Puzzle & Dragons: Hhhhhggrrlgllllrb

_J__J_ PedantRegistered User, __BANNED USERS regular
edited June 2013 in Games and Technology

What the hell is this?
Puzzle & Dragons is a game for Android and iPhone. It combines the gameplay of Bejeweled / Puzzle Quest with the monster collection / leveling / evolving component of games like pokemon. There are 400 monsters to collect.

Holy fuck that's awesome! How much does it cost?
It's free to download, install, and play. You can spend money on some features of the game, but that is not necessary.

Will it steal my soul?
Your soul shall remain intact, but your legs may go numb from the hours you unintentionally spend on the toilet leveling your pokeymans and grinding dungeons.

Are there any helpful links for this game?

SomethingAwful.com P&D thread
Puzzledragonx Database
Puzzle & Dragons Global Wiki
Monsters Beginners Should Farm For
Efficient Power Up Fusions
Official Facebook Page
Puzzle & Dragon Simulator

Do other people from the forums play this game? Can I have their friend codes?
Of course! (pm @_J_ to have your code listed)!!
Betsuni wrote: »
We should all put "@PA" at the end of our names to make it easier to spot a friend invite for members here. If you don't know how to edit your name after creating it, it is under the options menu and I think it says "change name".

Active: (June 11, 2013)
_J_: 330,642,248
38thDoE: 371,143,246
Abotkin: 354,746,246
Ataxrxes (Atax@PA, tablet): 339,640,283
Ataxrxs@PA: 384,245,244
Avynte: 358,434,292
Betsuni (Bets@PA/PF): 362,432,296
Blendtec: 359,541,286
Chomp-Chomp (Chomp@PA): 313,845,249
Cokebottle (Potato@PA): 352,441,246
Darkewolfe (Lonenut): 305,648,233
Darunia106 (J-bob@PA): 320,347,279
Derangedhermit (hermit@PA): 351,452,209
Elementalor: 335,641,242
ElementWrath (Element): 323,042,292
Elentari (Smoogy's Lady): 374,748,269
Evenstar (Evnstar@PA): 338,349,279
Gaardean: 300,346,233
Gdiguy: 308,330,299
Gjaustin: 376,948,248
Gnome-Interruptus (Adamski@PA): 313,842,296
Jakarrd: 331, 944, 231 -> 304,356,221
Kai_San (KlineS@PA): 345,558,218
Kick_04 (kick): 346,240,298
Koan: 312,749,278
Kristmas Kthulhu (Kthulhu@PA): 327,549,261
kz201: 354,443,277
LostGnome (NoGnome@PA): 332,052,204
Loxx: 348,341,242 -> 344,041,257
Lubony (Rog@pa@pf): 394,445,242
Madpanda (madpand@PA): 338,752,232
Maguano: 326,844,242
MetalMagus: 389,739,294
Mighty: 332,454,224
Mts (sigmund@pa): 383,242,232
Mts (tablet account): 340, 543,265
Nabob: 345,244,262
Ninbebe (38thDoe's wife): 396,541,242
Nova_C@PA: 337,450,214
Pookiepoo (Pookie@PA): 324,146,259
Rothgarr: 312,938,287
Saphier (Errant@PA): 395,549,298
ScudMuffin (Scud@PA): 324,241,213
Shalmelo: 382,045,257
Skippymchaggis (Sindahl-PA): 310,341,245
Smoogy (Smoogy@PA): 376,540,262
Spoit: 353,846,281
Squid56: 398,246,252
TannerMS: 392.245.259
Tbloxham (garion): 314,851,200
TheKoolEagle (Keagle@PA): 361, 549, 249
theSquid (squid@PA): 324,847,252
Thor1590: 338,745,258
Toscabo (Aravan@PA): 376,450,212
Verbose: 370,340,244
Vorpal: 342,649,257
Waterboard (water@pa): 313,759,220
Weenog42 (Weenog): 356,255,207
Zanshinretsu (Zan@PA): 341,046,231

Unknown Status: (May 16, 2013)
Abotkin's wife: 356,845,243
Blackjack: 359,843,240
cabbie98: 341,944,240
Calidrea@PA (SniperGuy's fiancee): 362,744,246
Darmak: 365,340,236
Dranyth: 389,647,247
Entaru (Pheny@PA): 329,943,257
JaysonFour (Jayson@PA): 393, 247, 277
Lost: 346,040,268
Meowmix (Cokebottle's GF): 367,944,245
Slurpeepoop (slurpee@PA): 306,944,230
TheRoadVirus: 397,846,254

Inactive: (June 5, 2013)
DaringDirk (DDirk@PA): 397,549,242
DrCongo: 377,146,237
Gnome-Interruptus (Adamski@PA): 302,145,297
Jimbo: 334,241,234
Mahnmut (jericho@PA): 38,643,242 -> 306,341,259
Ringswraith (wraith@PA): 370,947,240
R0land1188 (Roland@PA): 307,843,257
SniperGuy: 368,347,248
Syphyre@PA: 313,647,250

This sounds great, but are there any shitty / terrible aspects of the game I should know before I download it?
Players are currently unable to transfer their teams to other devices. So, if you buy a new phone, you have to start over.
Also, the game finds your battery to be delicious, and so tends to eat it.

