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Join Harmonix at our Pre PAX East Rock Band Night on 3/21! Tickets... SOLD OUT (for now?)

HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
edited February 2013 in PAX East
***QUICK 2/27 EDIT*** The Brattle Theater has sold out of the tickets they had up for pre order. We are working with them to see if they can free up any more or if there is a potential for tickets to be sold at the door as there have been in years past. I'll be sure to update here if more tickets become available. Thanks all for your interest! ***QUICK 2/27 EDIT***

Hey gang,

If you'll be in Boston the day before PAX East kicks off, Harmonix is hosting the 3rd Annual Rock Pre PAX Rock Band Night at the Brattle Theater on March 21st! Tickets are on sale RIGHT NOW and they have sold out before the show every year, so don't delay if you're interested.

You can pre order tickets here at the Brattle's official site.

Here's the description they have up for the event:
Thursday March 21st / 8pm to Midnight / Brattle Theater in Harvard Square

Join us for a night of rock-and-roll fun with Harmonix, local video game designers and the creators of the fantastic Rock Band. Form your own band or fly solo and enter for a chance to compete live on stage in front of a panel of judges from Plus get your hands on some exclusive merch that Harmonix is cooking up. This event is a prequel of sorts to the absurdly popular PAX East Convention which begins on March 22.

Words do not do this show justice. You can hang out with Harmonix devs, the excellent dudes from Giant Bomb, rock out on stage in front of their giant screen, and help us celebrate the finale of the weekly RB DLC in style. We always have an awesome turn out of RB super fans and it's a great way to kick off the PAX East weekend. Also, since we won't have an RB set up on the show floor, this may be your only chance to rock out that weekend.

That $20 ticket gets you access to the theater, the ridiculous swag we're designing specifically for the show, free DLC for 360 and PS3, and we're also looking into working out some kind of open bar / concession stand scenario for part of the night. Plus, there's all sorts of goofy stuff we're still finalizing, so keep posted to this thread for updates!

We hope to see a bunch of you there!


HMXhenry on


  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Glad to hear you guys will be bringing down the house again - I haven't been able to get up early for parties in years past, but that will change this year.

    One question - while you won't have a presence on the Expo floor, will there still be Rock Band freeplay stages set up around the BCEC, or is Rock Band not part of PAX at all?

    If not, I will suddenly be bringing my gear and fixing this myself.

  • HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
    vttym wrote: »
    One question - while you won't have a presence on the Expo floor, will there still be Rock Band freeplay stages set up around the BCEC, or is Rock Band not part of PAX at all?

    We only had Blitz set up at PAX Prime and several Enforcers volunteered to run a freeplay stage so we set them up with a fully loaded console and some swag to give away. It's totally conceivable that something similar could happen again this year but, to my knowledge, no one has reached out to us about help with a free play station.

    I'm not 100% sure what the policy is for these free play areas but we'll do whatever we can to support them.

  • moeyjarmoeyjar Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    That's really too bad that there won't be any Rock Band stages set up this year, always one of my favorite things to do at PAX :( Hopefully there will be some free play stations set up, but I'm hoping others in my group will be interested in attending the Thursday night event.

  • AfterlifejoshAfterlifejosh UtahRegistered User new member
    Is this a 21+ event?

  • ZappRowzdowerZappRowzdower Registered User regular
    This has been my favorite PAX East event over the past few years. Can't wait.

  • PurpleBekPurpleBek Manchester, EnglandRegistered User regular
    Went last year but due to some mishaps we got there a little late, bought my tickets for this time and I can't wait!~

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I went last year and had a lot of fun, but the Pokecrawl is calling me this year (now that all my friends going are over 21)

  • HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
    Is this a 21+ event?

    Nope! It's all ages friendly, but the bar at the concession stand will obviously be carding.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    I'd say "Shutup and take my money!" but I already did as soon as the link was tweeted.

    Henry, you have a preference on what flavor of Muscle Milk for me to bring? :P

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Ticket purchased. And I'm gonna be wearing a sweet tutu, and rolling with some Goobers, so be ready.

