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PAX Fitness Group Meet-Up [Skybridge Saturday 12 PM after Make-A-Strip]

PayneTraynePayneTrayne CanuckRegistered User regular
edited March 2013 in PAX East
Here is where us PAXEast folks will be able to discuss a meet-up so we don't have to litter our thread and make the Prime folks feel too bad about having to wait to meet up.

I talked to Zerzhul and he said it'd be cool, but if not we can bring it back to our big thread.

EDIT: Since I see some new faces commenting about fitness, why not check out the PAX fitness group?

We will be meeting at 12pm at the skybridge that overlooks the lobby.

PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
PayneTrayne on


  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    As a head's up for Pokecrawl I'll be on Yellow Silver and more than likely buying drinks for fellow Fitocrats. I think we'll have a much easier time setting up a meet-up after a schedule comes out for PAX however.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • BonniesBonnies Registered User regular
    This is awesome! I can't wait =)

  • APacManAPacMan Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I'd love to meet the people giving me 'props!'

    I mentioned it on Fitocracy, but would any Pax-East Fitness groupies be interested in a "Zombies, Run!" morning workout? The playlist would have to be determined beforehand so we can synchronize the 'music' parts of the mission.

    Slower runners (not unlike myself) could play the zombie(s). If they catch up: congratulations, you no longer need to worry about the pain of your belabored lungs because you've joined the zombies and no longer have need to breathe.

    Great way to work off the "headache of victory" from the Pokecrawl
    Good reason for the group to get together

    Participants would need the "Zombies, Run!" app ($4.00)

    Failing, I'd be up for any get-together to meet the Fitocrats ;-)

    We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky

    Twitter: @APacManSays
  • ChorazinChorazin Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    edited February 2013
    I have zero desire to do any sort of exercise or healthy eating at East, that's why it's a vacation. Count me out of Zombies, Run! :P

    But, I'm definitely down to meet up if I don't have any scheduling conflicts with panels.

    Chorazin on
    3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
    Wii U NNID Chorazin
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Gonna agree with Chorazin on the whole it's a few days off for me. But I like the idea, I remember someone wanting to do a Fun-Run too.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • TheTinManTheTinMan Registered User regular
    I missed out on the Poke Crawl to my great disappointment. I'm trawling the party lists now (looks like some people will be going to Rock Band night at the Brattle). I'm leaning towards BoardGame of Thrones at the Westin to learn how to play some games.

    I'm also considering doing the not-approved camping with the PokeCrawl without actually signing up. I feel super guilty thinking about this though so we'll see. I'd love to buy some Fitocrats some drinks, even if I've fallen apart exercise-wise these last two weeks.

    As for exercisey stuff right now I have a plan to run every day of PAX, though we'll see how that goes and if I reevaluate my training schedule.

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    TheTinMan wrote: »
    I'm also considering doing the not-approved camping with the PokeCrawl without actually signing up. I feel super guilty thinking about this though so we'll see. I'd love to buy some Fitocrats some drinks, even if I've fallen apart exercise-wise these last two weeks.
    There is an official camping team called Team Snorlax, talk to Atlus about creating the team (other people will love you for it too).

    PayneTrayne on
    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    We've tried before to set up a 5K or a jog or anything, but it seems most people don't have a desire for these types of activities at PAX. :)

    I'll be doing the Rock Band party and possibly Destroy Boston, but can meet up with folks if you decide a meetup is in order on Thurs. Otherwise, I'm game for anything.

  • sassfactor4sassfactor4 Brooklyn, NYRegistered User regular
    As long as its not inclement weather I will probably run around the waterfront every morning for a few miles, otherwise I'll just elliptical to freedom in the hotel early. I'm not super fast and usually anti social while running but im down to run alongside other people and talk about nerd shit while sweating, or try Zombies, Run! which I just realized is on Android.

  • kohanaikohanai Registered User regular
    while I'm out of the zombie run, I'm super game for a Fito meet up! Will be watching this thread closely!

  • wrccitroenwrccitroen New EnglandRegistered User regular
    This probably sounds extremely sexist & shallow but will there be loads of cute women running around? 'Cause that may motivate my skinny arse to run around a bit haha

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    TheTinMan wrote: »
    As for exercisey stuff right now I have a plan to run every day of PAX, though we'll see how that goes and if I reevaluate my training schedule.

    As long as its not inclement weather I will probably run around the waterfront every morning for a few miles, otherwise I'll just elliptical to freedom in the hotel early.

    I'd be up for some of that ... I fell off the exercise wagon for the past week week and changed focus about 5 weeks ago from running to all-over training with P90X, so I'm sure my speeds have suffered. However, I'd love to get some of this on! Sad it didn't happen last year, but maybe with better planning for something casual like this will work.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • BonniesBonnies Registered User regular
    @ishtra It's hard to work 2 jobs and make costume and workout I got to tell you that! Got to give you props for that.

  • TheTinManTheTinMan Registered User regular
    edited February 2013
    Just got on Blue Silver with a +1 :D though I'm still looking into making Team Snorlax happen both for others and if I can't get my other two friends on my team.

    So it sounds like a couple folks are doing the PokeCrawl and some are doing BoardGame of Thrones and some maybe both? I'm shooting for both. I have the strong urge to get drunks and play board/card games.

