Happy Birthday!
AnonymousWhile working one day on a moribund cross platform licensed AAA title, my concentration was broken by the sound of a raised voice coming from the design corner. “Settle down!” was the command shouted over the cubicle by a worried looking senior designer. It was directed at a fuming mid-level, heavy with the stress of broken zone boundaries, a looming milestone and compounded by an upcoming WoW guild performance review for his level 80 Healer.
No big deal, but I decided to leave one earphone off just in case things did escalate. No sooner do I glance back at the code as my attention is broken again by a blur of producers running full tilt over to the troubled designer who is now brandishing two of the studio’s birthday-cake-cutting knives. He’s absolutely fuming as he stabs one of the knives into his desk and stands up. Now he has undivided attention.
“Just put the knives down. Put the knives down and we’ll talk. Let’s go outside.”
Luckily our studio is the kind of place that hires producers with previous experiences in pub management. Our stressed out designer made one feeble swipe before being escorted from the floor to wait for the arrival of police and ambulance.
Did Coraline exist as a name before Neil Gaiman used it?
To be fair to the producers of the game, they did say that people were going to get rich "when the game broke even". I imagine that in some cases with the big publishing houses, game accounting is structured like movie accounting, where "the game" never really breaks even and even takes a loss, while certain people around the game make a crap-ton of money.
I certainly loled.
Agent Barton is that you?!
I love the rifle polishing. Best subtle joke in the Trenches.
Oh my god I feel so old.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
Hell, phones with a slide-out keyboard are the "old-school and conservative" phones that are mostly out of style at this point. And people with THOSE phones think flip phones are dated.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
2009 was when I got my first cell phone, a flip phone. I didn't need anything other than a line of communication. Talking. I don't need to text people or any of that shit. I can handle that stuff at my computer. And I don't want to be one of those assholes who goes to lunch with people and spends time on the phone rather than being with the people there. My family considers me odd because despite how much of a computer nerd I am, when I'm out and about I don't care to be up on tech. I go to the counter at the bank for stuff I can handle at the ATM because I don't want to forget what it means to communicate with other humans.
That's all well and good, totally your prerogative. Flip phones are still out of date/style. Just because it works for you doesn't make that untrue.
I applaud your desire to keep in tough with personal interaction (though I don't think using an ATM has made me lose touch with humanity at all) but that doesn't mean you couldn't have and enjoy a smart phone either. It's ridiculously annoying hanging out with friends who can't seem to stop texting and tweeting when you're supposed to be spending time together, but you can have a smart phone and just not do that. I do. I use it to listen to audio books in the car, or play Bookworm in waiting rooms, or look up information I need, but I'm not dependent on it.
It's not the smart phones that are to blame for people being assholes, it's the people themselves.
Are smartphones seriously the norm now? Is that how out of the loop I am? Lordy.
Hell, I feel like a luddite because I don't have a tablet yet.
Working fine isn't what determines if something is out of date though. Swords still work fine, but they are out of date.
I mean, it's not an insult. Some people can't afford smart phones. Some people just don't want one. Not needing one is a perfectly valid reason not to get one. Still, flip phones have gone out of style and are generally considered out of date.
There's no reason you NEED to be "up to date" on the latest phone tech (unless you need one for a job or something) but "up to date" in this day in age would be at least a basic smart phone. The original iPhone is 6 years old now.
Yes and yes.
I have a flip phone with a digital analogue clockface... I guess I'm a relic at this point.
I would 100% go back if I didn't need to develop/test mobile apps on a semi-regular basis.
Although I do like having GPS on my phone. That part's pretty cool.
It fell 3 times to date, still functions well like nothing had happened.
I see no reason to get a flashy gadget. Don't need no Internet. Don't need no camera.
I pay a few pennies a month and am happy with that. The phone itself also did not cost me any egregious amount of money.
It also has a solid battery that lasts for a week after years of use.
Long live the simple phone.
You place way too much value in things to own then.
As for me being a luddite, I had my cell phone for just a few months and don't have one anymore because I couldn't afford it (times are tough and have been tough). I've got a land line and that serves me fine.
You are, like, the living embodiment of our angry old man, though. That you hold that opinion is only further proof.
your = belonging to you
their = belonging to them
there = not here
they're = they are
This suffices for me because I basically don't roam. I'm either at home, at work, or (briefly) out shopping.
Works like a champ, only has to charge every couple weeks or so.
And I work in IT.
I'll be switching to a smartphone this summer though because my wife is required to have one for her classes starting next fall.
Not sure what agency you work for, but I've heard a lot of government phones are flip phones exactly because they are so antiquated. Since certain areas of government buildings and such won't let you in with a camera, they need phones that don't have them. Not sure if that applies to you (I imagine you'd know if it did) but just something I heard that I found interesting.
FRESH as the day I was cooked up
But time HARDENS me revealing
Death comes lookin, I’ll fuck him up
Which forumer am I?
PSN: astronautcowboy 3DS: 5343-8146-1833
I have Sega, Nintendo and Xbox games and systems for sale. Please help me buy diapers.
He's right! At least for a certain demographic.
100% honest truth: I couldn't stand carrying around one of those things regardless of how much side-poon it was helping me get.