_J_ on


  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    edited May 2013
    Helpful Tips:
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    Skill works this way: If the skill is named EXACTLY the same, regardless of what the owner monster is it gives a chance to give a skill up. Skill level doesn't reset unless the name of the skill the monster has changes, in which case it resets.

    Betsuni wrote: »
    The best thing to do is to grind through to unlock the technical dungeons. The primary colors have these incredible monsters called the pengdra.

    What you want to do is in the bottom level in each tech dungeon (I can't remember the names off the top of my head right now but they're the first level in each color dungeon).

    Now here's the optimizing part.

    You know those cute chimera's you get in there? Yeah you want to level them to level 7-8. Which involves taking one of them and powering up on another. OR you could also take one of those cute carbuncles you get in there and toss it on the chimera. Then take that chimera that is level 7-8 and toss it on the pengdra which maxes the pengdra. Then toss them on to your monster of choice (make sure you toss the same color pengdra on the same color monster to get the best exp gain).

    This is good, but to make it even better you should evolve the pengdra (which evolves at a max level which is nice) which involves one dragon tail and two little jewel dragons of the same color. These are the best leveling critters next to the "king" jewel dragons. Unfortunately for those who are leveling white or black, they haven't released the tech dungeons with these little pengdras yet (these are coming out in the next patch at the end of March).

    "Ripper" Dragons
    Another hint is to use all your pal egg points right now and get the "ripper" dragons. These are great dragons that are 50% resist to the color they are at the max evolution.

    Plus at the max evolution they do an incredible damage attack.

    Skill Leveling
    If you want to obsess over something else you can also "level" your skills on each monster. They are the attacks or ability you use in each dungeon when the critter is flashing (attack, converting orbs, healing, etc.). What you have to do is to find another monster with the same skill name (they have to be exact) and power-up fuse them onto the monster you want. What this does is reduce the amount of turns it requires to use the skill. Leveling up the skill is about 1 in 10 or so according to the speculation of the internet, so there's that.

    Zombie group
    OH yes, Zombie groups! These are super useful for dungeons that have monsters that one shot you. Mostly the expert or master levels of the spirit daily dungeon (Friday's dungeon) and the mask dungeon (Wednesday's dungeon). You want to use an ogre (lower levels the better).
    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=66 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Or the Viper Orochi

    Why you want to use these? It is because of their leader ability. The ogres need 70% of your health while the Orochi needs 50% and the damage done to you doesn't kill you but leave you at 1 HP. Then you want to have a healer on the other side to heal you with one match to more than 70% of your health.

    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=203 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Then for the rest of your team you want to use these little buggers.

    This is why I said to try and get green healers and ogre, this way you match one set of 3 green and hit the mask/spirits with 5 1's (the reason you are using this is because no matter how much damage you do to these higher masks and spirits all damage is reduced to 1).

    Now what you want to do is try to pray to the programmer of PaG that the random monster attackers do not have the same timer to attack you. If they do then you need to focus on one and kill it quick. Then you want to play around trying to make your screen have a green layout like this before going.


    Where G - Green Orb and X is anything.

    This way the next round of monsters you can just drop the top G orbs straight down each turn and hit 5x's then move the middle G orbs to the left then right and have 4 straight attacks which will kill off one at least in 4 rounds (which is before one kills you).

    Now a great twist on this tactic is to remove one of those "tailless dragon seeds" and swap in a lilith.


    To use this tactic you need to match enough orbs in the first or second round without killing the spirits/masks to get Lilith skill ready to use. Then use her poison skill on the last round spirits/masks to one shot them. The more you have in your team the better since if you have 3 in your group then you really have it easy since you can blow through the tougher rounds of spirits/masks.

    A twist to the zombie group
    There is a nice skill in this one critter.

    Skill: The Third Eye
    Effects: Void enemies' DEF during one turn
    ( Reduce Enemies Def to 0 for 1 turn; Effects carry forward on sweep )

    The carry forward is the part that is useful. Just make sure you kill the monsters before they hit you and you're golden. You can take any monsters with you and don't have to worry about the zombie group.

    MetalMagus wrote: »
    Spending Magic Stones
    Magic Stones are the "real" currency for P&D. Be careful, because like most "free to play games" I've read posts of people who've dropped hundreds of dollars buying stones. Fortunately you do earn stones for first-time clears of dungeons, and Gung Ho often gives away free stones as part of certain promotions or celebrations. Right now its their 1st year anniversary so they've been giving a way 1 free stone a day.

    So, as you accumulate stones, what do you use them for? A few things, actually:
    Full Refill of your Stamina Bar
    A "continue" in a dungeon after you've been killed
    Buy 5 more monster boxes
    Spend 5 stones to pull a random monster from the rare gacha

    Let's talk about each one.

    Refilling your stamina seems like a waste, but careful use of this option can pay big dividends. First, the obvious use would be to take full advantage of limited time dungeons. Gold Dragon dungeons, for example, are 24 hour dungeons like the Metal Dragons, but they're far, far more rare. They're also worth a ton of XP and gold. There's also a more long-term use of buying stamina.

    You may have noticed that when you level up you'll earn either more "monster points" (each monster is worth a certain amount of points, with more powerful ones costing more, you can't field a team of super monsters until you're very high level), a new friend slot, or an increase in your max stamina. Some dungeons, when cleared, give you more experience than others. Prioritizing those dungeons can help you level up faster, thereby increasing your max stamina, thereby allowing you to naturally run dungeons more often, which gives you more experience and monsters.