    As for the Fitocracy challenge, time for this guy to try to work his way back up after losing the #5 spot I held for so long. Doing jack squat (no not jack knife squats) for two and a half weeks will do that to ya.

    Also: THREE *^&*#IN' WEEKS!

    TheTinMan on
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    I'll be doing both BoardGame and Pokecrawl.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Bonnies wrote: »
    Got to give you props for that.

    :) thanks. I wasn't planning to work both originally (was actually hoping to have a little time before the con), but that's how it goes :P

    P90X Yoga today ... bringing it!

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • _jnup_jnup Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Missed out on the PokeCrawl sign-up -_-

    I kinda want to do some kind of run but I'll be all sweaty during the con.

    Feel free to follow me:
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    _jnup wrote: »
    I kinda want to do some kind of run but I'll be all sweaty during the con.
    if you are at a close enough hotel - morning run?

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • _jnup_jnup Boston, MARegistered User regular
    ishtra wrote: »
    if you are at a close enough hotel - morning run?

    No hotel for me. I would have to drive back home which is like 1/2 hour away.

    Feel free to follow me:
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    _jnup wrote: »
    No hotel for me. I would have to drive back home which is like 1/2 hour away.

    Ah, definitely a no-go then :P more steps around the BCEC floors then ^_~

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • DadyWarbucks006DadyWarbucks006 PittsburghRegistered User regular
    I've never been to PAX before, so I'm really not familiar with the area. However, I would really like to do a morning run with some folks. I also don't really care how fast we go. I just like socializing while I run. All I need to know is where and when.

  • huggyd1huggyd1 Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, I would join in on a morning run before the days' activities get started. I'd enjoy socializing like that too.

    huggyd1 on
  • mikedgmikedg Registered User regular
    Has anyone heard rumors of any fitness oriented panels?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    mikedg wrote: »
    Has anyone heard rumors of any fitness oriented panels?

    There's been at least one at each PAX East as far as I can remember. It's probably reasonable to assume there will be at least one again.

  • Miss_BellatrixMiss_Bellatrix Registered User new member
    This is awesome! Might be up for the Zombie run. I want to try and get some exercise done while I'm away...especially since I'll be travelling in a car 10 hours on the way there and on the way home :p

  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    My Saturday is open from Make a Strip to Kris and Scott.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • DadyWarbucks006DadyWarbucks006 PittsburghRegistered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, i guess the showering thing would be an issue for me too. I'm staying about 15 minutes south of the convention center. (google maps calls it the Neponset/Port Norfolk area) Don't know that I want to drive up, pay to park, drive back to the hotel, then drive back to the convention center, then pay for parking again. Are you guys all staying closer? If anyone else is staying south of the convention center; I'll still be running. Just let me know, maybe we can do a morning jog together.

    That's unless I can drop my backpack off before the run, then take a quick shower or bird-bath in someone else's room. Though, that seems a bit presumptuous among people who have never met before. lol

    DadyWarbucks006 on
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Okay, what does everyone think of doing the Meet-up on Sunday?

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • TheTinManTheTinMan Registered User regular
    Okay, what does everyone think of doing the Meet-up on Sunday?

    I likes it! After Omegathon finale/closing remarks or during PAX itself?

  • ChorazinChorazin Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    Sunday's terrible for me.

    3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
    Wii U NNID Chorazin
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    I'm a no-go for Sunday. starting a new job on Monday so likely leaving around 3ish or so.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • DirewolfDirewolf Boston, MARegistered User regular
    @ishtra New job! Awesome and congratulations! Everyone I know took that day off to recoup so I am doubly impressed!

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Sunday won't work for me either.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Direwolf wrote: »
    @ishtra New job! Awesome and congratulations! Everyone I know took that day off to recoup so I am doubly impressed!
    Thanks - this past month has been brutal while training on all my days off except Sunday ... but should be totally worth it. Thank god I have this convenient vacation planned :P

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • BaconSandwichBaconSandwich Registered User regular
    So... Saturday after make-a-strip? Maybe some early lunch and a group photo (ring of fist bumps)?

    PAX East 2010/2011/2012 Omeganaut!
  • ChorazinChorazin Lancaster, PARegistered User regular
    So... Saturday after make-a-strip? Maybe some early lunch and a group photo (ring of fist bumps)?

    That should work for me. :)

    3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
    Wii U NNID Chorazin
  • PayneTraynePayneTrayne Canuck Registered User regular
    Saturday works for me, not sure about lunch but group photo for sure.

    PAX East 2015:Get on Pokecrawl Team Yellow Silver [ ] Pass [X] Vacation Time [X] Hotel [X] Flights [ ] PAX East 2015 Complete [ X ] Sell Extra Set of Badges because Friend Bailed [ ]
  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Yup.. I'm down with that. I may or may not bring cookies that you all will have to donate to get. Just sayin'..

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    vttym wrote: »
    Yup.. I'm down with that. I may or may not bring cookies that you all will have to donate to get. Just sayin'..

    My costume will be filled with cookies too :P working on my abs by supporting them with a belt-table.

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • BaconSandwichBaconSandwich Registered User regular
    Oh no, this was all the way back on the third page... No matter, bumped up now. So let's plan to meet up on the skybridge right after the make-a-strip panel on Saturday for a meetup and group photo. I have coins to give to our fitocracy champ and also our weight loss champ (guess I should find out who that is...)

    PAX East 2010/2011/2012 Omeganaut!
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