PAX East 2013 People being awesome
I posted a similar thread last year after PAX East 2012 and we got a lot of responses, so I figured I'd post again this year:
What awesomeness did you run into this year? Who really amazed you? Bring out those touching moments.
I personally was even more amazed by people in general. My 2nd year at PAX resulted in finding even more friends, going to even more events, and feeling even more like I was part of giant family. The amount of people who reached out to a guy attending PAX by himself was just awesome.
So what did you run into?
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
Also the developers for Color Sheep and the developers for Ridiculous Fishing were really nice to chat with
I kept trying to find people doing reddit meetups but they kept not happening. There was a meetup that was supposed to happen Saturday morning, but I guess something got mixed up and I never got a text. Oh well.
Gabe and Tycho were especially cool at the end of the signing. They took the time to make sure all of us got a quick signature, even though most of us were expecting not to at that point.
Saturday morning in the Expo Hall queue line there were a pair of guys that talked about Halo and stuff with me that were pretty bad ass. Then in line to get Luigi's Mansion there was a guy who informed me he was 19 after we talked about how much we loved EarthBound and we'd love to see Mother 3 in America somehow. I've interacted with younger gamers that are essentially jocks but with video games and it often gives me a negative assumption about the younger generation, but when he said he played Smash at age 6 and it eventually led to his discovery of EarthBound, it just made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
And if you high-fived me at the Curse party or indulged me in my drunken white-boy dancing, you were one of the best people, period.
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Pureval - glad I got to meet you and thanks for knowing how to 3DS better than me--I had no idea you could swap friend codes locally. (My plan to have a bunch of codes to hand out never quite panned out along with a lot of other pre-pax preparations due to some last-minute travel and school stuff).
-The Mike without blue hair.
Additionally, every single person I talked to in the indie RPG area was amazingly nice, patient, and super enthusiastic. Vincent and Meg Baker, in particular, are so awesome, I don't have the words.
One, my friend forget his wallet on the bar and someone returned it to him. It honestly surprised him and he thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Two, I sang "Kiss me I'm shitfaced" while drunk. I thought I'd be booed off the stage for being horrendous, instead most of the bar helped me with the song. It made me feel like an absolute rockstar.
I already posted how awesome every single person was after my wife's injury elsewhere. So, yeah, that.
Pop-cap. Despite the fact that most of their games aren't really my cup of tea they ran a super awesome booth this year that was totally different from everything else.
I really hope you got her number man, or at least an email/facebook/twitter something.
This is why I make information cards to give to cool people I meet.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Sadly, no. And Internet stalking is just creepy XD
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Also every single person who donated to the Cookie Brigade, seriously, all of you are awesome.
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
PAX East Pics: 2010-2015 & Vids: 2012-2015
Thanks anyone and everyone for making that so awesome.
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
Bakers, I salute you.
Distributors, I salute you.
Helpers, I salute you.
@Ransim, @AerynKelly, @Robertrence, @Punzie - Thank you for making this year the most awesome Cookie Brigade year ever and setting a new record (read: high bar for Prime to beat)!
I'm super sorry I wasn't around to accept it in person. I hope I get to meet/thank you personally sometime!
On Monday night I went to get dessert from MJ O'Connors. While waiting the host was talking about this huge arcade convention the previous weekend and how busy they were, but how awesome everyone was. He said most of the convention crowds can be tough but this group was great. Made me proud of my tribe.
I must also do a shout out to Raugn. Good times, man.
Ditto. It was fun to hang out, even when we struggled to get some games off the ground (Sanitarium, Spaceteam). PAX: Where even the most bitter collegiate rivalries are transcended.