    Continuing in a dungeon should be done very rarely. It's way to easy to burn stones this way. Only consider continuing if 1) you got a very rare or needed drop earlier in the dungeon and you don't want to lose it and 2) you're pretty confident you can clear the rest of the dungeon. Say, if you're going to kill the last boss in only 2 more turns? Good use! The boss wipes the floor with you and you barely put a dent in him? Maybe come back later.

    Buying more monster boxes is a must. Space this out with other uses of your stones. Simply put, you're going to get more monsters and you're going to need somewhere to put them all. Even worse, to evolve many of your more powerful monsters you'll need very rare Evo materials, like dubmythlits or mystic masks. When you get these drops you'll want to hold on to them for the future, which can fill up your storage pretty quickly. Try not to be too much of a hoarder though, sell or fuse crappy monsters you don't need or use - don't obsess over "catching them all." They'll all be recorded in your Monster Book anyways (under the Others option).

    Rolling for more monsters in the rare gacha is the MOST DANGEROUS part of using stones, because you are LITERALLY "chasing the dragon." You can earn Super Rare 5 star or even 6 star monsters in the gacha, and some of the most powerful and useful monsters can only be obtained through the rare gacha. Very Tempting! But, you can also pull shitty 3 star monsters that you can find as regular drops in the dungeons. In fact, I'd say that's what you're more likely to pull. So, what to do?

    Horde your stones and wait for special "rare gacha" events. Gung Ho tweaks the drop rates on certain monsters to coincide with certain holidays, events, or seasons. Keep an eye out for "god fests" ultra-special events where god monsters (the most powerful of all the monsters) are more likely to drop.

    Sharing Your Level 20 Gift
    When you hit level 20 you get 1 free special friend pull you can gift to someone else. Both you and the person you gift get one pull on this special gacha. I highly suggest trading your pulls with someone else in this community, that way you're both guaranteed to get 2 pulls!

    Get a Healer
    You're not going to get far in the game without a good healer. The "sisters" as they're called, have high recovery and useful abilities. The dark and red healers aren't really healers, but have very useful abilities. Lilith (as Betsuni mentioned) is a hard counter to "high DEF, low HP" monsters like masks. Echidna has an ability that pushes back the turn of monsters, which can be a life-saver in certain situations. The other healers, Siren, Alraune, and Angel are more conventional healers. Of these three, try to get your hands on a Siren, or make friends with one. Why?

    The leader skill of all three - Rondo of Healing, automatically heals you for 3x their RCV stat anytime you make a match. Very useful! In fact, only the god Amaterasu Ohkami has a better ability (her's heals for 5x her RCV). But, all 3 have different active skills, and Sirens is the best. She turns red gems into heal gems, which can be saved on your board for emergencies - unlike Angel and Alraune, who are 1 time heals. Siren's ability is also super easy to level up. Marine Goblins share her ability, and there's a ton of those things in the mid-level water dungeons, just keep feeding her goblins until she maxes out her skill and you can use it every 5 matches.

    Most Valuable Monsters
    Some monsters are more valuable than others, in fact some are mandatory for beating the higher end dungeons. Keep an eye out for these.
    Healers - Amaterasu Ohkami, Siren the Enchanter
    Big Damage - Ancient Dragon Knight (2.5 damage for dragons, double on leader + friend on a ripper team for huge damage)
    All Around Boost - Lakshmi, Pavarti (like the ADK, but includes health and recovery, for water and earth monsters respectively)
    Def Breaker - Shiva
    Zombie Team - Orochi, Gigas, or an ogre
    High Def Team - Green Odin (there's a blue Odin and green one. With green Odin as a leader, when your health is full, all damage is reduced by 80%! That's only for the first hit though [since the second hit comes when you're not at 100% health]. An alternative to the Zombie team that allows you to field more powerful monsters.

    Squid56 wrote: »
    The simplest explanation is as follows - if you have a mob type with the number of stars indicated below, only level them until they reach the level in column 3 - after that you start getting diminishing returns on feeding them. Also, always feed from the bottom up to maximize the XP potential.
    Stars / Monster / Max level for feeding efficiency / exp @max / Arbitrary max feed-to-level (1gold/exp after 1.5X bonus)

    3* / Demon / 10 / 3834 / 57

    3* / Ogre / 10 / 3834 / 57

    3* / Knight / 11 / 3326 / 49

    2* / Devil / 9 / 2856 / 42

    3* / Chimera / 8 / 2727 / 40

    2* / Pengdra / 10* / 2556/ 90

    2* / Carbuncle / 10 / 2556 / 37

    2* / Goblin / 8 / 2045 / 30

    2* / Ogre / 6 / 882 / 13

    2* / Fighter / 6 / 588 / 8

    1* / Carbuncle / 5 / 337 / 5

    1* / Goblin / 4 / 246 / 3
    1* / Polly / 4 / 164 / 2


    Hera Strat
    38thDoe wrote: »
    I'll give you four:
    If you have Amaterasu or Green Odin you can 0 stone her easily by getting your hp over 16.5k and Amaterasu recovery over 495 (easiest is to use Rainbow Keepers and get a beefy Odin)

    If you have Seraphim Lucifer you can go Lucifer/RK/RK/Echidna/Lilith/Lucifer. Use Lilith on neptune, both lucifer nukes on hades, heal up and grind Hera down

    The rest of these will probably cost you some stones.

