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[PATV] Monday, March 25, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 41: The Origin Hackshack

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited March 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, March 25, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 2, Ep. 41: The Origin Hackshack

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Dog on


  • ButlerButler 89 episodes or bust Registered User regular
    I demand more Sardonic Kathleen in future episodes.

  • FalxFalx Registered User regular
    I was pretty sure she was going to bounce off the chair at the end there.

  • phatakuphataku Registered User regular
    I'd just like to say, if publishers really shied away from Remember Me because it has a female protagonist, that's pretty pathetic. To be honest, I don't really care about the gender of the player character. I'm mostly concerned with the question "Am I enjoying the game?". Contrary to what some might think, based on the back and forth on last weeks comments, I don't have any qualms about female protagonists. I just think we shouldn't be trying to fill quotas based on some imagined wrongdoing. But publishers definitely should not be avoiding titles based on the main character's gender.

  • NecroxNecrox Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Holy chest Batman!
    I find the premise of that idol game incredibly strange. I must be getting old, my anime-watching 18 year old self is turning in his grave.

    And that whole "Remember Me" thing is just so sad.
    @phataku The article about it is here:

    Necrox on
  • ironzergironzerg Registered User regular
    The whole "we don't want women as leads in games" thing is really weird to me, considering how many dudes have paid $15/month to play a half-naked elf dancing on a mail box in Ironforge.

  • jedidethfreakjedidethfreak Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Y'all ready for this?

    In all seriousness, it's not like games have ever had a beloved female lead, like Samus or Lara Croft - why is everyone giving publishers a hard time?

    jedidethfreak on
    Wind Fish in name only, for it is neither.
  • GoondalfGoondalf Registered User new member
    Give me a quality game and who or what I am playing as the lead character is insignificant. Hard to say, but I'd wager that most gamers subscribe to this sentiment. Also, I think ya'll do an outstanding job with this show and I always enjoy it.

  • DasilodaviDasilodavi Registered User regular
    edited March 2013
    Graham looks like a can of smashed ass in the intro, and looks really crisp in the outro, hair aside. So whatever he did (take a nap, separate the taping times, get eyedrops) worked wonders.

    Kathleen, whatever you did, it had the opposite effect. Please continue to do whatever you did, that warm-up song is my new jam.

    Dasilodavi on
  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    I would like to know what publishers explicitly said they didn't want to finance a game with a female protagonist so I can boycott them.

  • Undead_BeansUndead_Beans Community Relations Des Moines, IARegistered User regular
    I don't mind lead characters being female....but if they keep using that new hair rendering engine from Tomb Raider....I will light something on fire, and it may or may not be myself.

  • VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    Falx wrote: »
    I was pretty sure she was going to bounce off the chair at the end there.

    I thought Graham was going to get punched in the face.

  • wackelpuddingwackelpudding Registered User regular
    Oh, no, podcast-Kathleen invaded CheckPoint.

  • wormspeakerwormspeaker Objectively Terrible Registered User regular
    I think that maybe Kathleen was being sarcastic in that bit about the Remember Me thing. But that seems odd to me because of course all games have to be lead by beefy, white, heterosexual dudebros.

  • Mr SPMr SP Registered User regular
    @Necrox - It's really not that strange when you realise that it's just the sing-and-dance version of an RPG where you can party with an Xbox, a PS3 and a Wii. Who can power up by enlarging their breast sizes while wearing skimpy, skin tight latex plug-suits.

  • p0tato_ch1pp0tato_ch1p Registered User regular
    Bought Sim City. Received Dead Space 3. Best ever.

  • NecroxNecrox Registered User regular
    @enderandrew Would be nice to know but... yeah. Not gonna happen.

  • MalteaseMaltease Registered User regular
    Kathleen's letting her Canadian "O"s slip through.

    I think it's hilarious.

  • MydnyghtZMydnyghtZ Registered User new member
    I'd wanna go to a Crazy John's Crack, Crab, and Stolen Videogames Emporium.

  • Don RebaDon Reba Registered User regular
    > Kathleen's letting her Canadian "O"s slip through.
    What do you mean?

  • DrakkonDrakkon Registered User regular
    Seems Kathleen -HAS- been to her local Crazy John's already. That last song and dance number was pure crack-induced. She needs to detox.

  • BarthedaBartheda Registered User regular
    how many coffee's did Kathleen have to get through this show? I think the answer is too many. Go get some sleep guys

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    I like how Kathleen starts laughing at the end right before the cut.

  • aStoryAboutYouaStoryAboutYou Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Bartheda wrote: »
    how many coffee's did Kathleen have to get through this show? I think the answer is too many. Go get some sleep guys

    The answer is less talking more dancing:

    aStoryAboutYou on
  • AatchAatch Registered User new member
    With the massive success, recent and historical, of Tomb Raider, the "female leads don't sell" argument seems a little weak. Also: Portal.

    Why would you assume something like that!? The reason why there isn't much data is because there aren't many games with female leads. Of the ones that do, they are often games that are marketed towards women anyway and don't therefore appeal to men. "Cooking Mama" has a "female lead", but it is also cutesy and very much a "casual" game, not something that I would play.

    On the other hand, I very much enjoy playing Tomb Raider, I also enjoy many other games that contain female playable characters. I generally don't notice the character because, get this, I'M PLAYING A GODDAMN GAME! As long as the visual feedback is good and the graphics don't make my eyes bleed I couldn't care less if I was playing as a man, a woman, a robot or third-gendered Azadian. I just want to have fun and/or experience a story.

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Don Reba wrote: »
    > Kathleen's letting her Canadian "O"s slip through.
    What do you mean, eh?

  • TransientMindTransientMind Registered User regular
    Very grateful for Remember Me. Looks like the spiritual successor to Bungie's very awesome Oni. Hell. Re-colour her hair purple and jacket black and you're looking at Konoko right there. (DLC. Do it. I will buy.)

  • johnnywhitebreadjohnnywhitebread Registered User regular
    I wish I was a straight, handsome, burly, white dudebro. All I got was straight and white.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that Crazy John's doesn't sell shellfish.

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    That's his sister, Crazy Sally. She's off the turnpike by the seashore.

    MichaelLC on
  • Just_OnceJust_Once Registered User regular
    Kathleen dissing last episode's comments in this episode. Well, she quoted that guy who said that thing about his stuff with a female character. But, I mean....the previous ep's comments...and now this.... I love LRR

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