Cupid did not post my message
I replied to the robot for a message to Kwoaru, however he did not post my message
My message contained the following, a youtube clip, a gif at 350kb , and a jpg at 200k
could any of this be the issue, thanks
also my compliance counter was removed at the time of sending the message and my next compliance counter began for my other valentine
at the time both Kwoaru and tasteicle were my cupids
I just did one to Rorus Raz as well that did not show up, antimatter is also currently my cupid
Robo Cupid did not post either of my messages
The issue seems to be if I have a Cupid, and they PM Geth about me the system will think I have no Cupid and assign me a new one, even if I haven't sent Geth my message yet. When the system finds me a new Cupid, it erases knowledge of my old one, so when I finally get around to messaging Geth he ignores that PM, forgetting that initial person was my cupid.
At first I had Kwoaru as a Cupid who sent a message to Geth for me. By the time I got my message written up to send to Geth, Tasteicle became my new cupid, so when I sent the Kwoaru message it was ignored
The same thing just happened with Rorus Raz and Antimatter, RR sent me a message and then Antimatter became my cupid, my message to RR was ignored, but I just sent a message to antimatter and it was successfully posted
I have one from this morning stuck in limbo as well, from the same situation. I got syndalis and Hakkekage at the same time and only my post to Hakkekage went through ; I have tried sending my post to syndalis two times, no dice
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