    For the next few having a max skill Siren is very important because you'll need to heal to full or over 50% every round on Hera/Venus
    If you have a Viper Orochi or a Valkyrie you can go Valk/Siren/Enchida/Lilith/Siren.
    If you have any form of 50% dark resist you can go resist/Odin. You'll need 8.5k+ HP to survive Hades and poison/defense reduction to kill Neptune. This should also have 2 sirens to heal every round on Hera and Venus.

    Finally there is resolve.

    Basically resolve might have trouble with the first round, but past that you should be going into every following round with your skills fully charged. As long as you can combo decently you should be able to 0-5 stone with resolve as long as you don't have a bad first round. They key is to have something which can kill off all the devils asap since they hit every turn. Then kill off anything that is in sync or will sync. Charge up on the last monster. It helps to have non resisted damage light/dark demons and chimeras, low level ancient dragons can work if you have an amaterasu or orochi.

    Odin/Resist can have an easier time with the first rounds since you'll have more hp, but you can get screwed easily at the end with Hera since she has so much HP and you need to heal to full every round for a long time otherwise you'll take 12k/round. You have to remember to carefully use your sirens and save your hearts and red orbs. Go into the damage calculator to see how many combos you'll need to heal off the damage and make sure you are comfy with that.

    _J_ on
  • DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    I have been playing this like a crack addict. It is silly how addictive this game is. Although as I start to approach what I think is midgame the grind is seeming to become more pointless? The whole game follows the pokemon formula, but imagine if it was instead just battle after battle. It kind of wears itself out.

  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Are limited time dungeons something that is universal?

    If so, The MEtal Dragons dungeon is up for 45 minutes.

  • DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    I've had it for... weeks? I think the special dungeons are universal. but there are some "Shit just got real" limited time stuff that pop up with a couple hours to complete.

    hmmm maybe I am just an idiot. only thing I showed ending that quickly was the friday dungeon, in another 3 hours.

    DiannaoChong on
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    It'd be keen if we could use this thread to post the limited time dungeons. The more eyes we have on them, etc.

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    I really should eventually get around to emulating Android.

  • GaardeanGaardean Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    It'd be keen if we could use this thread to post the limited time dungeons. The more eyes we have on them, etc.

    There's actually a schedule to the limited time dungeons, PuzzledragonX just started listing them recently, on the right side of the page. The third digit of your friend code determines which group you're part of (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.). Been really enjoying this game, it has all the worst aspects of gotta-catch-em-all and match-3 rolled into one addictive package.

  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Gaardean wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    It'd be keen if we could use this thread to post the limited time dungeons. The more eyes we have on them, etc.

    There's actually a schedule to the limited time dungeons, PuzzledragonX just started listing them recently, on the right side of the page. The third digit of your friend code determines which group you're part of (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.).

    Very good to know.

    For those of you who have been playing for a while, does the game ever level out so you begin to outlevel / outcoin / outstone most of the content and it's just mindless farming, or does it remain a struggle for a while? I'm trying to use the monsters I catch to level my main team, but I find myself short on coins.

  • ElementalorElementalor Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    You can back up your account by backing up the app data, or so I've read. Gonna give a try tomorrow.

    Also it would be helpful to note if someone's P&D name is significantly different from their forum name, hard to sift through all these friend requests and you only start with so much room. =(

    Also can you friend between iOS and Android?

    Elementalor on
    Marvel Future Fight: dElementalor
    FFBE: 898,311,440
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/dElementalor
  • JimboJimbo down underRegistered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    I find myself short on coins.

    The weekend dungeon is pretty good for earning coins. It's expensive in Stamina, and you don't get any monster drops, but running it a few times over the weekend I have found will net you with 150k coins or so. Enough to see the week out. At my level anyway. I'm rank 18 right now, so not sure how I compare with you guys.

    404 not found
  • GaardeanGaardean Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Gaardean wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    It'd be keen if we could use this thread to post the limited time dungeons. The more eyes we have on them, etc.

    There's actually a schedule to the limited time dungeons, PuzzledragonX just started listing them recently, on the right side of the page. The third digit of your friend code determines which group you're part of (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.).

    Very good to know.

    For those of you who have been playing for a while, does the game ever level out so you begin to outlevel / outcoin / outstone most of the content and it's just mindless farming, or does it remain a struggle for a while? I'm trying to use the monsters I catch to level my main team, but I find myself short on coins.

    There's a *lot* of content, plus a patch that's probably dropping this month that's adding a good bit more. I've been playing for 3 weeks now (rank 58), and I'm not even half-way through the dungeons, though you will find yourself having to stop and grind exp and coin every so often before you can handle the next tier of dungeons. One tip for saving coin, always fuse your creatures 5 at a time, preferably 5 of the same color as that creature (you get 50% more exp for fusing same-color creatures), since the cost to feed them goes up for every level they have. Also, don't bother fusing any creatures labeled "evo material" as they give very little exp and will just eat up your cash, save them for evolving your creatures, or just sell them.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I run the weekend dungeon as much as possible all weekend. This just about gives me enough cash to carry through the weekdays if I'm feeding high level guys.

    I'm started hitting a wall and slowing down in progress, lately. I need a red knight for my all red team, a green "heart to green" for my all green team, and a lil blue dragon for my all dragon team.

