Hah, Gabe's got the Reddit formula down! Just talk about your "girlfriend" and anything "she" made, did or said. Bonus points karma if you do a google image search and post a picture of a lady.
My life has been much improved by blocking reddit at the hosts level. There was a time I'd read rage comics for a half hour before going to bed.
My cousin introduced me to Reddit with rage comics. They used to be great... now they're just awful. I also used to browse r/gaming during my lunch break. There's still some funny or interesting game related stuff there sometimes, but it's mostly devolved into super annoying PC nerds, Notch and Gaben circlejerks and assholes proudly explaining why they steal games.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
A few days ago when he was doing his Surface Pro writeup Gabe said on his Twitter he finally felt he had something worthy of posting on Reddit or something like that.
I was like, You are waaaaaaaayyyyy overestimating Reddit, my friend.
That baby sloth Tycho is holding is great, though.
Also, there are some nice subreddits. The "porn" ones like Foodporn or Natureporn are fun to look at. Then there are the deepest darkest corners of that place that I don't even want to mention for fear of leading somebody who doesn't know to them...
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
The baby sloth is the best thing about this comic. Adorable! Now I want one...
I have tried to navigate through the channels of reddit, but got lost in the murky waters...or some such thing. I don't find it particular useful or fun.
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
Reddit is the new 4chan, but without 4chan's self-awareness about its own wretchedness.
4chan never bothered me, incidentally. I always thought people were overreacting when something would come out of there (be it a meme or image link) and be all UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and it's like, uh, really?
But Reddit, man, people are actually criminal on that fucking website.
Woah, what is up with the sloth? First new PA character in ages. We need sloth's origin story!
Berman J. Huxtable.
Deposed prince of East New Florida. Rescued from The Canid by Thomas Kemper on one of his interdimensional excursions, and brought to live in the house with the guys.
Yes, I expect I'll recieve an e-mail any day now from Gabe and Tycho begging me to work with them as a new character consultant.
A man can dream...
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
This is the third time in two weeks I've had to come to the forum for an explanation of the comic. This has never happened before. I would wonder if this is just me getting old, but Gabe and Tycho are older than I am.
Reddit is the new 4chan, but without 4chan's self-awareness about its own wretchedness.
4chan never bothered me, incidentally. I always thought people were overreacting when something would come out of there (be it a meme or image link) and be all UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and it's like, uh, really?
But Reddit, man, people are actually criminal on that fucking website.
Ive tried multiple times to surf Reddit and the site is just a freaking mess. I for the life of me do not understand the attraction. I prefer Reddit-lite (Fark.com)
Can someone please explain to me what AMA stands for? This is the second time they mention in their news posts that Mike "did his AMA" and I have no idea what it means. The obligatory disambiguation page on Wikipedia lists a bunch of definitions and I can't find any that seems appropriate to the context.
Baby Sloths? I don't know... But that art at the bottom of the main page has video games, a cute girl, and a cat. That's likely to get you Reddit front page if you so desire it.
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
Baby sloths are cute as all hell you don't even know.
My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
Look at this adorable motherfucker.
My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
edited February 2013
Or this chubby asshole. That is a belly demanding to be tickled while you coo like a retard at the cute little cuddle whore of a babby sloth
Kagera on
My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
Reddit is the new 4chan, but without 4chan's self-awareness about its own wretchedness.
4chan never bothered me, incidentally. I always thought people were overreacting when something would come out of there (be it a meme or image link) and be all UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and it's like, uh, really?
But Reddit, man, people are actually criminal on that fucking website.
I think maybe you never knew much about 4chan, if you never heard of or saw anything illegal there.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "criminal."
Cambiata on
"excuse my French
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
HarrierThe Star Spangled ManRegistered Userregular
Most of Reddit's memes were stolen from 4chan or Something Awful.
I don't wanna kill anybody. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.
Reddit is the new 4chan, but without 4chan's self-awareness about its own wretchedness.
4chan never bothered me, incidentally. I always thought people were overreacting when something would come out of there (be it a meme or image link) and be all UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and it's like, uh, really?
But Reddit, man, people are actually criminal on that fucking website.
I think maybe you never knew much about 4chan, if you never heard of or saw anything illegal there.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "criminal."
I wasn't using it literally but I know what you mean. :P
Oh God, knowing Tycho and his fondness for animals where is the clone made from the DNA of Alex Paen/Chris Hansen when you need him. Get that sloth away from him.
EDIT: Fucking hell, one of the mods over there posted it.
My cousin introduced me to Reddit with rage comics. They used to be great... now they're just awful. I also used to browse r/gaming during my lunch break. There's still some funny or interesting game related stuff there sometimes, but it's mostly devolved into super annoying PC nerds, Notch and Gaben circlejerks and assholes proudly explaining why they steal games.
I was like, You are waaaaaaaayyyyy overestimating Reddit, my friend.
Also, there are some nice subreddits. The "porn" ones like Foodporn or Natureporn are fun to look at. Then there are the deepest darkest corners of that place that I don't even want to mention for fear of leading somebody who doesn't know to them...
Reddit is the new 4chan, but without 4chan's self-awareness about its own wretchedness.
I have tried to navigate through the channels of reddit, but got lost in the murky waters...or some such thing. I don't find it particular useful or fun.
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
4chan never bothered me, incidentally. I always thought people were overreacting when something would come out of there (be it a meme or image link) and be all UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and it's like, uh, really?
But Reddit, man, people are actually criminal on that fucking website.
Berman J. Huxtable.
Deposed prince of East New Florida. Rescued from The Canid by Thomas Kemper on one of his interdimensional excursions, and brought to live in the house with the guys.
Yes, I expect I'll recieve an e-mail any day now from Gabe and Tycho begging me to work with them as a new character consultant.
Ive tried multiple times to surf Reddit and the site is just a freaking mess. I for the life of me do not understand the attraction. I prefer Reddit-lite (Fark.com)
It's when a person of note starts a thread on Reddit, people in the comment section ask them questions, and the person answers the questions.
I feel like people still talk about 4chan all the time. Or at least reference it. Those green text images seem very 4-chan-esque. . .. . .
Also the comic needs more mention of how natural it is from an evolutionary perspective to control tablets with your breasts
On the black screen
I think maybe you never knew much about 4chan, if you never heard of or saw anything illegal there.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "criminal."
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Sounds like every meme ever.
There will always be a place in my heart...for small bart
On the black screen
I wasn't using it literally but I know what you mean. :P
That can't possibly be a real earth creature. That is some sort of space alien or a toy that came to life or something.
Stop talking to Gabe and pat that sucker's back.