Networking opportunities and portfolio reviews
I think PAX is going to be a place that will be great for talking about games, the future of games, the future of the Industry or participate in the Biggest LAN that many of us will experience in our lifetimes. It's gonna be awesome. But there will be a small group of people who are more interested in making games rather than playing them. People who will be looking for contacts to earn a living, to get into contact with other content creators, to get portfolio reviews or simply to be noticed by international developers. Most of the people we'd want to meet will either be on a panel or have booths of their own trying to sell something to you and would therefore be very, VERY busy.
Is there any kind of format or time set aside for people who are just looking to network and get noticed? I know that at Illustration conventions, portfolio reviews have their own time set aside, Illustrators meet each other, discuss their work, etc. I imagine it would be bad form to walk up to a booth and ask to show your work to them.
Does anyone have any tips about this? Is there anyone who has experience with this sort of thing for PAX for those who are looking for opportunities with Devs? Us Australians will know that our own industry is on the decline, so being noticed by international panelists is extremely important. How can we accomplish this?
So they have moved to singapore and are going work with blizzard, and EA..... basterds....
If it hasn't been announced already, I wouldn't count on it for this year. I'm sure there *will* be some developer-centric panels at the event, I just wouldn't count on it being a focus. There's always a "post-pax survey" though and that would be a really good place to bring it up. I know that each and every survey gets read in detail. Also if you know developers that are successful and want to do panels, push them to submit panel ideas.
There will also be a HUGE amount of Aussie and New Zealand game developers at the show - they won't be hard to find and will be happy to chat. Wander on Steam Greenlight