    What is this I don't even.
  • Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse Registered User regular
    Is this out on the EU play store yet? Or are there plans to do that? Everybody seems to be playing it and I can't.

    Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
  • mtsmts Dr. Robot King Registered User regular
    I think one of the easiest way to get coins is to play the pal slots get one of the metal dragons and sell it. Even the most basic one us worth 15k in coins

  • GaardeanGaardean Registered User regular
    mts wrote: »
    I think one of the easiest way to get coins is to play the pal slots get one of the metal dragons and sell it. Even the most basic one us worth 15k in coins

    If you're talking about the King Metal dragon, that's actually a bad idea, because they're worth 50k exp when fused to something (and the smaller Metal Dragon doesn't sell for that much).

  • SanderJKSanderJK Crocodylus Pontifex Sinterklasicus Madrid, 3000 ADRegistered User regular
    One the android side of things anyone can download the apk and start playing, even if the game is not on the store in your country.

    Steam: SanderJK Origin: SanderJK
  • BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    Sorry, I just saw this thread and wanted to post some helpful info for those who are hitting the "grind" wall.

    The best thing to do is to grind through to unlock the technical dungeons. The primary colors have these incredible monsters called the pengdra.

    What you want to do is in the bottom level in each tech dungeon (I can't remember the names off the top of my head right now but they're the first level in each color dungeon).

    Now here's the optimizing part.

    You know those cute chimera's you get in there? Yeah you want to level them to level 7-8. Which involves taking one of them and powering up on another. OR you could also take one of those cute carbuncles you get in there and toss it on the chimera. Then take that chimera that is level 7-8 and toss it on the pengdra which maxes the pengdra. Then toss them on to your monster of choice (make sure you toss the same color pengdra on the same color monster to get the best exp gain).

    This is good, but to make it even better you should evolve the pengdra (which evolves at a max level which is nice) which involves one dragon tail and two little jewel dragons of the same color. These are the best leveling critters next to the "king" jewel dragons. Unfortunately for those who are leveling white or black, they haven't released the tech dungeons with these little pengdras yet (these are coming out in the next patch at the end of March).

    "Ripper" Dragons
    Another hint is to use all your pal egg points right now and get the "ripper" dragons. These are great dragons that are 50% resist to the color they are at the max evolution.

    Plus at the max evolution they do an incredible damage attack.

    Skill Leveling
    If you want to obsess over something else you can also "level" your skills on each monster. They are the attacks or ability you use in each dungeon when the critter is flashing (attack, converting orbs, healing, etc.). What you have to do is to find another monster with the same skill name (they have to be exact) and power-up fuse them onto the monster you want. What this does is reduce the amount of turns it requires to use the skill. Leveling up the skill is about 1 in 10 or so according to the speculation of the internet, so there's that.

    Zombie group
    OH yes, Zombie groups! These are super useful for dungeons that have monsters that one shot you. Mostly the expert or master levels of the spirit daily dungeon (Friday's dungeon) and the mask dungeon (Wednesday's dungeon). You want to use an ogre (lower levels the better).
    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=66 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Or the Viper Orochi

    Why you want to use these? It is because of their leader ability. The ogres need 70% of your health while the Orochi needs 50% and the damage done to you doesn't kill you but leave you at 1 HP. Then you want to have a healer on the other side to heal you with one match to more than 70% of your health.

    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=203 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Then for the rest of your team you want to use these little buggers.

    This is why I said to try and get green healers and ogre, this way you match one set of 3 green and hit the mask/spirits with 5 1's (the reason you are using this is because no matter how much damage you do to these higher masks and spirits all damage is reduced to 1).

    Now what you want to do is try to pray to the programmer of PaG that the random monster attackers do not have the same timer to attack you. If they do then you need to focus on one and kill it quick. Then you want to play around trying to make your screen have a green layout like this before going.


    Where G - Green Orb and X is anything.

    This way the next round of monsters you can just drop the top G orbs straight down each turn and hit 5x's then move the middle G orbs to the left then right and have 4 straight attacks which will kill off one at least in 4 rounds (which is before one kills you).

    Now a great twist on this tactic is to remove one of those "tailless dragon seeds" and swap in a lilith.


    To use this tactic you need to match enough orbs in the first or second round without killing the spirits/masks to get Lilith skill ready to use. Then use her poison skill on the last round spirits/masks to one shot them. The more you have in your team the better since if you have 3 in your group then you really have it easy since you can blow through the tougher rounds of spirits/masks.

    A twist to the zombie group
    There is a nice skill in this one critter.

    Skill: The Third Eye
    Effects: Void enemies' DEF during one turn
    ( Reduce Enemies Def to 0 for 1 turn; Effects carry forward on sweep )

    The carry forward is the part that is useful. Just make sure you kill the monsters before they hit you and you're golden. You can take any monsters with you and don't have to worry about the zombie group.

    There are some other hints I have, but these are the best I can think of right now.

    Steam: betsuni7
  • BurtletoyBurtletoy Registered User regular
    What do I have to do to get this game to connect?

    4 bars and connected to my wireless is apparently not a strong enough signal.

  • GaardeanGaardean Registered User regular
    Betsuni wrote: »
    Sorry, I just saw this thread and wanted to post some helpful info for those who are hitting the "grind" wall.

    The best thing to do is to grind through to unlock the technical dungeons. The primary colors have these incredible monsters called the pengdra.

