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Potential Dance Idea

PayneTraynePayneTrayne CanuckRegistered User regular
So, I was thinking while I was at work and I stumbled upon an interesting idea. What if the entire pre-PAX queue were to do the Harlem Shake?

What's the Harlem shake you ask? Well here's some videos to explain it:

Basically, we'd need one costumed person to do an awkward little dance followed by the entire crowd busting out into an incredibly random 'dance', the more awkward the dancing, the better.

Just throwing this out there, I'd like to see it filmed (as there would have to be a jump cut for it to be a true Harlem Shake) and I think it could be pretty lulzworthy.

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  • WongafiedWongafied Registered User new member
    For those who don't know, here is the original.

    I think this would be awesome.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Considering the queue room is packed tight at almost all times, the logistics of this would be nigh impossible. Maybe talk to @Vapok about including it in his /dance.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    Color me intrigued.

    I have had a reputation for doing... things... at PAX'es.

    @PayneTrayne - Send me a PM. Let's chat.

  • <Omicron-8643><Omicron-8643> Just outside DC. Registered User regular
    If this isn't at /dance, I will be a very very sad Cybrid.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    If this isn't at /dance, I will be a very very sad Cybrid.

    Now that I know about it... I don't know how it can possibly NOT be at /dance. That said, I have some more ideas on how to make it more fun!

  • BostonGameWriterBostonGameWriter MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    this has the potential to be epic. it may even be as viral as the other vids out right now.

    Contributing writer for - Boston Games Examiner
    Check out my latest article here!
  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular

    This is the only HARLEM SHAKE.

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Yeaaahh.. considering I just heard of this an hour ago, and have spent that last hour watching various vids.. I'm so friggen in if this is part of it :)

  • APacManAPacMan Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Honestly I'd love to see the Protomen do this. That or the cosplayers in their regular clothes at the start, then in full costume after the bass drops. ^_^

    We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky

    Twitter: @APacManSays
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    I'll be keeping in contact with Vapok, man's got great ideas about how to make this thing fantasmal.

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  • skymask1skymask1 Registered User new member
    If this were to go down when would it all happen and where? I would love to be the masked man in the beginning of the video.

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    I imagine some iteration of it will be happening at /dance, and I also imagine that many people will want to be the masked man. We shall see as we get closer to PAX and I hear more from Vapok.

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  • lunestralunestra The Alchemist LowellRegistered User regular
    I am all for this, I have no problem being the costumed one!

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