Attention QA testers in Canada
AnonymousIn a decision last year of the Ontario Labour Relations board, a ruling was made on a claim against Digital Extremes, a London, Ontario company producing video games. They ruled that a QA tester is NOT an “IT Professional,” and therefore the Employment Standards Act regulations DO apply to his/her working conditions.
Therefore QA testers should be paid time-and-a half overtime for hours a week worked in excess of 44, and all the restrictions on working hours do apply (see ESA 2000). For example, you cannot be asked to work more than 8 hours a day, or 48 hours per week.
Digital Extremes accepted this outcome by voluntarily complying and paying for the overtime they owed. This claim can be cited in administrative actions against video game companies in Canada for overtime pay.
Though why do IT Professionals not benefit from the ESA?
"...only mights and maybes."
But, Why are IT Professionals not benefit from the ESA also. In America, they get upwards of 3times pay if they are called in on weekends. My brother is going to get an extra $35/day just to stay at home and be "on-call" IF they need him (then OT if they call him in).
OK, after reading the court document. Much of that case was centered around two-week notice and a he said, company said thing. This part of the ruling is only a small part of that case.
I am still confused but I see now why, at-least.
I have never heard of the 3x pay on weekends - maybe it's an industry thing or a regional thing? I work in architecture in Texas, and I've had to pull a lot of long nights and weekends to get a project out the door. As an hourly professional, I got paid time-and-a-half for any hours beyond 40 per week, regardless of nights or weekends.
This, or .. "and then they outsourced all of their QA to India"