    What you want to do is in the bottom level in each tech dungeon (I can't remember the names off the top of my head right now but they're the first level in each color dungeon).

    Now here's the optimizing part.

    You know those cute chimera's you get in there? Yeah you want to level them to level 7-8. Which involves taking one of them and powering up on another. OR you could also take one of those cute carbuncles you get in there and toss it on the chimera. Then take that chimera that is level 7-8 and toss it on the pengdra which maxes the pengdra. Then toss them on to your monster of choice (make sure you toss the same color pengdra on the same color monster to get the best exp gain).

    This is good, but to make it even better you should evolve the pengdra (which evolves at a max level which is nice) which involves one dragon tail and two little jewel dragons of the same color. These are the best leveling critters next to the "king" jewel dragons. Unfortunately for those who are leveling white or black, they haven't released the tech dungeons with these little pengdras yet (these are coming out in the next patch at the end of March).

    "Ripper" Dragons
    Another hint is to use all your pal egg points right now and get the "ripper" dragons. These are great dragons that are 50% resist to the color they are at the max evolution.

    Plus at the max evolution they do an incredible damage attack.

    Skill Leveling
    If you want to obsess over something else you can also "level" your skills on each monster. They are the attacks or ability you use in each dungeon when the critter is flashing (attack, converting orbs, healing, etc.). What you have to do is to find another monster with the same skill name (they have to be exact) and power-up fuse them onto the monster you want. What this does is reduce the amount of turns it requires to use the skill. Leveling up the skill is about 1 in 10 or so according to the speculation of the internet, so there's that.

    Zombie group
    OH yes, Zombie groups! These are super useful for dungeons that have monsters that one shot you. Mostly the expert or master levels of the spirit daily dungeon (Friday's dungeon) and the mask dungeon (Wednesday's dungeon). You want to use an ogre (lower levels the better).
    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=66 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Or the Viper Orochi

    Why you want to use these? It is because of their leader ability. The ogres need 70% of your health while the Orochi needs 50% and the damage done to you doesn't kill you but leave you at 1 HP. Then you want to have a healer on the other side to heal you with one match to more than 70% of your health.

    http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=203 <- best one to optimize your combos.

    Then for the rest of your team you want to use these little buggers.

    This is why I said to try and get green healers and ogre, this way you match one set of 3 green and hit the mask/spirits with 5 1's (the reason you are using this is because no matter how much damage you do to these higher masks and spirits all damage is reduced to 1).

    Now what you want to do is try to pray to the programmer of PaG that the random monster attackers do not have the same timer to attack you. If they do then you need to focus on one and kill it quick. Then you want to play around trying to make your screen have a green layout like this before going.


    Where G - Green Orb and X is anything.

    This way the next round of monsters you can just drop the top G orbs straight down each turn and hit 5x's then move the middle G orbs to the left then right and have 4 straight attacks which will kill off one at least in 4 rounds (which is before one kills you).

    Now a great twist on this tactic is to remove one of those "tailless dragon seeds" and swap in a lilith.


    To use this tactic you need to match enough orbs in the first or second round without killing the spirits/masks to get Lilith skill ready to use. Then use her poison skill on the last round spirits/masks to one shot them. The more you have in your team the better since if you have 3 in your group then you really have it easy since you can blow through the tougher rounds of spirits/masks.

    A twist to the zombie group
    There is a nice skill in this one critter.

    Skill: The Third Eye
    Effects: Void enemies' DEF during one turn
    ( Reduce Enemies Def to 0 for 1 turn; Effects carry forward on sweep )

    The carry forward is the part that is useful. Just make sure you kill the monsters before they hit you and you're golden. You can take any monsters with you and don't have to worry about the zombie group.

    There are some other hints I have, but these are the best I can think of right now.

    For the zombie groups, swapping out a dragon seed or two for hobgoblins for their active skill can be a life-saver as well should you get a wave with several synchronized masks.

  • MetalMagusMetalMagus Too Serious Registered User regular
    Currently Rank 78 Here. Some more tips for those looking to get into the game.

    Spending Magic Stones
    Magic Stones are the "real" currency for P&D. Be careful, because like most "free to play games" I've read posts of people who've dropped hundreds of dollars buying stones. Fortunately you do earn stones for first-time clears of dungeons, and Gung Ho often gives away free stones as part of certain promotions or celebrations. Right now its their 1st year anniversary so they've been giving a way 1 free stone a day.

    So, as you accumulate stones, what do you use them for? A few things, actually:
    Full Refill of your Stamina Bar
    A "continue" in a dungeon after you've been killed
    Buy 5 more monster boxes
    Spend 5 stones to pull a random monster from the rare gacha

    Let's talk about each one.

    Refilling your stamina seems like a waste, but careful use of this option can pay big dividends. First, the obvious use would be to take full advantage of limited time dungeons. Gold Dragon dungeons, for example, are 24 hour dungeons like the Metal Dragons, but they're far, far more rare. They're also worth a ton of XP and gold. There's also a more long-term use of buying stamina.

    You may have noticed that when you level up you'll earn either more "monster points" (each monster is worth a certain amount of points, with more powerful ones costing more, you can't field a team of super monsters until you're very high level), a new friend slot, or an increase in your max stamina. Some dungeons, when cleared, give you more experience than others. Prioritizing those dungeons can help you level up faster, thereby increasing your max stamina, thereby allowing you to naturally run dungeons more often, which gives you more experience and monsters.