    Also need to find a way to tote arouny my Destroyer pedal, because I tend to break stock RB ones, and I don't want to be that guy..

    Then again, I'd be that guy for hooking up my own pedal.. I CAN'T WIN

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    ooh I'd be super sad if there is no freeplay - been working on my pipes :D
    Now to see about the bar crawl or this ... damn too many good choices

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • sillyzombie666sillyzombie666 massRegistered User regular
    i hope you have the freeplay stages again, my first year of pax on sunday i asked if i could have a guitar, i said it jokenly but much to my surprise the guy handed it right to me and said enjoy i was like WTFFDFFFFDDD ....

  • Ben2998Ben2998 Master Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Already sold out?!? I shouldn't have waited to buy my tickets. Is there anything else RockBand related planned except the panels?

    Conquered PAX East 2013!
    Planning PAX East 2014 invasion:
    [ ... ] Hotel | [ ... ] Travel | ✓ Pass
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I am almost 100% certain that PAX will be providing a rockband freeplay stage for the weekend (non-sponsored).

  • mgriff3456mgriff3456 Registered User regular

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I'm not sure if that's more or less funny with the typo.

  • HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
    It's true, it's true, tickets do appear to be sold out. BUT we're triple checking with the theater to see if they're at capacity or if they have a few more squirreled away. They did the same thing last year and ended up making 25 additional tickets available at the door. We'll find out either way and will update here once we know for sure.

    As for questions about free play stages, we'll do whatever we can to help!

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Well I got mine, but my 2 buddies are SOL, so they'll have to go destroy boston or something.

    Repeating what Zerzhul said, I got confirmation from the PAX support email that a stage will be set up for Rock Band. This is good, because I was already working out the logistics of strapping a 32" TV to my back, guitars on either side, drums below the TV, and microphones on the belt, and being a traveling Rock Band kiosk. Problem is, you'd only have enough time to play Charlene (I'm Right Behind You) before I needed to recharge whatever portable power source I had.

    I'm not kidding.

    Stage is easier. :)

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    vttym wrote: »
    Well I got mine, but my 2 buddies are SOL, so they'll have to go destroy boston or something.

    Repeating what Zerzhul said, I got confirmation from the PAX support email that a stage will be set up for Rock Band. This is good, because I was already working out the logistics of strapping a 32" TV to my back, guitars on either side, drums below the TV, and microphones on the belt, and being a traveling Rock Band kiosk. Problem is, you'd only have enough time to play Charlene (I'm Right Behind You) before I needed to recharge whatever portable power source I had.

    I'm not kidding.

    Stage is easier. :)

    Harmonix normally has Rock Band and Dance Central at their booth too.

  • Ben2998Ben2998 Master Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    According to their podcast, since they are stopping weekly DLC, Harmonix will not have a RockBand setup at their booth this year.

    Conquered PAX East 2013!
    Planning PAX East 2014 invasion:
    [ ... ] Hotel | [ ... ] Travel | ✓ Pass
  • mgriff3456mgriff3456 Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    I'm not sure if that's more or less funny with the typo.

    Definitely more :)

  • TwiminyTwiminy Registered User regular
    Ben2998 wrote: »
    According to their podcast, since they are stopping weekly DLC, Harmonix will not have a RockBand setup at their booth this year.

    They will not have a booth at all this year, except a section of the Microsoft/Xbox booth for Dance Central stuff.

  • Agent00Agent00 Tucson, AZRegistered User regular
    Can you please update title from "on Sale NOW" to "SOLD OUT"?

  • HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
    Agent00 wrote: »
    Can you please update title from "on Sale NOW" to "SOLD OUT"?

    Done and done. Sorry for the confusion. I've edited the OP with the most recent update. Hopefully we'll be able to free up more tickets.

    It better news, it's sounding like a RB free play stage run by Enforcers / volunteers is more and more likely. We've been in touch about providing DLC and swag and we'll see if some of the HMX Community Team can check in for guest appearances once in a while.

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    aah I really hope you can find some more tickets, I would love to go! I have my Harmonix cosplay ready to go ;)

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