that Troy was shot by Alex on Dust, headshot!
Fifth person shooters are going to have a tough time breaking into the market.
I'd be happy with a second person adventure. (What's with that anyway. You learn about first and third person narratives, but there's no love for second person. I don't even know if there is such a thing, but if not, why not?)
They already exist, they're called movies
(for clarification second-person is watching the action but actually having little to nothing to do with it)
Their art and writing skills are fantastic, and I would be very interested in seeing some "new IP" from them.
That said, I am really looking forwards to PAA.
That's not second-person. Second-person is "you." I'm the first person, you're the second person, that guy over there is the third person.
You don't learn about it because it is a LOT more rare to see something written in that form, because it's weird to refer to the reader as a character. The only example I can think of are those old Choose Your Own Adventure books.
Also I suppose that would technically mean that most if not all games are in fact second person.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
Think of the possibilities!