    Continuing in a dungeon should be done very rarely. It's way to easy to burn stones this way. Only consider continuing if 1) you got a very rare or needed drop earlier in the dungeon and you don't want to lose it and 2) you're pretty confident you can clear the rest of the dungeon. Say, if you're going to kill the last boss in only 2 more turns? Good use! The boss wipes the floor with you and you barely put a dent in him? Maybe come back later.

    Buying more monster boxes is a must. Space this out with other uses of your stones. Simply put, you're going to get more monsters and you're going to need somewhere to put them all. Even worse, to evolve many of your more powerful monsters you'll need very rare Evo materials, like dubmythlits or mystic masks. When you get these drops you'll want to hold on to them for the future, which can fill up your storage pretty quickly. Try not to be too much of a hoarder though, sell or fuse crappy monsters you don't need or use - don't obsess over "catching them all." They'll all be recorded in your Monster Book anyways (under the Others option).

    Rolling for more monsters in the rare gacha is the MOST DANGEROUS part of using stones, because you are LITERALLY "chasing the dragon." You can earn Super Rare 5 star or even 6 star monsters in the gacha, and some of the most powerful and useful monsters can only be obtained through the rare gacha. Very Tempting! But, you can also pull shitty 3 star monsters that you can find as regular drops in the dungeons. In fact, I'd say that's what you're more likely to pull. So, what to do?

    Horde your stones and wait for special "rare gacha" events. Gung Ho tweaks the drop rates on certain monsters to coincide with certain holidays, events, or seasons. Keep an eye out for "god fests" ultra-special events where god monsters (the most powerful of all the monsters) are more likely to drop.

    Sharing Your Level 20 Gift
    When you hit level 20 you get 1 free special friend pull you can gift to someone else. Both you and the person you gift get one pull on this special gacha. I highly suggest trading your pulls with someone else in this community, that way you're both guaranteed to get 2 pulls!

    Get a Healer
    You're not going to get far in the game without a good healer. The "sisters" as they're called, have high recovery and useful abilities. The dark and red healers aren't really healers, but have very useful abilities. Lilith (as Betsuni mentioned) is a hard counter to "high DEF, low HP" monsters like masks. Echidna has an ability that pushes back the turn of monsters, which can be a life-saver in certain situations. The other healers, Siren, Alraune, and Angel are more conventional healers. Of these three, try to get your hands on a Siren, or make friends with one. Why?

    The leader skill of all three - Rondo of Healing, automatically heals you for 3x their RCV stat anytime you make a match. Very useful! In fact, only the god Amaterasu Ohkami has a better ability (her's heals for 5x her RCV). But, all 3 have different active skills, and Sirens is the best. She turns red gems into heal gems, which can be saved on your board for emergencies - unlike Angel and Alraune, who are 1 time heals. Siren's ability is also super easy to level up. Marine Goblins share her ability, and there's a ton of those things in the mid-level water dungeons, just keep feeding her goblins until she maxes out her skill and you can use it every 5 matches.

    Most Valuable Monsters
    Some monsters are more valuable than others, in fact some are mandatory for beating the higher end dungeons. Keep an eye out for these.
    Healers - Amaterasu Ohkami, Siren the Enchanter
    Big Damage - Ancient Dragon Knight (2.5 damage for dragons, double on leader + friend on a ripper team for huge damage)
    All Around Boost - Lakshmi, Pavarti (like the ADK, but includes health and recovery, for water and earth monsters respectively)
    Def Breaker - Shiva
    Zombie Team - Orochi, Gigas, or an ogre
    High Def Team - Green Odin (there's a blue Odin and green one. With green Odin as a leader, when your health is full, all damage is reduced by 80%! That's only for the first hit though [since the second hit comes when you're not at 100% health]. An alternative to the Zombie team that allows you to field more powerful monsters.

    That's all I can think of for now, see you in the dungeons!

  • BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    Have you noticed the "ratio" for the Pal Egg vs Rare Egg machines MetalMagus?

    I've noticed this during the "God Days" I've noticed that it is almost a 1 in 6/7 drops. What that means is that if you have a ton of Pal Egg Machine pulls you go and waste 5-6 pulls on that machine and then pull one Rare Egg machine and it tends to drop a gold egg. I usually store up about 40 or so Pal Egg pulls before trying this and test my theory. I pull about 15 pulls on the Pal Egg to count how many it takes before a gold egg or silver egg drops. Sorta like counting cards and it isn't a 100% guarantee but it is a good thing to test on "God Days".

    Steam: betsuni7
  • MetalMagusMetalMagus Too Serious Registered User regular
    Problem is that it's always hard to gauge those types of things in an RNG system without an absolutely massive sample size over a long period of time. I would tend to doubt there's any connection between the PAL and Rare Egg machines, but I just don't know enough to be sure.

  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    I run the weekend dungeon as much as possible all weekend. This just about gives me enough cash to carry through the weekdays if I'm feeding high level guys.

    I'm started hitting a wall and slowing down in progress, lately. I need a red knight for my all red team, a green "heart to green" for my all green team, and a lil blue dragon for my all dragon team.

    This weekend dungeon is tits. Double coins and it's quite easy to farm the lowest one.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    I have Shiva as my leader, which I know most people need to have around at some points. My friend code is 305,648,233

    Just let me know if you're PA and friend me so I can make you a favorite. I tend to clear out low level players from my friends lists otherwise.

