Hello there internet.
I'm looking forward to the BoardGame of Thrones event, as I rarely get to play tabletop games, but I also rarely have enough people in once place to play Joust or Hokra, so I wanted to see if there was any interest in a pre pax sportsfriends meetup (or if it's even possible considering space requirements).
What I have:
-Sportsfriends kickstarter games on a flash drive (currently J.S. Joust, Hokra, and Barabariball)
-3 wired xbox controllers
-5 PS Move controllers for Joust
What's missing:
For Joust:
A macbook + speakers
Space (somewhere outside near the Westin would be fine if it's warm enough)
For Hokra/Barabariball:
A windows pc/laptop
1 wired xbox controller (or a wireless adapter)
Somewhere that we can use those things
So if anyone is interested in that, perhaps we can organize something, if not, tabletop games will reign supreme.
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig