Are you a cosplayer? Want some photos taken? ~lets get together!!!
Hey all cosplayers,
I'm sure a lot of you have started to blow up after everyone seeing your incredible costumes at PAX. So, I was thinking... some of you might want to get some photos taken to use on your websites, or social networks.
I'm not a pro by any means but I have some decent equipment and I love to experiment with photos and Photoshop. Plus I could definitely use the experience so, if you needed some high res images of your cosplay in different scenes/locations. We should get together and experiment, I have several ideas and I'm sure all you cosplayers have a million ideas of how you would like to be photographed (indoor, outdoor, broken down buildings, etc..).
*Boston area only.
Im south of Boston so south shore would be better, but ill go anywhere in and around the Boston area.
Let me know what you think.