    What is this I don't even.
  • BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    MetalMagus wrote: »
    Problem is that it's always hard to gauge those types of things in an RNG system without an absolutely massive sample size over a long period of time. I would tend to doubt there's any connection between the PAL and Rare Egg machines, but I just don't know enough to be sure.
    Very true, it just appears that way to me.

    Steam: betsuni7
  • LoxxLoxx Registered User regular
    Just started playing this game recently. My ID is 348,341,242 :D

  • Chomp-ChompChomp-Chomp Shonen Princess Registered User regular
    Jimbo wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    I find myself short on coins.

    The weekend dungeon is pretty good for earning coins. It's expensive in Stamina, and you don't get any monster drops, but running it a few times over the weekend I have found will net you with 150k coins or so. Enough to see the week out. At my level anyway. I'm rank 18 right now, so not sure how I compare with you guys.

    Agreed. I was so strapped for cash when I started that I almost put the game down. Then my first weekend dungeon popped, and now I feel like Scrooge McDuck.

  • RothgarrRothgarr Registered User regular
    I am so hooked on this game, I've been playing it every day for the last three months or so.

    My team currently looks like this:


    My Team's HP is over 14,000 so it's pretty resilient. If there's one single Monster that has consistently helped me in most dungeons that I most often use when picking a friend it's:

    There are variations for the other colors, too.

    This has allowed me to complete all the Technical Dungeons.

    My ID is 312,938,287. My friends list currently has all 50 slots full but I can surely clear out some room for some PA'ers...

  • SamphisSamphis Registered User regular
    Could someone post the APK file somewhere? I'm trying to put it on my Kindle Fire HD.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    My current team is:

    236.png 23.png 57.png 202.png 103.png

    On back-up I have:
    11.png (Three of these for some stupid reason)

    What is this I don't even.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Tried to google this and couldn't find an answer: Is is better to save pal points, or just use them in the egg machine as soon as you can? My thought was that as players gained levels the egg machine could produce different eggs, so it would make sense to save points to use at higher levels. But I can't find any information on this.

  • RothgarrRothgarr Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    _J_ wrote: »
    Tried to google this and couldn't find an answer: Is is better to save pal points, or just use them in the egg machine as soon as you can? My thought was that as players gained levels the egg machine could produce different eggs, so it would make sense to save points to use at higher levels. But I can't find any information on this.
    Your level doesn't change what you get from the pal egg machine. At one point I had 25 eggs chances (I am too lazy to pull the level) and didn't realize it tops out at 25 so who knows how many additional chances I lost.

    When you first start playing you might get something decent compared to your level but as you get up in rank 99% of the stuff is junk you just sell because it's crap or isn't worth feeding to other monsters because the XP it adds it too small compared to the cost.

    Rothgarr on
  • BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    The pal egg machine is best used for when a special event is going on. Like right now for the anniversary. Otherwise save them. It really doesn't go up in levels.

    Steam: betsuni7
  • RothgarrRothgarr Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    My current team is:

    236.png 23.png 57.png 202.png 103.png

    On back-up I have:
    11.png (Three of these for some stupid reason)

    You pulled the Shiva after the tutorial, didn't you...

  • BetsuniBetsuni UM-R60L Talisker IVRegistered User regular
    He really was cursed the day he started. Even more so with getting the greens.

    Steam: betsuni7
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Rothgarr wrote: »
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    My current team is:

    236.png 23.png 57.png 202.png 103.png

    On back-up I have:
    11.png (Three of these for some stupid reason)

    You pulled the Shiva after the tutorial, didn't you...

    Yeah, I rerolled like 6 times on Betsuni's advice to get out from under some terrible pulls.

    Is my team still so terrible? :(

    I'm thinking about popping a rare egg right now during the fire event.

    What is this I don't even.
  • RothgarrRothgarr Registered User regular
    No, not terrible. Most people don't think to reroll so seeing that you had a God amongst your other monsters the only logical conclusion was that you rerolled and pulled that after the tutorial.

  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Rothgarr wrote: »
    No, not terrible. Most people don't think to reroll so seeing that you had a God amongst your other monsters the only logical conclusion was that you rerolled and pulled that after the tutorial.

    Damn it. Now I feel like I need to reroll or else i'm forever doomed.

  • abotkinabotkin Registered User regular
    Damn it, I both love and hate PA for things like this. Oh well, digital crack never hurt anyone, right? I just sent invites to everyone in the OP, but a couple were full. My friend code is 354,746,246.

    From the last couple of comments, I'm guessing I was lucky to have pulled a Minerva from the forced Rare Machine pull after the tutorial? I just finished that up, so I haven't tried her out yet, but her stats look fantastic compared to the starter stuff I have.

    3DS: 0963-0539-4405
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Rothgarr wrote: »
    No, not terrible. Most people don't think to reroll so seeing that you had a God amongst your other monsters the only logical conclusion was that you rerolled and pulled that after the tutorial.

    Damn it. Now I feel like I need to reroll or else i'm forever doomed.

    As a bunch of people have explained in various places, the only time you can guarantee yourself a good roll is your first pull. I spent about an hour rolling to get the Shiva.

    Of course, since then my pulls have been crap, lol.

    What is this I don't even.
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